Weechat Notify Send Versions Save

A WeeChat script that sends highlight and message notifications through notify-send.


8 years ago
  • Fixed sending of notifications when ignore_nicks_starting_with is empty (the script erroneously ignored all notifications).


8 years ago
  • Added a new option: ignore_nicks_starting_with. It is a comma-separated list of nick prefixes from which no notifications should be shown.
  • Added a new option: ignore_nicks. It is a comma-separated list of nicks from which no notifications should be shown.
  • Added a new option: nick_separator. It allows to set a custom separator between a nick and a message.
  • Added a new option: notify_when_away. It allows to disable sending of notifications when away.


8 years ago
  • Added a new option: notify_for_current_buffer. It allows to disable sending of notifications for the currently active buffer.
  • Added new options: max_length and ellipsis. They allow to limit the maximal length of notifications.
  • Added a new option: escape_html. It escapes the <, >, and & HTML characters in notification messages.
  • Fix notifications which do not have a timeout, icon, or urgency set.


8 years ago

Initial release.