VideoStation FFMPEG Patcher Versions Save

Patcher to enable DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD support to Synology VideoStation (from DSM 6.2 to DSM 7.0 and above ; ffmpeg4, 5, 6 ready)


9 months ago

Improvements :

  • The ffmpeg.log and gstreamer.log files are no longer used, the logs are now directly appended to .stderr files and removed after movie playback is finished (prevents logs files to eat all /tmp directory available space)
  • Add a script to help users generate a report and give all informations when submitting a new issue
  • Auto uninstall the patch if VideoStation is uninstalled from the NAS
  • Add a shell linter to scan for possible code issues in the scripts
  • Check if VideoStation is already patched before running the patching steps


  • Some files used during patching steps were not deleted (fixed)
  • Some .stderr files used for logging during movie playback were not deleted (fixed)


10 months ago


New features / Improvements

  • Added GStreamer wrapper (credits to @nap-liu for this workaround). This enables the transcoding on architectures where VideoStation uses GStreamer and GSTOmx for HEVC codec.
  • Improved the patcher code to rollback changes in case of error during the files download.


  • Fixed a process leak where the child process (ffmpeg / gstreamer) were never killed until reaching the end of video
  • Fixed the Github raw URL to reduce the probability of error when downloading a file