Visidata Versions Save

A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data


4 months ago

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v3.0.2 (2024-01-15)

This is a another patch release with some necessary fixes. The most important fixes:

  • [sort] a better fix for maintaining sort ordering on sheet copies #2190 #2254

  • [cmdpalette] only first 10 suggestions should have shortcut keys #2242

  • [input] draw help sidebar on top of sheet/updater #2241

  • [sidebar] grab user's keystroke of sidebar-toggle for helpstring #2250

  • [tests] add "test" extras for installing PyPI packages needed to run tests

  • [cli] add --guides option alias to open the guide index

  • [shell] clean up DirSheet sidebar

Please see the CHANGELOG for the full list of changes.


4 months ago

[Help support quality software by contributing via Patreon or Github Sponsors.]

v3.0.1 (2024-01-07)

This is a patch release with some necessary fixes. The most important fixes (and the reasons a patch release was triggered):

  • [dup-selected] dup-selected should unselect all rows in copied sheet #2225
  • [cmdpalette] Enter executes first row, if partially typed out #2219
  • [expr] fix KeyError crash with invalid inputs in expr for Python 3.12 #2179
  • [test] update unit tests to use packaged sample.tsv and benchmark.csv #2218

Other fixes and minor improvements:

  • [color] add options.color_longname to use instead of color_keystrokes for command longnames #2219
  • [cmdpalette] add sidebar for longname and aggregator palette #2219
  • [guide] add show-command-info to display command info for a keystroke #2228
  • [test] add assert-expr and assert-expr-row to evaluate Python expressions, and assert result is truthy

Please see the CHANGELOG for the full list of changes.


5 months ago

v3.0 (2023-12-30)

This is a major release.

There have been several major improvements (sidebar, help panels, command palette), and a great many smaller improvements and bugfixes: over 1600 commits in the year since v2.11.

To put it to a word, 1.x was a library (apps welcome), 2.x was a platform (plugins welcome), and 3.x will be more like a product (apps and plugins included).


  • The sidebar shows status messages as well as context-dependent help panels.
  • Help and guides in more and more places: try vd -P open-guide-index.
  • Command palette: Press Space and fuzzy search for commands to execute.
  • Themes: Try vd --theme=light or vd --theme=asciimono.
  • The kitchen sink: most third-party plugins and loaders (including vdplus) are released with VisiData in the same package.

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.0

Most things should just work.

  • Run vd2to3.vdx to convert the internal list of macros from tsv to jsonl.
  • Rename {options.input_history}.jsonl to input_history.jsonl (the option is deprecated and the name is no longer configurable).

There have been a few API changes that might require updates to plugins, or code in e.g. .visidatarc.


Please see the CHANGELOG for the full list of changes.


10 months ago

@QuLogic kindly let us know that there was an API change in Python 3.12's Path module. This needed a shipped patch of VisiData to address, and so we made a callout to the community for what else could be snuck into this patch.

What resulted is a tidy little collection of fixes. Stand-out stars are @daviewales and @midichef for their user-experience improvements. @daviewales has been improving the feel of the chooser, the output of the fixed-width saver and the appearance of the Frequency Table, while @midichef has been tweaking the graphs and improved the display of json columns.

All together, these contributed to a release that feels better than its predecessor, with a fairly minimal changelog.

As usual, the Changelog contains the full list of changes!


1 year ago

v2.11 (2023-01-15)

I’m happy to announce a new maintenance release 2.11. This will be the last release before some big, exciting changes introduced in 3.0. If no significant issues come up in the next couple of weeks, this will be packaged and released for Debian.

The most significant change is that VisiData 2.11 drops support for Python 3.6 and adds support for Python 3.11.

2.11 also includes several other small improvements and bug fixes, of which I’ll highlight two:

  • dup-sheet (") now carries over attributes of columns added by add-column (helpful!)
  • We added a new "concat" jointype. This behaves similar to "append", but keeps first sheet type and columns. This isn't the final word on this, but it addresses a particular usecase that seems important to include.

Please see the CHANGELOG for the full list of changes.


1 year ago

Hi data friends!

This release primarily fixes startup issues related to importlib_metadata and automatic loading of plugins (#1529). Other changes:

  • added -N/--nothing option to disable loading visidatarc or any addons
  • #1431 fix system clipboard on windows (thanks @daviewales)
  • #1527 Enter opens file on DirSheet
  • #1532 allow vd to be truly idle
  • Other bugs fixed: #1541 #1547 #1546 #1452 #1431 #1471

Please see the CHANGELOG for the full list of changes.

Learn how to update your VisiData installation here.


1 year ago

v2.10.1 (2022-09-12)

This release has a few minor improvements and several bugfixes. Notably, macros and repeat in 2.10 were not working, and the Guix build was broken also. These are fixed.

Some of the other improvements:

  • option to disable histogram with disp_histlen or disp_histogram set to 0 or empty string
  • add guard-sheet-off command to unguard sheet (thanks @hanfried for PR #1517)
  • add zo (open-cell) command to open file or url from path in current cell
  • fixed bugs: #1499 #1494 #1513 #1510 #804
  • fewer than 50% of commits (13/28) in this release were authored by Saul

Also there are new decorators, @Extensible.before and @Extensible.after, to make it easier to extend existing functions.

For a complete list of changes, see the [CHANGELOG](


1 year ago

The main new feature in v2.10 is autoloading of installed modules with a visidata.plugins entry_point specified in, e.g. from vdsql:

    entry_points={'visidata.plugins': 'vdsql=vdsql'}

This release also includes a few dozen minor improvements and bugfixes; see the CHANGELOG for more information.


1 year ago

Quick release in the morning after the previous one!

Thanks to @jsvine for letting us know so soon.

urllib3 is now an optional dependency. If you have v2.9 installed, please upgrade to v2.9.1.


1 year ago

This release has about 6 months of development in it, including many bugfixes, improvements, and a few experimental features. Here are the highlights:

  • new confirm dialog window (press y to accept; Enter no longer required)
  • new command addcol-window bound to w to create a new column with a list of values "around" the current row
  • new formatter attribute on column (and options.disp_formatter) to set the format for both display and text saving. Can be generic, python, json (and it's also extensible)
  • support for standard paths for config file and support dirs (XDG and otherwise)
  • new loaders for Apache Arrow (IPC and streaming) and parquet formats
  • browse remote .zip URLs and extract files from them without downloading the whole archive
  • by popular demand, we've decided to invert the default scroll wheel direction! If you liked how it was before, you can set options.scroll_incr = 3
  • and a couple things to make it easier for Windows users

There's a lot to love in this release of VisiData; the above is only a partial list. See the official CHANGELOG for more details.