Simonw Sqlite Utils Versions Save

Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases


1 year ago
  • The sqlite-utils query, memory and bulk commands now all accept a new --functions option. This can be passed a string of Python code, and any callable objects defined in that code will be made available to SQL queries as custom SQL functions. See Defining custom SQL functions for details. (#471)
  • db[table].create(...) method now accepts a new transform=True parameter. If the table already exists it will be transform to match the schema configuration options passed to the function. This may result in columns being added or dropped, column types being changed, column order being updated or not null and default values for columns being set. (#467)
  • Related to the above, the sqlite-utils create-table command now accepts a --transform option.
  • New introspection property: table.default_values returns a dictionary mapping each column name with a default value to the configured default value. (#475)
  • The --load-extension option can now be provided a path to a compiled SQLite extension module accompanied by the name of an entrypoint, separated by a colon - for example --load-extension ./lines0:sqlite3_lines0_noread_init. This feature is modelled on code first contributed to Datasette by Alex Garcia. (#470)
  • Functions registered using the db.register_function() method can now have a custom name specified using the new db.register_function(fn, name=...) parameter. (#458)
  • sqlite-utils rows has a new --order option for specifying the sort order for the returned rows. (#469)
  • All of the CLI options that accept Python code blocks can now all be used to define functions that can access modules imported in that same block of code without needing to use the global keyword. (#472)
  • Fixed bug where table.extract() would not behave correctly for columns containing null values. Thanks, Forest Gregg. (#423)
  • New tutorial: Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette shows how to use sqlite-utils to import and clean an example CSV file.
  • Datasette and sqlite-utils now have a Discord community. Join the Discord here.


1 year ago
  • New table.duplicate(new_name) method for creating a copy of a table with a matching schema and row contents. Thanks, David. (#449)
  • New sqlite-utils duplicate data.db table_name new_name CLI command for Duplicating tables. (#454)
  • sqlite_utils.utils.rows_from_file() is now a documented API. It can be used to read a sequence of dictionaries from a file-like object containing CSV, TSV, JSON or newline-delimited JSON. It can be passed an explicit format or can attempt to detect the format automatically. (#443)
  • sqlite_utils.utils.TypeTracker is now a documented API for detecting the likely column types for a sequence of string rows, see Detecting column types using TypeTracker. (#445)
  • sqlite_utils.utils.chunks() is now a documented API for splitting an iterator into chunks. (#451)
  • sqlite-utils enable-fts now has a --replace option for replacing the existing FTS configuration for a table. (#450)
  • The create-index, add-column and duplicate commands all now take a --ignore option for ignoring errors should the database not be in the right state for them to operate. (#450)


1 year ago

See also the annotated release notes for this release.

  • Documentation now uses the Furo Sphinx theme. (#435)
  • Code examples in documentation now have a "copy to clipboard" button. (#436)
  • sqlite_utils.utils.utils.rows_from_file() is now a documented API, see Reading rows from a file. (#443)
  • rows_from_file() has two new parameters to help handle CSV files with rows that contain more values than are listed in that CSV file's headings: ignore_extras=True and extras_key="name-of-key". (#440)
  • sqlite_utils.utils.maximize_csv_field_size_limit() helper function for increasing the field size limit for reading CSV files to its maximum, see Setting the maximum CSV field size limit. (#442)
  •, where_args=) parameters for adding additional WHERE clauses to a search query. The where= parameter is available on table.search_sql(...) as well. See Searching with (#441)
  • Fixed bug where table.detect_fts() and other search-related functions could fail if two FTS-enabled tables had names that were prefixes of each other. (#434)


2 years ago
  • Now depends on click-default-group-wheel, a pure Python wheel package. This means you can install and use this package with Pyodide, which can run Python entirely in your browser using WebAssembly. (#429)

    Try that out using the Pyodide REPL:

    >>> import micropip
    >>> await micropip.install("sqlite-utils")
    >>> import sqlite_utils
    >>> db = sqlite_utils.Database(memory=True)
    >>> list(db.query("select 3 * 5"))
    [{'3 * 5': 15}]


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

This release introduces four new utility methods for working with SpatiaLite. Thanks, Chris Amico. (#330)


2 years ago