Timber Elixir Versions Save

🌲 Great Elixir logging made easy


6 years ago


  • Fixed an error where Timber.Integrations.PhoenixInstrumenter would cause an error during blacklist checks if the blacklist had not been set up.

  • Fixed an error where Timber.Integrations.PhoenixInstrumenter would fail on render events for conn structs that did not have a controller or action set. For example, when a conn did not match listed routes, a 404.html template would be rendered that did not have a controller or action. The render event would still be triggered though.


6 years ago


  • Timber.Events.HTTPRepsonseEvent no longer enforces the :time_ms key on the struct. This brings it in line with the specification


6 years ago


  • Fixed a bug within the installer where HTTP log delivery was being used on platforms that should use STDOUT / :console.


  • Support for blacklisting controller actions with Timber.Integrations.PhoenixInstrumentater. This will suppress log lines from being written for any controller/action pair.


6 years ago
  • Fixes an issue where query_time could be nil in the EctoLogger.
  • Updates the hackney dependency to allow for ~> 1.9


6 years ago
  • Fixes a bug where the new Channel events were not implementing the required Timber.Eventable protocol. #210


6 years ago


  • Phoenix channel event support. Channel join and receive events are now structured into Timber.Events.ChannelJoinEvent and Timber.Events.ChannelReceiveEvent respectively. [#194]
  • The ability to only log Ecto SQL queries that exceed a specific time threshold. [#198]

Migration from 2.4.X

Please disable the default channel logging as Timber will capture these events for you:

# web.ex
def channel do
    quote do
-      use Phoenix.Channel
+      use Phoenix.Channel, log_join: false, log_handle_in: false


6 years ago
  • Pins hackney to 1.8.6 since other versions are not stable. There are compatibility issues with idna underlying OTP versions.
  • Removes :dev from the default list of environments to include when installing.
  • Removes the Ecto :info level specification to use the default Ecto log level.
  • Handles structures in Timber.Utils.Map.recursively_drop_blanks/1


6 years ago
  • Updates the Timber.Contexts.JobContext struct with the new attempt and queue_name fields.


6 years ago
  • Adds a capture_bodies option to the Timber.Integrations.ExAwsHTTPClient module that enables / disables the capturing of HTTP request and response bodies within the logs.


6 years ago
  • Adds a new ExAws integration to structure and log outgoing ExAws requests. You can configure this to only log destructive events or specific services.