Swift Doc Versions Save

A documentation generator for Swift projects


4 years ago


  • Added HTML output format. #21 by @mattt.


  • Breaking Change Changed minimum Swift version requirements to 5.2 or later. #21 by @mattt.
  • Changed command-line interface to provide functionality through subcommands. #21 by @mattt.
  • Changed Package.swift to add swift-doc executable and SwiftDoc library to the list of package products. #21 by @mattt.


4 years ago


  • Breaking Change Changed the SwiftDoc GitHub Action to require a secret named GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN (previously GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN). According to the GitHub Help article "Creating and storing encrypted secrets":

    Secret names cannot include any spaces or start with the GITHUB_ prefix. 8837d82 by @mattt.

  • Breaking Change Changed the SwiftDoc GitHub Action to require a module-name parameter and accepts a format parameter. b231c07 by @mattt.
  • Changed output for CommonMark format to omit Home page for output with only a single page. #55 by @mattt.
  • Changed output for CommonMark format to nest sections in Members component. #55 by @mattt.
  • Changed output for CommonMark format to remove initializer clauses from variable and enumeration case declarations. #55 by @mattt.
  • Changed CI tests to build and run with a release configuration for consistency with the executable built with make install. #51 by @mattt.
  • Changed use of print statements, replacing them with a formal logging infrastructure. #52 by @mattt.


  • Fixed bug in SourceFile.Visitor that caused incorrect results when determining the context of symbols parsed from Swift source files. #51 by @mattt.
  • Fixed SwiftDoc GitHub action to build against latest version of swift-doc. 5c0e4e0 by @mattt
  • Fixed output for CommonMark format to escape GitHub Emoji shortcodes #55 by @mattt.
  • Fixed output for CommonMark format to remove duplicate headings for global symbol pages. #55 by @mattt.
  • Fixed documentation for SwiftDoc GitHub Action to clarify that only a single path can be specified for the input parameter. c34ccc1 by @mattt (#19).
  • Fixed coverage subcommand description. #16 by @rastersize.


4 years ago