Tikaondotnet Versions Save

Use the Java Tika text extraction library on the .NET platform


8 years ago
  • This release fixes the minimum version for child dependencies. #41
  • Fix project urls in nugets.



8 years ago

Breaking Change: This release splits TikaOneDotNet into two Nugets.

Existing Nuget users who have problems are encouraged to take a dependency on TikaOnDotNet.TextExtractor.

Note: Even though this is a breaking change we are not updating our major version as we are trying to stay in sync with Tika.

Build automation has been revamped and entirely automated. It is now super easy to upgrade to newer versions of Tika or IKVM.

Added AppVeyor Continuous Integration.


9 years ago

See my blog post for more details about this release.


9 years ago

We accidentally got the release numbers out of sync with the version of Tika. TikaOnDotnet version 1.6.3 moves our Tika support to version 1.6.

Breaking Change

When using the TextExtractor on .zip files the contents of the files compressed inside the .zip are now extracted. Previously only their filenames were extracted.


10 years ago

Tika 1.4 release notes

There have been many versions of Tika since our last release and I tried each of them out but there were failing tests when extracting older PowerPoint files. In this release all tests are green!

This release is also available in the Nuget gallery - Blog post.