SwiftRex Versions Save

Swift + Redux + (Combine|RxSwift|ReactiveSwift) -> SwiftRex


3 years ago

@npvisual fix for .promise expecting escaping closure so it can perform its work async.


3 years ago
  • new EffectMiddleware, which allows to write middlewares in a very easy and lightweight format, by just returning a Publisher, Observable or SignalProducer whenever an Action arrives
  • better lifting for collections (by index or id)
  • Reducers to use inout state for better performance: by using that, you can avoid unnecessary copies of your AppState which can be very beneficial in case of large arrays that eventually get changed. Use this with other array manipulation techniques and you may save a lot of memory and time.
  • update RxSwift to 6.0.0
  • update ReactiveSwift to 6.5.0
  • update Xcode to 12 / Swift 5.3


3 years ago

Fix SPM warning about min target version


3 years ago


3 years ago

This release fixes a critical retain cycle that could make the ObservableViewModels to not be freed and it's recommended by anyone using CombineRex in a SwiftUI app.


3 years ago

Middleware is usually alive while the app is alive, so in the case of this memory leak it was not necessarily a huge problem for most cases, but this can be a huge problem for unit tests, so this fix is important and this hotfix should be applied in case you use ReduxStoreBase with a middleware in your unit tests.


3 years ago

ObservableViewModel to not be final class anymore, so custom view model code can be added to it, such as calculated properties, publishers or temporary view state for gestures such as DragGesture, that might wanted to be throttled before sent to the Store in some cases.

Making it open to allow that.


3 years ago

Swift 5.2 was already set in the project, now it's also in CocoaPods manifest to fix inconsistency.


3 years ago

ObservableViewModel to not be final class anymore, so custom view model code can be added to it, such as calculated properties, publishers or temporary view state for gestures such as DragGesture, that might wanted to be throttled before sent to the Store in some cases.


4 years ago
  • SPM Product CombineRexDynamic, forcing dynamic linking. This is meant to solve Xcode attempt to always use static linking and creating diamond dependency problem.