Supercollider Versions Save

An audio server, programming language, and IDE for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition.


2 years ago

There is now a release candidate available for the next release of SuperCollider, version 3.12.0-rc1. Please note this is a release candidate meant for testing and evaluation, and not an official release. If no major issues are found in the release candidate, a proper release will be made in about two weeks. You can download it here: contains a more extensive list of changes. Notable improvements in this version include:

  • Supernova is now available on Windows
  • Supercollider is officially supported on Bela platform
  • macOS Big Sur is now fully supported
  • On macOS output signal won't go over the system volume level
  • The method not found error in sclang now provides suggestions, using fuzzy array comparisons
  • Oppressive terminology has been updated throughout the project
  • CI has been updated to use GitHub Actions and now also runs our test suite

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!

Please note: for technical reasons Windows installers are not included in this release candidate, but they will be included in the final release.

macOS releases, with '-sn' in the name should be signed and notarized.


3 years ago

We are pleased to announce SuperCollider 3.11.2! Thank you to everyone who helped with this release. Binaries and source code are available on GitHub here:

We are now providing a "legacy macOS" binary to add support for macOS 10.10-10.12. On macOS 10.13-10.15, you should use the regular macOS binary.

Additionally, we now also provide a special binary patched for macOS 11 "Big Sur" compatibility. On that system please use the 3.11.2+BigSur.aed25fa version. contains the complete list of changes. Notable improvements in this version include:

  • in the help browser, Shift-Enter now evaluates code again! (PR 4883)
  • fixed a bug in Pfindur where the last event of the pattern could become "Rest-less" (PR 5113).
  • ProxySpace:copy also rebuilds the ProxySpace to copy referenced objects (PR 5192).
  • supernova now correctly handles /s_getn with a control name instead of index (PR 5182).

SuperCollider is tested with:

  • Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit) and MSVC 2017
  • macOS 10.13 and Xcode 9.4
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and gcc 4.9

SuperCollider is known to support these platforms:

  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10
  • macOS 10.13-10.15
  • Ubuntu 14.04-18.04


3 years ago

There is now a release candidate available for the next release of SuperCollider, version 3.11.2-rc1. Please note this is a release candidate meant for testing and evaluation, and not an official release. If no major issues are found in the release candidate, a proper release will be made in about two weeks. You can download it here:

We are now providing a "legacy macOS" binary to add support for macOS 10.10-10.12. On macOS 10.13-10.15, you should use the normal macOS binary.

The release is available on GitHub here: Please give it a try, and report any bugs -- especially bugs in things that used to work in 3.11.0 or 3.11.1 -- at contains the complete list of changes. Notable improvements in this version include:

  • in the help browser, Shift-Enter now evaluates code again! (PR 4883)
  • fixed a bug in Pfindur where the last event of the pattern could become "Rest-less" (PR 5113).
  • ProxySpace:copy also rebuilds the ProxySpace to copy referenced objects (PR 5192).
  • supernova now correctly handles /s_getn with a control name instead of index (PR 5182).

SuperCollider is tested with:

  • Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit) and MSVC 2017
  • macOS 10.13 with Xcode 9.4 and Xcode 10.1
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and gcc 4.9

SuperCollider is known to support these platforms:

  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10
  • macOS 10.10-10.15
  • Ubuntu 14.04-18.04


3 years ago

We are pleased to announce this release of SuperCollider 3.11.1! The release is available on GitHub here:

Notable improvements in this version include:

  • the IDE and sclang GUI components now have better support on high-resolution displays on Windows (PR 4850)
  • scsynth now supports non-ASCII device names on Windows (PR 4479)
  • Cmd-W now closes GUI windows again on macOS (PR 4821)
  • passing a nil spec to NamedControl no longer overwrites a spec in SynthDef metadata (PR 4817)
  • fixed a major cause of obscure and confusing failures in communication between IDE and sclang (PR 5015)

As always, see with the release for complete changelog information.

SuperCollider is tested with:

  • Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit) and MSVC 2017
  • macOS 10.13 and Xcode 9.4
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and gcc 4.9

SuperCollider is known to support these platforms:

  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10
  • macOS 10.13-10.15
  • Ubuntu 14.04-18.04


3 years ago

We are pleased to announce this release candidate of SuperCollider 3.11.1! Please note this is a release candidate meant for user testing, and not an official release. If no major issues are found in the release candidate, a proper release will be made in about two weeks.

The release is available on GitHub here: Please give it a try, and report any bugs -- especially bugs in things that used to work in 3.11.0 -- at

Notable improvements in this version include:

  • the IDE and sclang GUI components now have better support on high-resolution displays on Windows (PR 4850)
  • scsynth now supports non-ASCII device names on Windows (PR 4479)
  • Cmd-W now closes GUI windows again on macOS (PR 4821)
  • passing a nil spec to NamedControl no longer overwrites a spec in SynthDef metadata (PR 4817)
  • fixed a major cause of obscure and confusing failures in communication between IDE and sclang (PR 5015)

As always, see with the release for complete changelog information.

SuperCollider is tested with:

  • Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit) and MSVC 2017
  • macOS 10.13 and Xcode 9.4
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and gcc 4.9

SuperCollider is known to support these platforms:

  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10
  • macOS 10.13-10.15
  • Ubuntu 14.04-18.04


4 years ago

Known issue - Control Spec behavior has a bug recently introduced. If you use ControlSpecs a lot, you may want to hold off on updating until 3.11.1:

New feature - Ableton Link support. See sclang: added

Documentation improvements (#4759, #4732, #4744, #4697, #4326, #4673, #4610, #4515, #4389, #4355, #4333, #4222, #4198, #4144, #4123, #4148, #4140, #4080, #4078, #4057, #4016, #4027, #3925, #3953, #3954, #3912, #3929)

See for full list of changes.


4 years ago

New feature - Ableton Link support. See sclang: added

Documentation improvements (#4759, #4732, #4744, #4697, #4326, #4673, #4610, #4515, #4389, #4355, #4333, #4222, #4198, #4144, #4123, #4148, #4140, #4080, #4078, #4057, #4016, #4027, #3925, #3953, #3954, #3912, #3929)

General: Added

Added NOVA_SIMD build option for cookiecutter based plugin development (#4354)

General: Changed

Moved RPi and BeagleBone README files into the main repository. (#4639)

The way version numbering is handled in the build system has been reformed. This primarily affects building, but also required changes to the class library (see class library: deprecated) (#4706)

scel has been updated (#4712, #4700)

scvim has been updated (#4197) and have been updated and moved to the wiki (#4503, #4297, #4028) has been updated (#4397, #4159)

Templates for issues have been updated (#4271)

Templates for pull requests have been updated (#4272)

macOS builds now require >= 10.10. Documentation and travis builds are updated to reflect this (#4068)

General: Fixed

Fixed linking issues for supernova on macOS (#4764)

Fixed build issues when using system boost or yaml-cpp (#4185)

scsynth and supernova: Added

macOS: Added cocoa event loop to scsynth and supernova to allow future work on VST integration (#4499)

Added a missing flag for no buffer aliasing to the plugin interface (#4356)

scsynth and supernova: Changed

Replaced a magic number used by the clock (#4714)

supernova now has more deterministic ordering of OSC messages in asynchronous requests (#4460)

scsynth and supernova: Fixed

Fixed an issue with scsynth and supernova pre-processor directives (fixes issue raised in (#4504)) (#4784)

Fixed issues with clock jitter when using JACK (#4599)

Fixed a bug where Windows would not guard against denormals, which would cause large CPU utilisation (#4504)

Prevented coreaudio from resampling audio stream when using portaudio on macOS (#4477)

Fixed an erroneous include that stopped supernova from compiling in some cases (#4018)

Ugens: Fixed

Fixed an issue with the Done flags on EnvGen (#4789)

Fixed an issue with EnvGen gating non-gated envelopes (#4436)

sclang: Added

Ableton Link support is here! Check the LinkClock class for more information. (#4331, #4340, #4337)

Add PortAudio bindings to allow listing audio devices on Windows (#4742).

sclang: Fixed

Fixed an issue where TCP connections were not closed properly when recompiling the class library (#4518)

Fixed LanguageConfig sometimes storing in the wrong location (#4680)

Fixed an number of garbage collection related issues that would sometimes render the interpreter unstable (#4192)

Class library: Added

Added Platform.architecture to allow detection of system architecture (#4524)

Added File.deleteAll to facilitate the deletion of all files within a given path - to be used for good, not evil (#3921)

Added more flexible ways to modify ControlSpecs related to SynthDef args (#3814)

Added support for listing audio devices on Windows from ServerOptions.inDevices, ServerOptions.outDevices and ServerOptions.devices (#4742)

Added 'composite' event type to default Event prototype (#4441)

Added SequenceableCollection:unixCmdGetStdOut to capture std output from external programs (#3539)

Added String.parseJSON and String.parseJSONFile as an alias around parseYAML (#3956)

Added debug method to UnitTest(#3623)

Class library: Changed

Improvements to drag functionality with Ndef params (#4093)

Collection:== optimised to exit early for identity, inherited by subclasses (#3962)

As part of version reforming, Main.versionAtMost and Main.versionAtLeast now accept a third argument for the tweak level (e.g. checking for 3.10.4 is now possible) (#4706)

Some UnitTests now print fewer newline characters, and inline warnings have been fixed (#4716)

NodeProxy:set can now be used with arbitrary objects (#4090)

UnitTest methods are now isolated from each other (#3836)

Increased the maximum number of attempts for TCP connection to server (#4481)

Class library: Deprecated

String.scDir is deprecated (#4374). Please use Platform.resourceDir instead.

PlotView.plotColors is deprecated (#4678). Please use plotColor instead.

As part of version reforming, Main.scVersionPostfix has been deprecated (#4706). Please use Main.scVersionTweak instead

Object.asInt is deprecated (#4089). Please use Object.asInteger instead.

Class library: Fixed

Breaking change: Fixed an issue with Signal:hammingWindow using incorrect coefficients. Signal:hammingWindow_old can be used for previous behaviour (#4324)

Breaking change: Color:asHSV could sometimes return NaN -- grayscale colors returned NaN hue, and black returned NaN hue and saturation. Zero values are now returned in these cases, as is the standard (#4369)

Fixed an issue where NamedControl would erroneously convert name to a String in some cases (#4761).

Fixed an issue with copying Ndef (#4690)

Fixed an issue where Document.initAction would fail to run in some cases (#4582)

Fixed an issue with NodeProxy bundling (#4461)

Fixed a bug in Ndef:asCode to correctly handle the default fadeTime (#4721, #4695)

Fixed a bug involving fadeTime and Ndef:copy (#4701)

Fixed issues with resampling in Plotter (#4223)

Fixed a duplicate node ID error in NodeProxy:xset (#4512)

Fixed an issue where changing the number of channels or rate of a NodeProxy would not free the old bus in time (#4493)

Fixed an issue with Plotter resampling of domain given fixed Array:series method (#4510)

Fixed a UnitTest for TestTempoClock (#4334)

Fixed an issue where typeView wasn't updated in NdefGUI (#4056)

Fixed an issue where findRegexp would return incorrectly when given an empty string (#4241)

Fix for Score examples and Platform.defaultTempDir on OSX (#4221)

Fixed Plotter domain and superpose behavior (#4082)

Fix FunctionDef:argumentString handling of varArgs (#4085)

Fixed several issues with SoundFile:cue behaviour (#3728)

Fixed an issue where Image would not support a filename as an argument (#3949)

Fixed UnitTests for Event to reset between tests (#3961)

Fixed an issue where NodeProxy would use the wrong release shape in some cases (#3776)

Fixed an issue with Menu.insertAction not invoking properly (#3871)

Fixed an issue with UnitTest where runAll could be inherited by individual tests (#4722)

IDE & SCDoc: Added

Help Browser now supports executing code regions (#3904)

IDE & SCDoc: Changed

sc-ide is now built as a static library (#4628)

Improved a number of style issues in the Help Browser (#3881)

IDE & SCDoc: Fixed

Fixed an issue where SCDoc might segfault on deep node trees during tests (#4713)

Fix for an issue on Windows where the IDE would appear to lock during launch in some cases due to an IPC issue between IDE and sclang (#4646)

Fixed an issue with code execution in the Help Browser where comments contained brackets (#4548)

Fixed an issue where copying a theme would crash the IDE if the new theme was not yet saved (#4146)

Fixed a number of deprecations in Qt (#4649)

Fixed a number of rendering warnings from SCDoc (#4265)


4 years ago

New feature - Ableton Link support. See sclang: added

Documentation improvements (multiple)

General: Added

Added NOVA_SIMD build option for cookiecutter based plugin development (#4354)

General: Changed

Moved RPi and BeagleBone README files into the main repository. (#4639)

The way version numbering is handled in the build system has been reformed. This primarily affects building, but also required changes to the class library (see class library: deprecated) (#4706)

scel has been updated (#4712, #4700)

scvim has been updated (#4197) and have been updated and moved to the wiki (#4503, #4297, #4028) has been updated (#4397, #4159)

Templates for issues have been updated (#4271)

Templates for pull requests have been updated (#4272)

macOS builds now require >= 10.10. Documentation and travis builds are updated to reflect this (#4068)

General: Fixed

Fixed linking issues for supernova on macOS (#4764)

Fixed build issues when using system boost or yaml-cpp (#4185)

scsynth and supernova: Added

macOS: Added cocoa event loop to scsynth and supernova to allow future work on VST integration (#4499)

Added a missing flag for no buffer aliasing to the plugin interface (#4356)

scsynth and supernova: Changed

Replaced a magic number used by the clock (#4714)

supernova now has more deterministic ordering of OSC messages in asynchronous requests (#4460)

scsynth and supernova: Fixed

Fixed issues with clock jitter when using JACK (#4599)

Fixed a bug where Windows would not guard against denormals, which would cause large CPU utilisation (#4504)

Fixed an issue where sample rate might change on booting server if using portaudio (#4477)

Fixed an erroneous include that stopped supernova from compiling in some cases (#4018)

Ugens: Fixed

Fixed an issue with EnvGen gating non-gated envelopes (#4436)

sclang: Added

Ableton Link support is here! Check the LinkClock class for more information. (#4331, #4340, #4337)

Add PortAudio bindings to allow listing audio devices on Windows (#4742).

sclang: Fixed

Fixed an issue where TCP connections were not closed properly when recompiling the class library (#4518)

Fixed LanguageConfig sometimes storing in the wrong location (#4680)

Fixed an number of garbage collection related issues that would sometimes render the interpreter unstable (#4192)

Class library: Added

Added Platform.architecture to allow detection of system architecture (#4524)

Added File.deleteAll to facilitate the deletion of all files within a given path - to be used for good, not evil (#3921)

Added more flexible ways to modify ControlSpecs related to SynthDef args (#3814)

Added support for listing audio devices on Windows from ServerOptions.inDevices, ServerOptions.outDevices and ServerOptions.devices (#4742)

Added 'composite' event type to default Event prototype (#4441)

Added SequenceableCollection:unixCmdGetStdOut to capture std output from external programs (#3539)

Added String.parseJSON and String.parseJSONFile as an alias around parseYAML (#3956)

Added debug method to UnitTest(#3623)

Class library: Changed

Improvements to drag functionality with Ndef params (#4093)

Collection:== optimised to exit early for identity, inherited by subclasses (#3962)

As part of version reforming, Main.versionAtMost and Main.versionAtLeast now accept a third argument for the tweak level (e.g. checking for 3.10.4 is now possible) (#4706)

Some UnitTests now print fewer newline characters, and inline warnings have been fixed (#4716)

NodeProxy:set can now be used with arbitrary objects (#4090)

UnitTest methods are now isolated from each other (#3836)

Increased the maximum number of attempts for TCP connection to server (#4481)

Class library: Deprecated

String.scDir is deprecated (#4374). Please use Platform.resourceDir instead.

PlotView.plotColors is deprecated (#4678). Please use plotColor instead.

As part of version reforming, Main.scVersionPostfix has been deprecated (#4706). Please use Main.scVersionTweak instead

Object.asInt is deprecated (#4089). Please use Object.asInteger instead.

Class library: Fixed

Breaking change: Fixed an issue with Signal:hammingWindow using incorrect coefficients. Signal:hammingWindow_old can be used for previous behaviour (#4324)

Breaking change: Color:asHSV could sometimes return NaN -- grayscale colors returned NaN hue, and black returned NaN hue and saturation. Zero values are now returned in these cases, as is the standard (#4369)

Fixed an issue where NamedControl would erroneously convert name to a String in some cases (#4761).

Fixed an issue with copying Ndef (#4690)

Fixed an issue where Document.initAction would fail to run in some cases (#4582)

Fixed an issue with NodeProxy bundling (#4461)

Fixed a bug in Ndef:asCode to correctly handle the default fadeTime (#4721, #4695)

Fixed a bug involving fadeTime and Ndef:copy (#4701)

Fixed issues with resampling in Plotter (#4223)

Fixed a duplicate node ID error in NodeProxy:xset (#4512)

Fixed an issue where changing the number of channels or rate of a NodeProxy would not free the old bus in time (#4493)

Fixed an issue with Plotter resampling of domain given fixed Array:series method (#4510)

Fixed a UnitTest for TestTempoClock (#4334)

Fixed an issue where typeView wasn't updated in NdefGUI (#4056)

Fixed an issue where findRegexp would return incorrectly when given an empty string (#4241)

Fix for Score examples and Platform.defaultTempDir on OSX (#4221)

Fixed Plotter domain and superpose behavior (#4082)

Fix FunctionDef:argumentString handling of varArgs (#4085)

Fixed several issues with SoundFile:cue behaviour (#3728)

Fixed an issue where Image would not support a filename as an argument (#3949)

Fixed UnitTests for Event to reset between tests (#3961)

Fixed an issue where NodeProxy would use the wrong release shape in some cases (#3776)

Fixed an issue with Menu.insertAction not invoking properly (#3871)

Fixed an issue with UnitTest where runAll could be inherited by individual tests (#4722)

IDE & SCDoc: Added

Help Browser now supports executing code regions (#3904)

IDE & SCDoc: Changed

sc-ide is now built as a static library (#4628)

Improved a number of style issues in the Help Browser (#3881)

IDE & SCDoc: Fixed

Fixed an issue where SCDoc might segfault on deep node trees during tests (#4713)

Fix for an issue on Windows where the IDE would appear to lock during launch in some cases due to an IPC issue between IDE and sclang (#4646)

Fixed an issue with code execution in the Help Browser where comments contained brackets (#4548)

Fixed an issue where copying a theme would crash the IDE if the new theme was not yet saved (#4146)

Fixed a number of deprecations in Qt (#4649)

Fixed a number of rendering warnings from SCDoc (#4265)


4 years ago

Xcode 11 is now supported (#4611).

Minimum supported Boost version is now 1.66.0 (#4611). Boost 1.71 is also now supported (#4612).

supernova would sometimes return malformed /done OSC messages over TCP due to a concurrency issue. This has been fixed (#4435).

On macOS, Cmd+Q causes a segmentation fault in sclang. This is a regression from old behavior, where Cmd+Q is simply ignored. This has been fixed (#4533).

Fixed a mistake where Recorder would get its default file extension from server.recHeaderFormat rather than its own recHeaderFormat (#4550).

The NodeProxy filter role now respects fadeTime (#4278).

Some sequences of IDE actions involving editor splits (such as removing a split and then recompiling the class library) can lead to an eventual IDE crash. These have been fixed (#4645).

On macOS, Cmd+Q used to quit both the IDE and interpreter, but it regressed and only the interpreter would quit. This has been fixed (#4300).


4 years ago

Fix copyright year (#4694).

Bundle libsndfile to the release builds (#4684).

Update to boost 1.71 (#4612).

Travis updates (#4684).

Mac OS 10.12 and up supported