Sonar Scala Sonar Scala Versions Save

A free and open-source SonarQube plugin for static code analysis of Scala projects.


4 years ago

Updated Scalastyle to v1.1.0, which brings the following changes:

New Scalastyle rules (#342 - @mwz):

  • New ForLoopChecker rule - omit braces if you have a yield clause, otherwise, surround the contents with curly-braces, even if the contents are only a single line.
  • New WhileBraceChecker rule - it's recommended to never omit braces when using while.
  • New CaseBraceChecker rule - braces aren't required in case clauses.

Scalastyle rule changes:

  • HeaderMatchesChecker has a new parameter regex to indicate whether to treat the header string as a regular expression; defaults to false.
  • MethodLengthChecker has a new parameter ignoreEmpty to exclude empty lines from being counted; defaults to false.
  • ForBraceChecker has a new parameter singleLineAllowed to indicate whether a one-line for expressions with parentheses are allowed; defaults to false.
  • NonASCIICharacterChecker has a new parameter allowStringLiterals to indicate whether non-ASCII scripts in string literals should be allowed; defaults to false.

All of the above rules are activated with the default parameter values in the Scalastyle, Scalastyle+Scapegoat and the Recommended by sonar-scala quality profiles.

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


4 years ago
  • Implemented a new mode for pull request decoration. In this mode, sonar-scala will review pull requests on Github and make comments on new issues directly in the pull request instead of reporting them to SonarQube.
    To read more about this feature, see the documentation here. (#196, #316. #318, #319, #324 - @mwz)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


4 years ago

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


4 years ago
  • Added support for SonarQube 7.8. (#234 - @mwz)
  • Updated Scapegoat to 1.3.9, which introduced a new inspection - PreferMapEmpty. (#227 - @mwz)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


5 years ago

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


5 years ago
  • Added support for SonarQube 7.6. (#152 - @BalmungSan)
  • Added an optional sonar.scala.scoverage.disable property, which can be used to disable the Scoverage sensor (defaults to false). (#169 - @BalmungSan)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


5 years ago
  • Backported features and bug fixes from the 7.x series - new unit test metrics such as unit test count, duration of each test and the number of skipped and failed tests - see the release notes from 7.3.0 and 7.3.1 releases for more details. (#164 - @mwz)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


5 years ago
  • Fixed Scalastyle rule lookup for custom rules created from templates. (#148 - @satabin)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


5 years ago
  • Implemented a new sensor which saves unit test metrics such as unit test count, duration of each test and the number of skipped and failed tests. To use the new sensor, set the sonar.tests property which should point to directories containing tests (usually src/test/scala) and make sure you run your unit tests before you trigger sonar-scanner analysis. That's all you need to do in sbt unless you've changed the default location where sbt saves JUnit XML reports - then you'll also need to set the sonar.junit.reportPaths property (which defaults to target/test-reports). For projects using Gradle, setting both properties is necessary to make use of the sensor (Gradle outputs those in build/test-results/test), and Maven additionally requires the Surefire plugin to be installed. Please refer to the sample projects for example configuration for each build tool. (#143 - @mwz)
  • Fixed incorrect log messages about missing sonar.scala.version property. (#139 - @mwz)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.


5 years ago
  • Backported features from the 7.x series - new Recommended by sonar-scala quality profile and cleaned up Scapegoat rule repository, see the notes from 7.2.0 release for more details. (#136 - @mwz)

The plugin is available for download from Bintray.