SwipeableTabBarController Versions Save

UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs.


5 years ago

Fixing issue #47 now UITabBarControllerDelegate tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) is triggered manually and now responds to interactive transition as well as regular animations.


5 years ago

This release adds support for disabling transitions for both swipe and tap as recommended on #49.

We have made the transitions protocols optional so you can set them to nil and have no transitions by using:

setTapTransitioning(transition: nil)
setSwipeTransitioning(transition: nil)


5 years ago

This release solved issue #44 by keeping the current animation in sync with the swipe animation when the interaction will begin.


6 years ago

This release makes UITabBarControllerDelegate methods open so they can be overridden in your SwipeableTabBarController subclass.

Thanks to @Thiryn for the PR!


6 years ago

The main issues of SwipeableTabBarController were caused by launching a transition before the previous one ended. This led to black screens, incorrect frames, unbalanced calls messages and overall not the best experience.

This release targets that issue and avoids launching a new transition if a previous one is being executed. This solved all the unexpected behavior and messages 🙌.


6 years ago

Some properties were being initialized inside the setup() function leading to issues with subclassing.


6 years ago

Making this initializer public gives us the option to initialize a SwipeableTabBarController subclass manually and to override this init method to add our own configurations.


6 years ago


  • Carthage support.
  • Automates the releases with (Fastlane)[https://fastlane.tools]