Zimfw Versions Save

Zim: Modular, customizable, and blazing fast Zsh framework


2 years ago


  • check-dumpfile action. It runs in the build, install and update actions, and checks if a new completion configuration needs to be dumped. It's intended to be used with compinit -C, so no checks are done during the shell startup. (See zimfw/completion#8)
  • --no-submodules option to zmodule, which disables installing or updating git submodules.


2 years ago


  • The output of zimfw init to be friendlier to the terminal startup screen when called without -q.
  • Only compile scripts via the zimfw tool after actions where scripts can change (build, install, update, upgrade).
  • Move compilation of the completion dumpfile to the completion module, here.
  • Don't compile user Zsh startup scripts anymore (See #450). This means you can:
    • either manually delete the compiled files, as they won't be updated by Zim anymore (recommended):
      for zfile in ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login|logout); do
        rm -f ${zfile}.zwc(|.old)(N)
    • or add the following to your .zlogin so Zsh startup scripts continue to be compiled:
      +for zfile in ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login|logout); do
      +  if [[ ! ${zfile}.zwc -nt ${zfile} ]] zcompile -R ${zfile}
      +unset zfile


  • The login_init.zsh script, which is now empty. This means you can safely remove the following line from your .zlogin:
    -source ${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh -q &!


2 years ago


  • Force local zsh emulation options, so the code is not broken by unexpected option changes by the user.


2 years ago


  • Missing line break before showing git log when using the git tool to update.


2 years ago


  • list action. Using it with -v also shows the current details for all modules.


  • Be quieter and don't output warnings when -q is provided.
  • Be more verbose when -v is provided: show skipped external and frozen modules with the install and update actions.
  • Show warning instead of error when module was not installed with the tool currently in use.
  • Manually setting any zmodule initialization option will disable all the default values from the other initialization options, so only user-provided values are used in this case. I.e. it's either all automatic, or all manual.
  • Also install new modules when starting a new shell (via zimfw init, that is sourced in .zshrc).


  • Error in zimfw update with the git tool when module directory is under a symlinked directory.
  • Warning when WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL is set and ZIM_HOME is not.
  • "zsh: command not found: zmodule" when trying to run zmodule from the shell. Show a more informative error instead.
  • Don't try to install or update external modules.


2 years ago


  • Option to use the new degit tool in zmodule, that is able to install and update modules from GitHub without requiring git. Modules are installed faster and take less disk space when using this tool. It can be set as the default with zstyle ':zim:zmodule' use 'degit'.


  • Force core.autocrlf=false when doing git clone. (See #404)
  • Allow uninstalling modules with custom names that have a slash.


3 years ago


  • Prefer the prezto module format when using defaults to initialize a module. This is the format we use in our Zim framework modules. It's not well documented anywhere officially, but in short words a prezto module can have:
    • a functions subdirectory that is added to the fpath by the framework,
    • files inside the functions subdirectory that are autoloaded by the framework (except for those with names matching _* or prompt_*_setup),
    • an init.zsh file that is sourced by the framework.


3 years ago


  • "Not a valid ref: refs/remotes/origin/main" error in zimfw update, when the repository's default branch was renamed to main.


3 years ago


  • Correctly get the repository's default branch in zimfw update. The related change in version 1.4.0 actually broke updating the modules, as new changes stopped being fetched.


3 years ago


  • Prompt before uninstalling modules, unless -q is set.
  • Show build date in info.


  • Show error when no parameter is provided to -c|--cmd in zmodule.
  • Use repository's default branch instead of hardcoding the default to master in zimfw update, when no branch is specified in zmodule.