Supabase Versions Save

The open source Firebase alternative.


2 years ago

Three new Auth providers, multi-schema support, and we're gearing up for another Launch Week. Let's dive into what's been happening at Supabase during the month of October.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Slack, Spotify, and MessageBird logins

Thanks to @HarryET and our friends at MessageBird we have 3 new Auth providers this month: Slack, Spotify, and MessageBird phone logins.


Multi-schema support


Browse data in any database schema using the Schema switcher in the Dashbaord.



You can access any schema with your API, after enabling access in the Dashboard. Docs.


Fresh Docs and Guides

We have a TON of new guides, with videos too.

Database Functions

Learn about PostgreSQL Functions. Docs.

Auth Overview

Learn about all the exciting feature of Auth within Supabase. Docs.

API Features

Learn more about the power of PostgREST for RESTful APIs. Docs.

And more



2 years ago

Did you know it's been 2 years since the first commit to Realtime, our real-time engine for Postgres? Before we even existed as a company! We spent this month improving docs and content content, improving UX, and onboarding Developer Advocates!


Hackathon v2

To kick off Hacktoberfest, another Supabase Hackathon is happening right now. You've got another 7 days to be in to win a limited edition t-shirt.


Abort Requests

We added support for AbortController in our Javascript library so that you can abort long-running queries. [Docs]


Improved table management

We've made a number of changes to the Dashboard to expose some great features of PostgreSQL including:

Column types

We've improved the column Type field so that it supports your custom types.


Is Unique

We've made it simple to add a unique constraint.


Edit columns

By popular request, you can now view all columns in a table at a glance and edit them in bulk.


Cross-schema relationships

We updated our grid to support relationships across multiple schemas.


Improved Auth Docs

We've revamped the Auth docs - The docs are now broken down into Authentication and Authorization, and organized alongside our Deep Dive series.


Low Code demo

Low Code demo, Using Supabase with - @_dijonmusters ran a session at General Assembly showing how to use these two tools together to create apps using a low code approach.


2 years ago

We've raised $30M and shipped a bunch of features. Let's dive into what's been happening at Supabase during the month of August.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

We raised $30 million

We raised our Series A. We'll use the funds to do more of the same - ship features and hire open source developers. We'll release more details soon. Read more on TechCrunch.


Realtime Security, codename: WALRUS

If you've been waiting for Row Level Security to land in Postgres subscriptions, then you're going to love our new repo: Write Ahead Log Realtime Unified Security (WALRUS). The name might be a bit forced, but the security design is deliberate. It's not in production yet, but we're making the repo public for comments using an RFC process.


Custom SMS templates

If you're using SMS login in Auth v2, you can now customize the SMS which is sent to your users. Read more in the docs.


Dart and Flutter Docs

Thanks entirely to @dshukertjr, we now have in-depth reference Dart documentation for CRUD, Auth, Realtime and more!


We launched the South Korea region

We added another region for those wanting to host their data and APIs in Seoul. We now have 12 regions to choose from


Table creation is even easier

You can now create columns while creating your table. We've also added improvements for composite primary keys and foreign key creation.


Unbreakable CSV Imports

Our previous importer would choke on CSV files which were too large. Not any more!


Connection strings

We now provide a handy copy utility for various database connection strings because we were so tired of looking them up on Stack Overflow.


We released a primer on Row Level Security

RLS can be a bit foreign for developers getting started with Postgres. This video by @_dijonmusters demystifies it. If you find the video a useful medium for learning, consider subscribing to our channel.

Dependency contributions

GoTrue (Auth)

PostgREST (APIs)

pg_net (Function Hooks)


2 years ago

Supabase is gearing up for another Launch Week on July the 26th. Until then, here's a few new things to try.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Launch Week II: The SQL

Following the success of our first Launch Week in March, we finished the July with "Launch Week II: The SQL". The community has been sieving through a slew of bad puns and retro memes to discover the new feature announcements.


Auth v2 with Phone Auth

Your users can now log in with SMS based mobile auth! We have a Twilio integration (Guide Here) and will be adding more providers soon.

Other Auth updating include, Twitch logins, and the ability to generate invite, recovery, confirmation, and magic links via the API, for people who want more control over the email templating flow. Read the blog post here.


Storage is now in Beta

Storage updates include Media Streaming, Public Buckets, Directory Uploads, and a Performance Improvements.

Streaming Media in particular opens up a whole new host of potential use cases, learn more about the updates here.


Dashboard v2

We made some major new additions to the dashboard including usage statistics, a new project home, and tons of database insights. Check the post here on what you get and how we built it.


We launched a Discord server

You'll find us hanging out regularly in the #hangout channel. We even "live-fixed" some production errors in there on Monday night (which occurred literally 1 hour before our first announcement of the week! Typical!). We're fast approaching 1,500 members so come and join the action!


PostgreSQL 13

All new Supabase projects will be launched with PostgreSQL 13.3, and we're working on a migration path for old projects. This gives you looooaads of new stuff out the box.


PostgREST v8.0

We worked with our friends at PostgREST to make some huge improvements. For those of you who don't know, every Supabase instance comes with a dedicated PostgREST server by default, which provides the auto-generated CRUD API that we wrap with supabase-js.


Flutter/Dart support

Our community driven libs for the fasted growing mobile and web framework are now in beta. Learn more by following the Quickstart guide.



We're running a week long hackathon starting NOW. There are some legit prizes, and you can win in a bunch of different categories. Check the full instructions here on how to participate. Submissions close next Friday at midnight PST.


Hooks & Functions

We made an announcement on the progress of functions, and even shipped a few preliminary components, try them out and give us feedback as we continue to move towards this next major milestone. Read the latest updates here.


Swag Store

Get your hands on some Supabase Swag, hand packed and mailed by our team based in Singapore.



Supabase Github Star Growth 


If you want to keep up to date, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on Twitter.

Coming Next

Security, stability, performance ... and Functions.

Get started


2 years ago

Supabase is gearing up for another Launch Week on July the 26th. Until then, here's a few new things to try.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Vercel integration

Vercel just released their new integrations, which means you can now deploy a Postgres database on Supabase directly from your Vercel account. Check it out!


Discord logins are now available

Building a community? There's almost no better tool than Discord (we're even trialling it ourselves). If you're building a community product, Discord logins are the perfect option.


New Guides

We spent the month building up a new Guides section in our Docs. Here are a few highlights:

Ever wanted to build a Search Engine? We just released a guide which shows you how to implement Full Text Search using Postgres.


OAuth Guides

We released step-by-step guides to help you set up OAuth with Apple, Bitbucket, Facebook, GitHub, GitLab, Google, and Twitter.


Javascript + Postgres

Did you know that you can use Javascript inside your Postgres database? Here's how, with the plv8 extension.


Public Storage Buckets

Want to share all your favourite memes? Now it's even easier with Public Storage Buckets. Simply mark a bucket as "Public" and the content will be accessible without a login.

Storage upserts

Supabase Storage now supports upsert. Shoutout to @ankitjena for this Pull Request.


Server restarts

When things go wrong, sometime the best thing you can do is reboot. We released a restart button in the Dashboard, the first of many debugging tools we'll be releasing over the next few months.


Policy editor

We added a new Table Policy Editor which makes Row Level Security even easier. We even included a few templates to get you started.


External contributions



  • We fixed a XSS bug in the Auth0 Next.js library. GitHub Credit to @inian and Ishan Patel (a Supabase community member)


2 years ago

Apple & Twitter Logins, Supabase Grid, Go & Swift Libraries. Lots of great stuff to try out this month.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Apple logins are now available

Did you know: if you ship an app to the App Store with any third-party logins, you're required to enable Apple logins as well? Now you can with Supabase Auth.

 in Supabase

Twitter logins are now available

You can also use Twitter as an OAuth provider with Supabase Auth. Twitter has a very archaic OAuth impletementation, so this one took awhile.


New storage policy editor

We shipped a new Policy Editor for managing Row Level Security on your Storage. We provide some templates to simplify the process for new developers.


Supabase Grid

We are still working on Open Sourcing our Dashboard, and took another step closer by publicly releasing a new Supabase Grid. It's not ready to use outside of the Supabase ecosystem, but over time we hope to make it usable with any Postgres Database.


Japan (Tokyo) 🇯🇵 is now available as a region

There are a huge number of Supabase developers in Japan and China, and at their request we've launched Tokyo as a region.


Return data as CSV

You can now retrieve your data as Comma Separated Values. Thanks to @andreivreja for the awesome PR.


New Go Libraries

The community started developing the Go libraries. postgrest-go is completed, @Yusuf_Papurcu and @muratmirgun are working on the remaining libraries.


New Swift Libraries

The community started developing the Swift libraries too. @satishbabariya is making huge progress on storage-swift, gotrue-swift, realtime-swift, and supabase-swift.



3 years ago

This month was a "gardening" month for Supabase. The team focused on stability, security, and community support. Check out what we were working on below, as well as some incredible Community contributions.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Light Mode

We're a developer tool, which means that Dark Mode is extremely popular.

This poll on twitter shows that 78.5% of our developer base use Dark Mode for the IDE

While Dark mode is great, for some people it's not an option. Dark Mode is difficult to use for developers with astigmatisms, or even just working in brightly-lit environments.

So today we're shipping Light Mode. Access it in the settings of your Dashboard.



With the help of the community, we started internationalizing our main repository:


OpenAPI spec for Storage

We released Storage Api docs built using OpenAPI (swagger).


Stripe Sync Engine (Experimental)

We open-sourced a server which keeps any Postgres database in sync with Stripe. This is experimental only. We're evaluating other tools such as Singer, which provide a more general solution (but are less "realtime"), and we're opening it up here to gather feedback.



3 years ago

Launch week, Storage, Supabase CLI, Connection Pooling, Supabase UI, and Pricing. Here's what we released last month.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Supabase Storage

Need to store images, audio, and video clips? Well now you can do it on Supabase Storage. It's backed by S3 and our new OSS storage API written in Fastify and Typescript. Read the full blog post.


Connection Pooling

The Supabase API already handles Connection Pooling, but if you're connecting to your database directly (for example, with Prisma) we now bundle PgBouncer. Read the full blog post.


React UI Component Library

We open sourced our internal UI component library, so that anyone can use and contribute to the Supabase aesthetic. It lives at . It was also the #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt.



Now you can run Supabase locally in the terminal with supabase start. We have done some preliminary work on diff-based schema migrations, and added some new tooling for self-hosting Supabase with Docker. Blog post here.


OAuth Scopes

Thanks to a comunity contribution (@_mateomorris and @Beamanator), Supabase Auth now includes OAuth scopes. These allow you to request elevated access during login. For example, you may want to request access to a list of Repositories when users log in with GitHub. Check out the Documentation.



  • You can now manage your PostgREST configuration inside the Dashboard.
  • Our website has been redesigned. Check out our new Homepage and Blog, and our new Database, Auth, and Storage product pages.
  • We refactored some of our Filter methods to make them even easier to use. Check out the Full Text Search refactor.
  • We have added several new sections to our Docs including: Local Dev, Self Hosting, and Postgres Reference docs (all still under development).


3 years ago

Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. We've now been building for one year. Here's what we released last month.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Dashboard Sidebars

We've improved the UX of our Dashboard with sidebars in every section, including the Table view, the Auth section, and the SQL Editor.

Our dashboard has sidebars

SQL Autocomplete

Writing SQL just got 10x easier. We added autocomplete to the SQL editor, including table & column suggestions.


Auth Redirects

Redirect your users to specific route within your site on signIn() and signUp().

Redirect your users after sign up

Learning Resources

We've released a new Resources section in our docs, as well as two new Auth modules: GoTrue Overview and Google OAuth.

Our dashboard has sidebars

New Region

Launch your database in South Africa.

Launch your database in South Africa



3 years ago

New year, new features. We've been busy at Supabase during January and our community has been even busier. Here's a few things you'll find interesting.

This is also available as a blog post and a video demo.

Count functionality

Anyone who has worked with Firebase long enough has become frustrated over the lack of count functionality. This isn't a problem with PostgreSQL! Our libraries now have support for PostgREST's exact, planned, and estimated counts. A massive thanks to @dshukertjr for this adding support to our client library.

Supabase now supports count functionality

New Auth Providers

We enabled 2 new Auth providers - Facebook and Azure. Thanks to @Levet for the Azure plugin, and once again to Netlify's amazing work with GoTrue to implement Facebook.

Supabase now supports Azure and Facebook Oauth providers

Auth Audit Trail

We have exposed the audit trail directly in the dashboard, as well as the GoTrue logs. Great for security and debugging.

Supabase exposes the Auth Audit trail on the dashboard

Auth UI widget

In case our Auth endpoints aren't easy enough already, we've built a React Auth Widget for you to drop into your app and to get up-and-running in minutes.

Supabase has released a React Auth widget

New function

We added a helper function for extracting the logged in user's email address.

Supabase added an email function for using with Policies

New Regions

Launch your database in London or Sydney!

Launch your database in London or Sydney

Copy rows as Markdown

You can now copy SQL results as Markdown - super useful for adding to blogs and issues.

Copy query results as markdown

React server components

If you're excited by React Server components then check out the Supabase + Server Components experimental repo.

Use supabase with React Server components


We know that Auth can be a bit daunting when you're just starting out, so we have created some intro videos to get you up to speed in no time:


  • Performance: We migrated all of our subdomains to Route53, implementing custom Let's Encrypt certs for your APIs. As a result, our read benchmarks are measuring up 12% faster.
  • Performance: We upgrade your databases to the new GP3 storage for faster and more consistent throughput.