Wisembly Totem Versions Save

Changeset calculator between two states of a data


10 years ago

The bug #6 was fixed in this release, and the changeset computer was also a bit simplified.


10 years ago

This release fixes a bug on the null value handling.

If the new value was null, even if it was unchanged, modified or added, it was always considered as a Removal instead of an expected Modification, Addition or unchanged value.

This is due to the php's isset operator which considers that null does not set a value.


10 years ago

To enhance the possibilties to extend the Set class, its changes property is now protected instead of private


10 years ago

Quality fixes to make SensioLabsInsight happy. <3


10 years ago

New feature : more detailed changes on each changes. Now, instead of a Totem\ Change object (or Totem\ChangeInterface to be more precise), you'll get a Totem\AbstractChange), which can be one of the following :

  • Totem\Change\Addition if the data was added
  • Totem\Change\Modification if the data was modified
  • Totem\Change\Removal if the data was removed

Some enhancements were also brought up on the Snapshot parts, and the constraint on the ArraySnapshot (that each keys in two snapshots must be the same if you want to compare two arrays) is now gone.


10 years ago
  • #1, #4 : Snapshots are now deeply calculated
  • Basic usage docs


10 years ago
  • Fixes #3 : Fixes a bug on ObjectSnapshot (ReflectionProperty was misused)
  • Enhance code coverage
  • Removed useless time verification in AbstractSnapshot
  • Simplified object comparision in Set (check only the object's hash)


10 years ago


10 years ago