USB SampleRate Changer Versions Save

This script changes the sample rate of the USB audio class driver on Android devices on the fly like Bluetooth LDAC or Windows mixer


1 year ago
  • Optimized "extras/" for reducing I/O scheduling jitter
  • Added extras/ command for displaying the active codec information


1 year ago
  • Optimized "extras/" for reducing I/O scheduling jitter
  • Fixed bugs related to bluetooth SCO Headset (Hands-free) when "--bypass-offload-safer" modes
  • Improved "extras/" for bluetooth SCO


1 year ago

Adjusted bluetooth device formats for letting Am*zon music app to output 44kHz & 32bit float format.

Note: The Am*zon app determines its output format (of its internal resampler) for bluetooth by looking at the bluetooth device format (picking up the max sample rate if multiple rates specified) in the audio policy configuration XML file on each phone, e.g. outputting 48kHz & 16bit for 48kHz & 16bit phones, 96kHz & 16bit for 96kHz & 16bit phones, 44.1kHz & 32bit float for 44.1kHz & 24bit or 32bit (used by my script). Please choose 44.1kHz & 32bit (or the possible largest bits) in developer settings.

If you like to specify the Am*zon's output format on recent phones, specify "--offload-hifi-playback" and "96k 32", "48k 24", etc. This option changes the initial format of bluetooth devices only, so you can change the current format through developer settings afterward.


1 year ago

Added "--offload-direct" mode for comparing usual (non-a2dp hardware offload) mixer modes to "direct_pcm" and "compressed_offload" modes with&without DRC, especially for bluetooth audio.

Note: "direct_pcm" and "compressed_offload" modes cannot avoid default DRC on Qcomm devices. As some recent custom ROM's sometimes reverse on/off of the DRC switch, please confirm the difference by your ears.


1 year ago
  • Added a bypass offload safer mode for recent MTK devices.
  • Changed the default behavior to prefer bypass offload safer modes to bypass offload modes for limiting effect only on USB audio.


1 year ago
  • Added support for the usbv2 HAL module.
  • Tuned for LDAC TWS's (use extras/ --io * medium).

Note: For crDroid Alioth users, try "--bypass-offload-safer 96k 32" or "--offload-hifi-playback 48k 24" option.


1 year ago

Tuned "extras/" with respect to tunables for "mq-deadline", "kyber" and "none" I/O scheduler (latest kernel common schedulers?). Added forgotten wired phone entries in "bypass-offload-safer" mode.

Edit: Fixed for the Nyx kernel 4.19 (expiration tunables of its mq-deadline scheduler were changed in 10msec resolution from 3msec)

Edit2: Disabled the work queue power efficient mode for reducing jitter if possible (especially for the Nyx kernel and other latest ones)


1 year ago
  • Fixed a telephone audio configuration issue on Qcomm SoC Android 12 caused by a hal version mismatch.
  • Added "--bypass-offload-safer" option for keeping the sample rate and the bit depth of internal speakers and a 3.5mm jack to be 48kHz 16/24bit.


1 year ago

Tuned "extras/" for Bluetooth devices, USB DAC's and DLNA receivers.

  • "extras/ --all --io deadline medium" for Bluetooth devices
  • "extras/ --all --io deadline boost" for USB DAC's and DLNA receivers


1 year ago

Added a workaround for Android 12 SELinux bug w.r.t. "" property.

Edit: Tuned kernel tunables for clearer audio quality