3 Tier Architecture Using Dapper Save

using StackExchange/dapper-dot-net to develop 3-Tier Architecture. Just a simple example in study.

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using StackExchange/dapper-dot-net to develop 3-Tier Architecture. Just a simple example in study.

A simple 3-tier architecture using the Dapper relational object mapper.

  • Dapper:a simple object mapper for .Net developed by Stackexchange.

  • Dapper-Extensions:Dapper Extensions is a small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs.

UI layer:

Dapper.Console:A simple console program act as UI layer.

Business logic layer:

  • Dapper.IBLL:BLL's abstract interface.
  • Dapper.BLL:BLL's implementation。(call different DAL layers depending on the configuration file)

Data access layer:

  • Dapper.IDAL:DAL's abstract interface.
  • Dapper.SQLServerDAL:Implementation of different databases,derived from IDAL interface.

Entity :

Dapper.Model:database model.

Decoupling :

Dapper.Factory:factory.Create a corresponding instance from the factory。DALFactory create concrete DAL.

Unit test:

Dapper.Test:Perform a unit test for the database. Unit test project can not directly read Dapper.Console App.config. Copy it over. Need to Mock test, you can refer to the use of MS Fakes, Moq and other test framework.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "3 Tier Architecture Using Dapper" Project. README Source: maoqyhz/3-Tier-Architecture-using-dapper
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