Wp Php Console Versions Save

:pager: Implementation of PHP Console for WordPress.


8 years ago

Also, PHP 5.4.0 is the minimum required version to activate the plugin. In theory WP PHP Console would have issued fatal errors on hosts where PHP version was < 5.3.0 since it uses Composer and PHP Console library who assumes namespaces and other PHP 5.3 or 5.4 features. However, in those rare chances WP PHP Console is run on ancient PHP versions (WordPress still supports 5.2.4!) the plugin can gracefully refuse to activate to avoid triggering those errors.


9 years ago

Fixes "Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context" upon activation in some installations.


9 years ago

Enhancement: earlier PC initialisation - props @Polfo Updated readme files


9 years ago

Added configuration options - props @Polfo

  • Register PC class
  • Show Call Stack
  • Short Path Names


9 years ago

Fixes a PHP Console error when executing WordPress own PHP code from the terminal, due to magic quotes.

props @Polfo and @barbushin


9 years ago


9 years ago

Updated dependencies, removed git submodules (bad choice especially in WordPress plugins), using composer instead. You won't need to init git submodules when downloading the repo straight into a WordPress installation anymore.


9 years ago

If you encounter any bug or your PHP Console doesn't work, make sure you have followed instructions in README.md. Also read carefully usage instructions of PHP Console library and Google Chrome extension. If you're still in trouble, perhaps it's worth having a look at your server configuration. If you need to post an issue make sure you have taken these step first, and always describe your configuration environment in a bug report. If you want to contribute, just submit pull requests here on Github.