UPlot Versions Save

📈 A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars


2 years ago


  • detect & sync devicePixelRatio changes (e.g. browser zoom). this makes for an SVG-like experience on desktop but not mobile, where pinch zooming does not trigger dppx MediaQueryList change events :(
  • accept null values in Range.MinMax tuple to indicate auto-ranging. (#526)
  • add series.points.filter() for custom per-point show/hide logic & pass in gaps array from series.paths()
  • add cursor.idxs which holds indices returned by cursor.dataIdx() (for read-back)
  • fix uPlot.rangeNum() in softMode: 2 auto-ranging flat/all-0 values to -100,100
  • improve axis auto-size logic in demo to actually use measureText() and add in the required axis.ticks.size and axis.gap


2 years ago


  • bars pathBuilder now uses the minimum x distance between all adjacent points in dataset to determine available space for a bar. previously only the first two points were used, which may create too-wide bars when dataset is not evenly spaced.
  • auto point visibility now uses x distance between first and last in-view points to determine avg point density. previously it always used points-in-view and full width of chart, which was inaccurate if dataset does not actually span full chart (x scale is wider than dataset).


2 years ago
