USDX Versions Save

The free and open source karaoke singing game UltraStar Deluxe, inspired by Sony SingStarâ„¢


4 years ago

After years of development, we are proud to present the new stable version 2020.4.0 of UltraStar Deluxe. The changes in this version are:

  • support for recent FFmpeg and OpenCV versions
  • new pitch detection algorithm
  • new shortcuts (f.ex. Tab for help, Ctrl+R to shuffle players in party mode)
  • new default font (Noto), which supports more languages
  • configurable audio/video delay correction (Tools -> Options -> Game)
  • improvements to the built-in editor, which is now also available on all platforms by playing notes through PortMidi
  • improved microphone support (more than two channels and macOS fixes)
  • improvements and fixes to webcam integration
  • lots of other fixes (race conditions, memory leaks, kerning across syllables, sorting of songs, OpenGL library loading, Lua 5.3 support, video borders, colors on big endian, ...)
  • a few translation updates, especially for Slovak, Hungarian, Greek, and German
  • dropped dependency on libGLU and PCRE

You can download the release in the download section and on our Github releases page.

Note that there are a few known problems that have to be fixed outside of USDX and might bite you regardless of the UltraStar Deluxe version:

  • BASS on Windows causes crashes when devices are set to high sample rates (USDX Issue #330)
  • macOS Catalina has graphics issues with SDL < 2.0.12 (SDL Bug #4822)
  • The current Free Pascal release causes crashes in used libraries on 32 bit x86 Linux due to insufficient stack alignment (FPC Bug #15582)

We would like to take this opportunity to refer to the new sister project: UltraStar Play is a new sing-along karaoke game development project for PC, game consoles, smartphones, tablets, TVs and more. It is based on the Unity framework (C#) and the project is currently searching for game developers, graphics designers and testers.

Additionally to all this, there was a new release of the UltraStar txt files editor called Yass v2.1.0 just a few hours prior to the USDX 2020.4.0 release. You can download it from this link.


6 years ago

UltraStar Deluxe is a free and open source karaoke game. This release is a follow-up to the v1.3.5-beta version and mostly contains bugfixes and clean-ups. Additonal work has been put into supporting new versions of Windows, macOS and various linux distributions. FFmpeg is now supported up to v3.3 and using current freepascal compiler, one can build and run this game on a current raspberry pi or similar system.

Note: The installer program for UltraStar Deluxe on Windows now also includes the additions UltraStar Manager for managing all your music, and UltraStar Creator so you can create (or "tap") your own songs for the karaoke game. Additional note for update installations in Windows: If the game crashes directly after entering sing mode, delete the old config.ini and any *.db files in your UltraStar Deluxe Installation folder to get rid of faulty settings.


7 years ago

In august 2015, the UltraStar Deluxe project was revived and we started major bugfixing and bringing together many neat features from other forks. This second beta release is the result of our work so far. After release of beta 1, our focus was on increasing stability. Please feel free to test it and provide some feedback.

New features contain

  • 6 player support on one or split over two screens
  • jukebox mode
  • "battle of the bands" party mode
  • webcam support
  • support for almost any video or audio file format
  • the game now runs on windows xp up to windows 10, OS X and many linux distributions
  • duet singing of songs
  • many new keyboard shortcuts
  • greatly improved song editor
  • improved overall speed and lowered memory requirements - you can now easily play the game with 5000 songs loaded on a system with 1 GB of ram
  • smart search feature for song selection
  • switched from SDL1.2 to SDL2, updated many other dependent libraries
  • better Unicode support for multilingual characters in lyrics
  • improved translations
  • less bugs and improved overall stability
  • lots more


7 years ago

In august 2015, the UltraStar Deluxe project was revived and we started major bugfixing and bringing together many neat features from other forks. This beta release is the result of our work so far. Please feel free to test it and provide some feedback.

New features contain

  • 6 player support on one or split over two screens
  • jukebox mode
  • "battle of the bands" party mode
  • webcam support
  • support for almost any video or audio file format
  • the game now runs on windows xp up to windows 10, OS X up to el capitain and many linux distributions
  • duet singing of songs
  • many new keyboard shortcuts
  • greatly improved song editor
  • improved overall speed and lowered memory requirements - you can now easily play the game with 5000 songs loaded on a system with 1 GB of ram
  • smart search feature for song selection
  • switched from SDL1.2 to SDL2, updated many other dependent libraries
  • better Unicode support for multilingual characters in lyrics
  • less bugs and improved overall stability
  • lots more