Vue Mdc Versions Save

Material web components for Vue.js


7 years ago

New MdlLayout components thanks to @pksunkara

  • MdlLayoutSpacer
  • MdlNav
  • MdlNavLink


7 years ago

Stable Release for Vue 2

Docs are at They're some elements missing but everything is almost complete. If you find missing information, feel free to open an issue or, even better, a PR


7 years ago

Vue 1 is unsupported for this alpha release, it'll be supported in … …the future, though

This release and all future v1 alpha releases will be available through the next npm tag:

npm install vue-mdl@next

Breaking changes:

Introducing support to Vue 2 (with a lot of help from @petejohanson) introduce some necessary breaking changes to migrate to Vue 2:

  • All input components now use the v-model directive instead of a two way binding custom prop. Now it's always named value. Therefore all toggles (checkboxes, radios, etc) must be updated accordingly. The previous value prop that was used to set a checkbox value is now named val
  • MdlBadge is now a component instead of a directive that encapsulates the element you want to add the badge on:
    • The value of the directive is now replaced with a badge prop
    • overlap and no-background modifiers are now props
    • The badge doesn't hide automatically but you can use the hide prop that accept a boolean. eg: <MdlBadge :badge="messages.length" :hide="messages.length">...</MdlBadge>
  • The directive v-mdl-ripple-effect isn't supported anymore and will be removed in the near future. Use the class mdl-js-ripple-effect instead