Spotify Web Api Js Versions Save

A client-side JS wrapper for the Spotify Web API


5 years ago

This major version includes a breaking change to follow the new playlist uris.

In practice, this means that you don't pass the user id anymore when performing an operation on a playlist. For instance, to fetch a playlist you used to write:

spotifyApi.getPlaylist('jmperezperez', '4vHIKV7j4QcZwgzGQcZg1x')
  .then(function(data) {
    console.log('User playlist', data);
  }, function(err) {

after the change, you don't pass the user id (in this case jmperezperez) anymore:

  .then(function(data) {
    console.log('User playlist', data);
  }, function(err) {

Thanks @jmfortunatojr for reporting the issue and fixing it.


5 years ago

This release fixes a bug in the play() function. It now allows the function to not receive any parameters, since all of them are optional (see It also adds support for position_ms (see

Thanks @Yarael-Poof and @UlysseM for reporting these issues.


6 years ago

This version adds more Typescript typings thanks to @cloughney.


6 years ago

Added a function to upload an image as a playlist cover. Thanks @lrholmes!


6 years ago

This version includes a fix for the "skip to next track" functionality. It also upgrades several dependencies.

Thanks @ikantspelgud for your contribution!


7 years ago

This release adds functions to make requests to Spotify's Connect endpoints. Note that these are still in beta and subject to changes.


7 years ago

This release includes a fix for an issue when adding lots of tracks to a playlist, which caused a "URI too long' error". Thanks @davejm!


7 years ago

In this release we have improved the TypeScript annotations:

  • TypeScript annotations tests won't be downloaded as part of your dependency on this package, in the same way JS tests are left out of the npm package.
  • TypeScript bugfixes and documentation improvements by @skovmand


7 years ago
  • Integrated Typescript typings for both the spotify-web-api-js library and the entire spotify web api into the library. No need to browse the typings repositories (DefinitelyTyped, Huge thanks to @skovmand


7 years ago