Ac Library Rb Save

a Ruby port of AtCoder Library (ACL).

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ac-library-rb is a ruby port of AtCoder Library (ACL).

See below for ACL.

Ruby version

Currently, the Ruby version in AtCoder is 2.7.1.

Therefore, 2.7 and the latest 3.1 are tested.


Please read

How to use ac-library-rb as a Gem

We will show you how to use ac-library-rb as a gem.

How to install

This is not limited to ac-library-rb, but I will show you how to install the two common types of gem.

  • By gem command, gem install ac-library-rb.
  • By using the gem bundler's commands.

By gem command, gem install ac-library-rb

Execute gem install ac-library-rb by using the gem command included in Ruby itself.

How to use the gem bundler

If you have not installed bundler, type gem install bundler to install it.

Next, place Gemfile under the directory where you want to use ac-library-rb.

In this Gemfile, write:

gem "ac-library-rb".

Then, install ac-library-rb by using the command budnle install.

At this point, we need to run the Ruby file through bundler, so we use the command bundle exec.

$ bundle exec ruby sample.rb.

How to write in Ruby files (after installation)

Bulk loading

To enable the ac-library-rb library to be used in bulk on Ruby files, write as follows.

require "ac-library-rb/all"

dsu =

include AcLibraryRb
dsu =

Individual loading

If you want to install only a specific library, specify the library name after ac-library-rb/ as shown below.

require "ac-library-rb/dsu"
dsu =

require "ac-library-rb/priority_queue"
pq =

Note that the gem names are separated by hyphens, but the library names in ac-library-rb are separated by underscores. In general, underscores are recommended for Ruby library names. However, the repository names in the original ACL are separated by a hyphen, ac-library, so ac-library-rb is also separated by a hyphen.

Development: How to Contirubute

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

$ rake test
$ rake
$ ruby test/fenwick_tree_test.rb


Other languages's ac-library

Other language Japanese version

README 日本語バージョン(ver. Japanese)

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Ac Library Rb" Project. README Source: universato/ac-library-rb

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