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Nu Html Checker – Helps you catch problems in your HTML/CSS/SVG


6 years ago

20 August 2017.

This release adds a new feature to the checker network API to allow you to specify an Accept-Language request-header value for the checker to send when fetching remote documents to check. This release also allows script[nomodule], allows the hover, any-hover, pointer, and any-pointer media features, allows the scope, updateviacache, workertype attributes for link[rel=serviceworker], allows the string "&;" in content (that is, doesn’t report it as an “& did not start a character reference” error), and updates CSP checking to Salvation 2.3.0.


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


6 years ago

26 June 2017.

This release adds a new major feature to filter out (drop/ignore/suppress) errors/warnings by regex (details at, replaces a case of “Attribute "foo" not allowed on element "param" in this context wording in error messages with “Attribute "foo" not allowed on element "param" at this point (for consistent wording between the command-line checker and the web-based checker), disallows the "contextmenu" attribute and type=contextmenu and type=toolbar for the menu element, allows link[rel=serviceworker], allows all floating-point numbers in attribute values to start with a decimal point, allows a[href] in SVG wherever a[xlink:href] is allowed, and allows the "focusable" and "tabindex" attributes on SVG elements.


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

26 March 2017.

This release makes the “color” attribute allowed with link[rel="mask-icon"], adds an --asciiquotes option to the vnu.jar command-line checker, improves the language detector to help prevent language misidentifications (especially for Russian and Chinese documents), adds better support for IDNs (by updating to ICU4J 58.2), changes the checker behavior to not fail for “Corrupt GZIP trailer” cases, fixes a bug that disallowed Microdata global attributes for meta[name], and makes allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation an allowed value for iframe[sandbox] (while adding a new error if that value is used at the same time as allow-top-navigation).


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

06 February 2017.

This is an important bug-fix follow-up to the 17.2.0 release. It fixes a bug in the language detector that when running the vnu.jar command-line checker on a list of documents caused it to sometimes misidentify the language of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., documents. The bug also caused the memory used by the checker to increase as the number of documents checked at the same time increased, and caused performance to degrade. The release also fixes a longstanding bug around code for identifying overlapping cells in the table-integrity checker. Along with those bug fixes this release also adds an --exit-zero-always option to the vnu.jar command-line checker, and changes the checker behavior to allow the aria-required attribute everywhere the required attribute is allowed.


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

30 January 2017.

This release fixes a bug in the 17.1.0 and 17.0.1 releases that broke command-line checking of URLs with vnu.jar. It also fixes a bug in rel="shortcut icon" checking, adds a new nu.client.EmbeddedValidator class for use as a library by other Java apps, and changes the checker behavior to disallow tfoot before tbody (as required by the current HTML spec).

This release otherwise adds no substantive changes beyond those in the 17.0.1 release, the notes for which follow.

This is a major release which adds two important new features: language detection and support for custom elements. The custom-elements feature makes the checker allow element names containing hyphens (e.g., <foo-bar>). The language-detection feature guesses the language of a document by analyzing its content, compares the detected language to the value of the lang attribute of the html element, and then reports a warning if the lang value doesn’t match the detected language (or if the lang attribute is missing). For vnu.jar, a new --no-langdetect option has been added to disable that language-detection feature. An option has also been added to allow checking of remote error pages (404s and other non-200 responses). Other important changes in this release include: ARIA 1.1 roles/states/properties are now allowed, as well as div in dl (to group dt+dd sets), link[rel=preload] and link[nonce] and referrerpolicy, h1-h6 & hgroup in legend, script[type=module], <video playsinline>, and <iframe allowusermedia>. Also with the release, any content is now allowed in template subtrees (they are now excluded from checking), viewport values that restrict resizing now cause a warning, comments before the doctype no longer cause a warning, and vnu.jar now by default ignores any SSL certificate errors when checking remote documents (use the -Dnu.validator.xml.promiscuous-ssl=false Java system property to override that default).


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

15 January 2017.

This is an important follow-up to the 17.0.1 release. Due to an oversight, the vnu.jar command-line checker in the 17.0.1 release didn’t properly support checking of custom elements. This release fixes that, as well as adding support that was also lacking in the 17.0.1 command-line checker for excluding template subtree contents from checking.

This release otherwise adds no substantive changes beyond those in the 17.0.1 release, the notes for which follow.

This is a major release which adds two important new features: language detection and support for custom elements. The custom-elements feature makes the checker allow element names containing hyphens (e.g., <foo-bar>). The language-detection feature guesses the language of a document by analyzing its content, compares the detected language to the value of the lang attribute of the html element, and then reports a warning if the lang value doesn’t match the detected language (or if the lang attribute is missing). For vnu.jar, a new --no-langdetect option has been added to disable that language-detection feature. An option has also been added to allow checking of remote error pages (404s and other non-200 responses). Other important changes in this release include: ARIA 1.1 roles/states/properties are now allowed, as well as div in dl (to group dt+dd sets), link[rel=preload] and link[nonce] and referrerpolicy, h1-h6 & hgroup in legend, script[type=module], <video playsinline>, and <iframe allowusermedia>. Also with the release, any content is now allowed in template subtrees (they are now excluded from checking), viewport values that restrict resizing now cause a warning, comments before the doctype no longer cause a warning, and vnu.jar now by default ignores any SSL certificate errors when checking remote documents (use the -Dnu.validator.xml.promiscuous-ssl=false Java system property to override that default).


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

08 January 2017.

This is a major release which adds two important new features: language detection and support for custom elements. The custom-elements feature makes the checker allow element names containing hyphens (e.g., <foo-bar>). The language-detection feature guesses the language of a document by analyzing its content, compares the detected language to the value of the lang attribute of the html element, and then reports a warning if the lang value doesn’t match the detected language (or if the lang attribute is missing). For vnu.jar, a new --no-langdetect option has been added to disable that language-detection feature. An option has also been added to allow checking of remote error pages (404s and other non-200 responses). Other important changes in this release include: ARIA 1.1 roles/states/properties are now allowed, as well as div in dl (to group dt+dd sets), link[rel=preload] and link[nonce] and referrerpolicy, h1-h6 & hgroup in legend, script[type=module], <video playsinline>, and <iframe allowusermedia>. Also with the release, any content is now allowed in template subtrees (they are now excluded from checking), viewport values that restrict resizing now cause a warning, comments before the doctype no longer cause a warning, and vnu.jar now by default ignores any SSL certificate errors when checking remote documents (use the -Dnu.validator.xml.promiscuous-ssl=false Java system property to override that default).


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

29 June 2016. This release includes a change to make <!--> (IE conditional comment end) a non-error again, as well as a change to ensure that in output from the JSON/gnu message formats, each message emitted always includes the URL/filename of the document being checked, along with a change to cause <template> contents to be hidden from outline views.

The list of substantive changes otherwise remains the same as in the 16.6.18 release, which makes <link rel=stylesheet> within the body a non-error, as well as also making the link rel values dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, preload, and prerender non-errors (including in the body), and making a[rel=noopener] and area[rel=noopener] non-errors. In addition: <style scoped> and <iframe seamless> are now errors (because they’ve been dropped from the HTML spec), using multiple <meta charset> elements is now an error, allow-presentation & allow-orientation-lock are now allowed values for iframe[sandbox], and complete checking for the (complicated) microsyntax of the autocomplete attribute is now performed. Finally, comment checking has been experimentally changed in this release (to match a recent change to the HTML spec) such that the checker no longer emits errors for "--" (consecutive hyphens) in a comment but does now emit specific error messages for "<!--" (nested comment) within a comment, and "--!>" at the end of a comment (should be just "-->").


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

20 June 2016. This release fixes an existing issue that made the release jars unusable with Scala sbt test.

The release also adds a new “Heading-level outline” in the checker Web UI. That outline shows the heading hierarchy as it will be experienced by users of tools (such screen readers) which do not support the outline algorithm in the HTML spec. That is, it shows the document heading hierarchy strictly just by heading level (and flags any heading levels missing from that hierarchy).

The list of substantive changes otherwise remains the same as in the 16.6.18 release:

This release makes <link rel=stylesheet> within the body a non-error, as well as also making the link rel values dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, preload, and prerender non-errors (including in the body), and making a[rel=noopener] and area[rel=noopener] non-errors. In addition: <style scoped> and <iframe seamless> are now errors (because they’ve been dropped from the HTML spec), using multiple <meta charset> elements is now an error, allow-presentation & allow-orientation-lock are now allowed values for iframe[sandbox], and complete checking for the (complicated) microsyntax of the autocomplete attribute is now performed. Finally, comment checking has been experimentally changed in this release (to match a recent change to the HTML spec) such that the checker no longer emits errors for "--" (consecutive hyphens) in a comment but does now emit specific error messages for "<!--" (nested comment) within a comment, and "--!>" at the end of a comment (should be just "-->").


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at


7 years ago

18 June 2016. This release makes <link rel=stylesheet> within the body a non-error, as well as also making the link rel values dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, preload, and prerender non-errors (including in the body), and making a[rel=noopener] and area[rel=noopener] non-errors. In addition: <style scoped> and <iframe seamless> are now errors (because they’ve been dropped from the HTML spec), using multiple <meta charset> elements is now an error, allow-presentation & allow-orientation-lock are now allowed values for iframe[sandbox], and complete checking for the (complicated) microsyntax of the autocomplete attribute is now performed. Finally, comment checking has been experimentally changed in this release (to match a recent change to the HTML spec) such that the checker no longer emits errors for "--" (consecutive hyphens) in a comment but does now emit specific error messages for "<!--" (nested comment) within a comment, and "--!>" at the end of a comment (should be just "-->").


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of documents from the command line and other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at