Steem Versions Save

The blockchain for Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) and decentralized applications.


6 years ago

Steem Equality 0.19.1 Release Notes

We recommend all witnesses, seed nodes, and anyone else running the witness plugin should update to 0.19.1


0.19.1 requires reindexing from all previous versions.


This is a soft release with miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements.

Jinja2 Required for Building

We updated the plugin manifest build scripts and added Jinja2 as a dependency to our build process. See for platform specific instructions. Additionally, CMake 3.2 is required (up from 2.8.12).

Smooth Bandwidth Algorithm

There were two big problems with the bandwidth algorithm. The first was an integer overflow that caused max_virtual_bandwidth to be calculated incorrectly. The second was a programmed behavior that caused bandwidth requirements to increase too rapidly for a small increase in traffic. We have implemented a new algorithm for how to calculate global bandwidth requirements that still protects the blockchain under extreme circumstances, but is less aggressive during small deviations from past behavior. Overall, this should improve the user experience when it comes to bandwidth rate limiting. #1257

Check Memos

Transfers with the sender's private key information will be rejected with a soft fork. The error message recommends the sender change their keys in such an event. The CLI wallet does a similar check against the sender's keys and the keys in the wallet. #1181

Fix Delegations in Account by Key Plugin

The Account by Key plugin now recognizes and tracks accounts that were created with delegation. The problem showed in the CLI wallet when accounts created with delegation could not be found by public key. #1194

HF19 Cleanup

There were a number of temporary fields and objects that existed to help transition the blockchain through HF 19. Because those values are cryptographically locked in to the blockchain, we have replaced the temporary fields with constants. #1193

Account History Filter

The Account History plugin now supports filtering ops with a mutually exclusive whitelist or blacklist. The config options are history-whitelist-ops and history-blacklist-ops respectively. #301

Block Production Virtual Op

Block production now emits a virtual operation that is trackable in account history. #832

Ignore 0% Interest Virtual Op

Interest virtual operations are now only emitted if there is a non-zero interest payment #1222

Out of Memory Error Messages

When the free space on the memory mapped state file is less than 100 MB, an error message will be displayed every 10 blocks warning of the impending doom and current free space available. #1223

Log Expiring Transactions

When transactions expire from the pending state, they will now be logged at the debug level #1215

Increase p2p Cache Time

Increased the p2p cache time from 15 to 60 seconds #1242

Update get_transaction Disable Message

On Steemit production nodes, we are not supporting the index to return transactions by ID. Previously, get_transaction failed silently by not returning a transaction. The call now returns an error message explaining that the API is disabled. #1213

Remove Unused APIs

The following API calls were not in a usable state and we have no plans on supporting them, so they have been removed. set_subscribe_callback set_pending_transaction_callback cancel_all_subscriptions #1197


7 years ago

Steem Equality 0.19.0 Release Notes

The hardfork is schedule for Tue, 20 June 2017 15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT)

All witnesses should update to 0.19.0


0.19.0 requires reindexing from all previous versions.


This Hardfork is about changing the rewards curve to be stake proportional. The original proposal can be read on

Linear Rewards

With the introduction of a linear reward curve everyone will have a say directly proportional to their stake. #1051

Square Root Curation Rewards Curve

This is to offset the changes in rewards due to the linear reward curve. Curation rewards should stay roughly where they are. #1052

Increase Vote Impact

Each vote's impact has been increased by 4x. #1053

Witness Price Feeds Properly Expires

Fixed a bug that prevented price feeds from expiring. #882

Historical Posts Cannot Be Deleted

Once a post has existed for 7 days, it can no longer be deleted. #876

Cancelling a Steem Power Delegation Fixed

Fixed a bug that prevented cancelling a delegation in some circumstances #971

Deleting Post Condition Part of Consensus

Previously, requiring a post had 0 rshares before deletion was enforced via a soft fork. Now it is part of consensus #977

account_create_operation Fixed

There was a bug in the account_create_operation. Our short term fix was to temporarily disable the operation. It has been fixed and is re-enabled. #987

Fixed 0 Delegation Objects

Previously, creating an account with 100% STEEM would create a 0 delegation object. This has been fixed. #997

Optimized Full Node Reindex

Addressed several changes to increase full node reindex speed. #1160 #1161 #1162

New Follow Plugin Option

When starting the follow plugin you can specify an epoch time to start calculating user feeds --follow-start-feeds. Default is 0 to always calculate feeds.

Increased p2p Stability

Fixed an issue that was causing instability in the p2p network when live and when syncing.

Disable get_block at Runtime

With --disable-get-block you can disable get_block and get_block_header in the database API at runtime.


7 years ago

Steem Simplicity 0.18.5 Release Notes

This release contains non-consensus bug fixes and is optional.


This release does require a reindex from all previous versions if using the tags plugin.


  • Restored tag length to 32 characters. #1102


7 years ago

Steem Simplicity 0.18.4 Release Notes

This release contains non-consensus bug fixes and is optional.


This release does require a reindex from all previous versions.


  • The category field from the comment_object was inadvertently removed and changed API behavior. It has been restored. #1096


7 years ago

Steem Simplicity 0.18.3 Release Notes

This release contains non-consensus bug fixes and optimizations and is optional.


This release does require a reindex from all previous versions.


  • Building steemd now requires Boost 1.58-1.60 and gcc 4.9+. Ubuntu 14.04 is not compatible out of the box. Ubuntue 16.04 has all the required versions. Build instructions have been updated to reflect this change. We continue to recommend using one of our pre-built Docker images which works on all supported versions of Ubuntu and most modern operating systems. #980

  • The Steem license has been updated to MIT. #1055

  • The built in NTP client has been completely removed. All block producers must use ntpd to keep in sync with the network. #816

  • All soft forking logic has been moved out of chain and into the witness plugin. #894

  • Account bandwidth is now handled by the witness plugin. #894

  • The witness plugin now has a custom operation called enable_content_editing_operation that allows a user to signal they want to edit their content. By consensus, content is editable indefinitely, but is soft forked to be frozen after payout. This operation requires an active key and is designed to prevent vandalism if a posting key is compromised. #1017

  • steemd can run without having any plugins enabled by specifying enabled_plugins = in the config. #1021

  • impacted.cpp has been updated to correctly reflect what accounts are impacted. This will cause a retroactive reordering some account history upon reindex. #931

  • The escrow commands in the wallet were implemented but were never reflected and thus inaccessible. The cli wallet can now issue escrow commands. #920

  • The database_api call, get_block now returns the block ID, public signing key, and a list of transaction IDs like the cli wallet does. #187

  • Fixed a bug in the ordering of fixed_string that resulting in some queries returning incomplete results. #951

  • Fixed a bug in the account history plugin when specifying a range of accounts to track that resulted in accounts not being tracked that should have been #862

  • The field children_rshares_2 is not needed by consensus and has been removed. #1027

  • The category object is not needed by consensus. The behavior was usurped by the tags plugin a long time ago. It has been removed. This removed the following API calls get_trending_categories (get_trending_tags should have identical functionality), get_best_categories, get_active_categories, and get_recent_categories. #1032

  • Additional assertions have been added to chainbase to fail safely when attempting to access an index that does not exist. #1024

  • Improved the error message when an account runs out of bandwidth #1080

  • Hardcoded reward_fund values from HF17 to remove need to recalculate them on reindex #1018

  • Added extra locking to application.cpp to prevent race conditions. #1035

  • Optimized evaluators by removing a redundant variable. #1023

  • Removed unused sandbox directory, 'chain2' #1056

  • Config constant GRAPHENE_CURRENT_DB_VERSION was not being used and has been deleted. #896


7 years ago

Steem Simplicity 0.18.2 Release Notes

This release contains API fixes and is optional.


This release does not require a reindex from 0.18.0+


Pending Payouts

Pending payouts are calculated and returned once again!

After a brief and accidental hiatus, promoted posts are back!

Claim Reward Balance

Reward balance claims are returned in an account's transfer history.


7 years ago

Steem Simplicity 0.18.1 Release Notes

The hardfork is schedule for Thu, 30 March 2017 15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT)

This release is an amendment to 0.17.0 and will apply hardforks 17 and 18 one after another at the time listed above.

This release contains a security fix. All witnesses are strongly encouraged to update to 0.18.1


Nodes upgrading from 0.18.0 do not need to reindex. Nodes upgrading from 0.16.0+ do need to reindex. Nodes upgrading from 0.16.0 may need to resync.

Cli Wallet info

The info command works on the cli wallet again!

Account Creation Bug

There was a bug in the 0.17.0 account creation logic that is addressed in this release.


7 years ago

Steem Simplicity 0.18.0 Release Notes

The hardfork is schedule for Thu, 30 March 2017 15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT)

All witnesses should update to 0.18.0

All nodes will need to reindex. Nodes upgrading from 0.16.0 may need to resync due to bugs in the block log that were fixed in 0.16.X.

This release is an amendment to 0.17.0 and will apply hardforks 17 and 18 one after another at the time listed above.

Comment Reward Pool

The comment reward pool has been removed from the 0.17.0 release.

Upvote Lockout

The upvote lockout limit has been increased from 1 minute to 12 hours.


7 years ago

Steem 0.17.1 Release Notes

This is an optional release.

It contains improvements to some API calls needed by Condenser, adding "payout" and "payout_comments: paths to the get_state API call.

There was an update to the tags plugin to support said API calls that will require a reindex if you use the tags plugin.

There is more detailed logging for the following events:

  • Block num conflicts on block irreversibility.
  • Witness and latency on block application
  • Unconditional display of free space in the shared memory file on startup.


7 years ago

This release is identical to Steem 0.16.3 except that chainbase is now embedded so that it can be compiled from this commit.