Vue Storefront Versions Save

Alokai is a Frontend as a Service solution that simplifies composable commerce. It connects all the technologies needed to build and deploy fast & scalable ecommerce frontends. It guides merchants to deliver exceptional customer experiences quickly and easily.

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

2 weeks ago

Major Changes

  • [ADDED] CDN support for the middlewareModule. Now, the module's configuration includes cdnCacheBustingId property, which allows you to set a unique identifier for the CDN cache busting. The property is obligatory and must be a string.

export const { getSdk } = createSdk(
  ({ buildModule, middlewareModule, middlewareUrl, getRequestHeaders }) => ({
    example: buildModule(middlewareModule<Endpoints>, {
      apiUrl: `${middlewareUrl}/test_integration`,
+      cdnCacheBustingId: process.env.CDN_CACHE_BUSTING_ID,
      defaultRequestConfig: {
        headers: getRequestHeaders(),

Patch Changes

  • [FIXED] support for GET requests in default HTTP client, which was throwing an error "SDKError: Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body". Now, the client can handle GET requests properly.

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

3 weeks ago

Minor Changes

  • [ADDED] a way to specify the default request configuration for each method.

Example: Set the getProducts method to be a GET request by default and use custom headers.

import { initSDK, buildModule, middlewareModule } from "@vue-storefront/sdk";
import { Endpoints } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api";

const sdk = initSDK({
  commerce: buildModule(middlewareModule<Endpoints>, {
    apiUrl: "http://localhost:8181/commerce",
    methodsRequestConfig: {
      getProduct: {
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
          "X-Header-Name": "Header-Value",

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

1 month ago

Patch Changes

  • [CHANGED] Do not run TS compilation in tests to improve test suite run times

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

1 month ago

Patch Changes

  • [CHANGED] Always clear rollup-plugin-typescript2 cache when building. If you built once with an error, you'd always get an error even if you fixed the underlying code issue that caused the build to fail. This could be fixed by removing node_modules/.cache, but it's better to never create the cache at all.

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

1 month ago

Minor Changes

  • [ADDED] Options as a second parameter of createServer. This allows you to pass additional options to cors, body-parser and cookie-parser express middlewares.
import { createServer } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";
import config from "../middleware.config";

createServer(config, {
  cors: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3000",
    credentials: true,
  bodyParser: {
    limit: "50mb",
  cookieParser: {
    secret: "secret",
  • [ADDED] http://localhost:4000 to the default cors origin.

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

1 month ago

Patch Changes

Turn off @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface rule

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

1 month ago

Patch Changes

  • [REMOVED] Plugin "eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized" was removed due to a license that was noncompliant with our Open Source Guidelines

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

2 months ago

Patch Changes

  • [FIXED] type issue with obligatory generic type argument for Extension interface. Now, it can be used without any type arg.
  • [FIXED] BaseConfig extensibility. Now, it allows to add additional custom properties.

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

2 months ago


@vue-storefront/[email protected]

Patch Changes

  • [FIXED] issue with type inference. Previously, types were not infered properly when there were no extension declared. Now it has been fixed.

@vue-storefront/[email protected]

2 months ago


@vue-storefront/[email protected]

Patch Changes

  • [FIXED] handling void response in middlewareModule. Previously an invalid-json error was thrown, now undefined will be returned.