Tinyify Versions Save

a browserify plugin that runs various optimizations, so you don't have to install them all manually. makes your bundles tiny!


6 years ago

add a --no-flat option for use with other tools that expect browser-pack output, such as disc


6 years ago

output ascii-only by default (https://github.com/goto-bus-stop/tinyify/commit/89aaf79bd70de9772e13f1a0644616e36368269a), see also choojs/bankai#277


6 years ago

Add env option for custom environment variables. (@yoshuawuyts in #2)


6 years ago

Update browser-pack-flat to v3.0.0. This fixes tinyify-ing entry points that assign exports, like what's common in choo apps:

// app.js
if (window) app.mount()
else module.exports = app

The breaking change is that browser-pack-flat bundles will no longer assign module.exports when not using --standalone. This should not be a problem in 99.999% of cases, and is the same as what browser-pack does.