Zipkin Versions Save

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system


4 months ago

Zipkin 3.0 updates to Spring Boot 3 and floor JRE 17. The core library io.zipkin.zipkin2:zipkin now targets Java 8. This is a major version change for these reasons.

Apart from raising the server's Java target to 17, actual changes for Spring Boot 3 were a breeze. Upgrade breeze is not by accident, rather thanks to conscious thinking by the Spring Boot team. Please thank them for the good work!

On Java version changes

Recent releases of Zipkin use JRE 21 in docker images, as that's the latest LTS. The server now requires JRE 17 because that's the minimal Java target allowed by Spring Boot 3. JDK 17 no longer supports compilation below Java 8, which impacted our version range. The next notes cover impacts on the core library.

io.zipkin.zipkin2:zipkin now targets Java 8, formerly Java 6. Libraries who need to retain Java 6 or old Android versions should stay on 2.x or move to latest zipkin-reporter-brave which still supports Java 6. This should not impact many because known libraries that depend on zipkin require Java 8 or later.

Again, Zipkin Reporter 3 and Brave 6 no longer have a strict dependency on io.zipkin.zipkin2:zipkin so, still support Java 6.

Notable updates

As this is a major version update, we updated all server extensions we maintain, including:

We also opened a contrib repository for OpenTelemetry zipkin-otel. It is currently empty because the code changes requested haven't migrated, yet. Please watch this if interested or help make it similar to zipkin-gcp.

Also, based on popular demand, zipkin will be added to homebrew soon. Please track this PR for updates.

Finally, have a look at the community page if you are new to zipkin or want to reach out and let people know what's new. Let's look forward to many more years of stable simple tracing together!


4 months ago

Zipkin 2.27.0 adds Eureka integration and adds a docker HEALTHCHECK timeout to ensure abhorrent checks take no longer than one second. Thanks a lot to @anuraaga @rogierslag and @reta for support on this release.


Eureka is a service registry originally started at Netflix. Zipkin can register itself in Eureka, allowing traced services to discover its listen address and health state. This is enabled when EUREKA_SERVICE_URL is set to a valid v2 endpoint of the Eureka REST API.

Example usage:

$ EUREKA_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:8761/eureka/v2 java -jar zipkin.jar

Note: Eureka server registration only includes host and port details. Tracers need to resolve this to the POST endpoint "/api/v2/spans". See our server documentation for more.

Note: This setting does not cause Zipkin to use Eureka to discover any configured dependencies such as Kafka or Elasticsearch. If you need something like this, please open an issue and discuss your setup.

Other service registries

We added Eureka first first due to popular demand. If you need Consul please find or open an issue. Consul should be easy as Zipkin is an Armeria app, and Armeria already supports it. Similar situation with ZooKeeper (which was how zipkin was originally discovered at Twitter!). Nacos has been requested, but not in a long time. If interested, please 👍 the corresponding issue. We might need a hand with Nacos.

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5 months ago

Zipkin 2.26.0 supports Elasticsearch 8.x and drops testing for 6.x which is no longer supported by Elastic. It also sets the minimum server JRE to 11, despite the core jar remaining Java 1.6 compatible for instrumentation. Finally, this updates the UI's react dependencies.

Thanks @fazilali for adding the main code to support Elasticsearch 8.x, something in high demand! Also thanks to @tacigar for the continued hard work on the UI!

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5 months ago

Zipkin 2.25.2 adds the ppc64le architecture to our production zipkin and zipkin-slim images. It also fixes a couple docker crashes when run on Apple Silicon. Finally, we documented how to run the Elasticsearch Service Depedencies graph job ad-hoc, as it has been frequently asked about.

Special thanks to @NishikantThorat from Knative for the help progressing ppc64le, as well @anuraaga for lots of review support.

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5 months ago

Zipkin 2.25.1 sets a milestone where a trivy scan of our openzipkin/zipkin:2.25.1 docker image came clear of all vulnerabilities:

$ trivy image openzipkin/zipkin:2.25.1
2023-12-14T21:38:42.716+0700	INFO	Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2023-12-14T21:38:42.717+0700	INFO	Secret scanning is enabled
2023-12-14T21:38:42.717+0700	INFO	If your scanning is slow, please try '--scanners vuln' to disable secret scanning
2023-12-14T21:38:42.717+0700	INFO	Please see also for faster secret detection
2023-12-14T21:38:47.299+0700	INFO	Detected OS: alpine
2023-12-14T21:38:47.299+0700	WARN	This OS version is not on the EOL list: alpine 3.19
2023-12-14T21:38:47.299+0700	INFO	Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
2023-12-14T21:38:47.301+0700	INFO	Number of language-specific files: 1
2023-12-14T21:38:47.301+0700	INFO	Detecting jar vulnerabilities...

openzipkin/zipkin:2.25.1 (alpine 3.19.0)

Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

There was a lot of PR review support and again we have @anuraaga to thank for being so available to keep things moving. We'd also like to thank @tacigar for progress on renovating the Lens UI, resulting in a significant drop in NPM vulnerabilities as well.

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5 months ago

Zipkin 2.25.0 was an infrastructure refactoring release with no significant main code changes from 2.24.4. This is a bridge version for those who extend zipkin with a few notable changes:

  • New zipkin-activemq and zipkin-rabbitmq test images. Now, we have a test image for every combination of collector and storage.
  • Removal of junit 4.x dependency. zipkin-junit is no longer published in favor of zipkin-junit5.
  • Improved practice of AssertJ, JUnit Jupiter and SLF4J thanks to automated refactoring by @TeamModerne and great support by @timtebeek.

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5 months ago

Zipkin 2.24.4 updates to run on JRE 21 with a large amount of dependency updates. Special thanks to @minwoox for the help on making Armeria current and @anuraaga for a lot of support on the release.

Note that Zipkin 2.25 will introduce support for Elasticsearch 8 and drop Elasticsearch 6 per their support policy.

We are also looking for more information on site-specific use of Zipkin as we try to move maintenance towards your needs. Please reach out to Gitter Chat if you are an active Zipkin site and are interested in being more active in the long term health of Zipkin.

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11 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

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1 year ago

A Zipkin helm chart for kubernetes


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

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