TelegramBots Versions Save

Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API


3 years ago
  1. Update Api version 5.2
  2. Allow custom BackOff implementations
  3. Spring version 2.4.5 in spring module
  4. Bug fixing: #869, #888 and #892


3 years ago
  1. Bug fixing: #874


3 years ago
  1. Update Api version 5.1
  2. Bug fixing: #832, #841, #844, #851, #857
  3. Update Spring boot version 2.4.3
  4. Update Gradle docs
  5. Added CommandMessage to extensions
  6. Abilities: Inject bot instance to reply update consumer support for multiple reply declarations.


3 years ago
  1. Fixing couple of bugs from 5.0.0
  2. Buf fixing: #794
  3. Docs updated to reflect usage for version 5.0.0
  4. EditMessageText setChatIId(Long) is removed to keep consistency


3 years ago
  1. Update Api version 5.0
  2. Added Builders for many of the API methods and objects (hopefully all of them unless I missed something)
  3. Some setters/getters may have change name. They no longer return a reference to itself, use Builder for that.
  4. Simplified methods to set files in methods. Only InputFile is available now (this class contains constructors for all the cases)
  5. Locations now use Double instead of Float to avoid rounding.
  6. When using a TelegramApi for webhook usage, a Webhook instance has to be provided in constructor (i.e. DefaultWebhook class)
  7. When registering a Webhook Bot, a SetWebhook object must be provided.
  8. When using Webhook with Spring, extends class SpringWebhookBot instead of WebhookBot
  9. New Async methods returning CompletableFutures (yes, we still have the existing callback methods)
  10. Added new Async methods for missing cases returning CompletableFutures. Like for sendAudio or sendVideo.
  11. No more Guice to define custom class
  12. Bug fixes: #795


3 years ago

Bug fixing: #792, #801, #804, #810, #812, #813, #820 and #814


3 years ago

Bug fixing: #767, #766, #761, #763, #776, #772, #771, #780


3 years ago
  1. Update Api version 4.9
  2. Bug fixing: #731, #749, #752 and #753


4 years ago
  1. Update Api version 4.7


4 years ago
  1. Update Api version 4.6