Sonic Versions Save

🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.


5 years ago
  • RocksDB has been bumped to v5.18.3, which fixes a dead-lock occuring in RocksDB at scale when a compaction task is ran under heavy disk writes (ie. disk flushes). This dead-lock was causing Sonic to stop responding to any command issued for the frozen collection. This dead-lock was due to a bug in RocksDB internals (not originating from Sonic itself) [@baptistejamin, 19c4a104a6d6aaed1dd9beb2e51d2639627825cd].
  • Reworked the FLUSHB command internals, which now use the atomic delete_range() operation provided by RocksDB v5.18 [@valeriansaliou, 660f8b714d968400fb9f88a245752dca02249bf7].
  • Added the LANG(<locale>) command modifier for QUERY and PUSH, that lets a Sonic Channel client force a text locale (instead of letting the lexer system guess the text language) [@valeriansaliou, #75].
  • The FST word lookup system, used by the SUGGEST command, now support all scripts via a restricted Unicode range forward scan [@valeriansaliou, #64].


5 years ago
  • A store acquire lock has been added to prevent 2 concurrent threads from opening the same collection at the same time [@valeriansaliou, 2628077ebe7e24155975962471e7653745a0add7].


5 years ago
  • A superfluous mutex was removed from KV and FST store managers, in an attempt to solve a rare dead-lock occurring on high-traffic Sonic setups in the KV store [@valeriansaliou, 60566d2f087fd6725dba4a60c3c5a3fef7e8399b].


5 years ago
  • Reverted changes made in v1.1.5 regarding the open files rlimit, as this can be set from outside Sonic [@valeriansaliou, f6400c61a9a956130ae0bdaa9a164f4955cd2a18].
  • Added Chinese Traditional stopwords [@dsewnr, #87].
  • Improved the way database locking is handled when calling a pool janitor; this prevents potential dead-locks under high load [@valeriansaliou, fa783728fd27a116b8dcf9a7180740d204b69aa4].


5 years ago
  • Added the server.limit_open_files configuration variable to allow configuring rlimit [@valeriansaliou].


5 years ago
  • Automatically adjust rlimit for the process to the hard limit allowed by the system (allows opening more FSTs in parallel) [@valeriansaliou].
  • Added Kannada stopwords [@dileepbapat].
  • The Docker image is now much lighter [@codeflows].


5 years ago
  • Rework Sonic Channel buffer management using a VecDeque (Sonic should now work better in harsh network environments) [@valeriansaliou, 1c2b9c8fcd28b033a7cb80d678c388ce78ab989d].
  • Limit the size of words that can hit against the FST graph, as the FST gets slower for long words [@valeriansaliou, #81].


5 years ago
  • FST graph consolidation locking strategy has been improved even further, based on issues with the previous rework we have noticed at scale in production (now, consolidation locking is done at a lower-priority relative to actual queries and pushes to the index) [@valeriansaliou, #68].


5 years ago
  • FST graph consolidation locking strategy has been reworked as to allow queries to be executed lock-free when the FST consolidate task takes a lot of time (previously, queries were being deferred due to an ongoing FST consolidate task) [@valeriansaliou, #68].
  • Removed special license clause introduced in v1.0.2, Sonic is full MPL 2.0 now. [@valeriansaliou]


5 years ago
  • Breaking: Change how buckets are stored in a KV-based collection (nest them in the same RocksDB database; this is much more efficient on setups with a large number of buckets - v1.1.0 is incompatible with the v1.0.0 KV database format) [@valeriansaliou].
  • Bump jemallocator to version 0.3 [@valeriansaliou].