Intelsdi X Snap Versions Save

The open telemetry framework


7 years ago


d4e3fbb Add medium test to 7a3573b Fixes #1044: Returns an error when trying to stop a disabled task. 5d91b04 Adds log capturing from plugins to be carried through to snapd's logs 84aa75e Fixes 1043: Modifies snap to allow for removal of disabled tasks f497408 Added new file publisher plugin location b95a3e6 Fixes #1058: Adds code to ensure Snap restarts in response to a SIGHUP 5e09053 Updated mock example tasks 4199ee7 Fixed distributed WF tests 9937cd3 Fixed a few more broken unit test references a1b5fe6 Fixed plugin name in various tests a5a7b61 Renamed file publisher plugin and updated names and imports 3d27f31 Consistent tagline and Snappy 🐢 472b9c8 Adding Mesos Collector 🎁 c51379f Altered plugin test files and helper.go - main_test.go in plugin dirs no longer needlessly rebuilds plugins. - Rewrote helper.go and added CheckPluginBuilt func to make sure the binaries are there c21517c Fixes #1002: Generate a test config with an available port. ca0a9b6 Fixes #1037: Adds medium tags to new test files and rename them as medium tests cc4eda7 Update snap build scripts (#1027) 47b789c Add checking and documentation around proper use of metric namespaces 0476ccf Stops control after test blocks 51314c6 Renames CollectMetricsReply in controlproxy avoiding duplicate registration 03e2d69 Fix to run tests only when legacy is specified. 085ff41 Fixed broken links and table e1459db Documentation for tagging metrics via task manifest 320ec8d medium tests for snap-collector-mock1 (#946) b292715 Fixes #1013 (#1036) ae1890d Added publishing tags by file publisher 558af15 Fixes #1031: Adds code to set RESTful API address correctly and use it when starting the RESTful server 2b32785 Change out Gitter for Slack e68b1a3 Fix #1011: Group dynamic metrics in cache under appropriate keys (#1025) 4553e08 Added e8b6ce2 Fixes #979: Adds code to check the CLI and config file port definitions (#1014) 8539f5a Enables plugin communication over gRPC (#1012) 902b9ae add snap-plugin-collector-memcache to catalog (#1022) 6552130 issue#967: Task will not been disabled on consecutive failures if the maximum failures value is -1 ec2d493 issue#967: Customizable number of failures before snap disable the task a28dc01 all signatures of cli commands changed to return error ff8ca32 Adding new options to docs f919e65 Add snap-plugin-collector-ping to catalog c8eef2c resolves the missing SNAP_TEST-TYPE in calling scripts/ 5c56564 Use go get -d to get Snap dfc1e3c Removes task pkg Updating protobuf revisionId 0c1c232 Tests added 58a60c3 Add tasks creation and activation when some found in auto_discover_path 6dc4186 Adds GetAutodiscoverPaths() to Controlproxy c6a7c45 Adding log coloring command line option parameter 91fc4c2 Added log truncation option Updated logrus version to match same than most plugins ed47d6d Fixes #1004: Uses https link for go report card link. 6a8ba3a Fixes #988 - Plugins with multiple config policy nodes may cause a panic (#989) cc6189c Fixes #799: Exposes collector plugin defaults to the framework (#959) b0d56f9 Fixes #987: Adds check for metrics during unsubscribe cbe7b96 Fixes #986 Kubernetes dependency. 0af3ca3 Fixed a typo on the plugin name 2c58263 Adding CloudWatch Publisher Plugin onto the catalog c0dac05 Adds unique context per grpc call in controlproxy 096bd7d Added build tags to grpc_server and fixtures 6061a44 Adds timeout to grpc calls to enable failures 54fa222 Adds testing fixure to control for sharing mocks between different test types 8c5c543 Removes gob and plugin as deps for grpc/common 1a113b5 Adds legacy tag to distributed task test 9f64f29 Adds docs related to distributed workflow 32eac42 Adds/Updates examples 867b7af Updated Godeps c7e285d Adds distributed workflow ability to scheduler d26bb72 gen-proto 0b8120f Adds script to scripts directory ebdd1fb Adds control grpc server files 4123af2 Adds grpc/ directory 0c9871f Update tribe config to use netutil package 172f518 Add netutil and rpcutil to pkg directory 7e82a85 Adding CloudWatch Publisher Plugin onto the catalog f2bf1f5 Fixes #971: Rechecks config option constraints after CLI flags applied 998f694 Only use version for specific tags. 4f7afa7 Fixes #900: Removes '0' from the list of valid ports the REST API can be started on; also refactors how command-line flags are set and prints valid defaults where applicable


7 years ago


506318e Fixes #916: Removes extra Godeps (#970) 1b8e3e1 Fixed #889: Made snapd honor log level settings Now snapd honors log level settings from config and command line flags for startup log messages. cc6b294 Adding warning as suggested 99636c8 Fix for issue #954 cc4165b Move plugin auto discovery into control module 0433b6e sdi-1177 make consistent behavior for RecordFailure 20119c5 Updated mock-file examples to switch user to name to match plugin config 34b0c60 Remove config from psutil-influx.json example since it's for mock 21c50c3 added Redfish plugin into Snap's committed plugin section 1251bef Fixes error in json unmarshaling of cpolicy node 6372b0c Fixes #834: Fixes unload typo in commands.go eff6b76 Fixes #385: Added swap plugins to snapctl and client 29ce8ea Partial refactor of /plugin tests 383246d Fixes #942: Return schedules in REST API response for task creation for windowed and cron schedules 4a6fe7f Unit tests added for pool.SelectAP 409b4c2 PR comments implemented d6accfa Removed commented code fragment 3e4685d Review comments implemented 2932552 Config based routing a54dbd2 Tagging metrics via task manifest fbc056c Start of test refactoring: 129af14 Fixes #929: Corrects error in control/runner.go (#930) 6a38b23 Remove -v option from verbose flag as it conflicts with other flag options that use -v 91f79c8 Add Description, Unit, and Dynamic Elements to metric and metric catalog outputs of snapctl. 9ec96eb Correcting case based on common convention: acd92d9 Fix snapctl so it compiles for 32bit. fb0f412 Fix plugin path in 6fa2069 revising Snap documentation for new users 7d111f5 Feature #924: Display tags for a metric in watch output of a task for snapctl. 1c09e2f Update REST API responses to include Description, Unit, Dynamic, and DynamicElements for metrics returned from the metric catalog. This includes setting dynamic elements of the metric namespace when the metric is dynamic. 783afb3 Update core/metric.go to include Description() and Unit() in CatalogedMetric interface. Add (Namespace)Element() method that returns the NamespaceElement for the provided index. da5ab95 Add Description, Unit, Dynamic, DynamicElements to rbody response. Add DynamicElement struct to hold information for dynamic elements of namespaces. 3c4d95c eligibility conditon simplified 40e39c8 Fixes for better error handling following review comments 71f9521 Fix for TravisCI to pass b24a775 New version integrating comments 079ba51 Fixes #910 43820e2 GH-914 Fix godep dependency bug. dd0af25 Fix for issue #418 a579d11 Fixes #901: mock2 doesn't update wildcard value (#902) c7e2597 Added new plugins to the plugin list (#862) 1e44f11 adds schema validation to the config file parsing process 636b9fd Fixes #898: Adds error handling to catch unrecognized keys in the global configuration file and report them as errors during the parsing process e332eab Fixes #897: Adds error handling to the configuration file parsing process by adding more information to the error messsages (if any) that are returned when the configuration file cannot be parsed correctly bd6f5e4 Fixes #891: Modify autodiscover load plugin log 32220a6 Refactored methods on core.Namespace: Strings() and String() 7a42df2 Fixes #874: fixed panic in snapd when sections of the configuration file are all commented out (at a top-level) 891c09f - Changed signature of core.NewNamespace to variadic arguments (#885) f598bd1 Metric schema and metadata (#872) e02da9a delve might be reasonable alternative 07dcd9e Fixes 821: Watch not closed by server when snapd exits f8a7aeb Update travis to test against latest Golang versions 1.6.2 and 1.5.4 81601f0 Fixes #868: Adds sending of error from getPool for all invalid keys c914792 Fixes issue where errors were not being added in SubscribeDeps 65280b2 Fixes issue where errors were not being added 60eee0a Fix #864: Disable running go vet until consistent output can be achieved. 2d02134 Clearer introduction, added image and adding blog links 12839a6 Update travis to test with Go 1.6.1 497bfdf - Removed panics for incorrect content type in processJob.Run() - Now when content type is different then expected error is reported 8d1b8fe Added missing plugins to and reordered 627f1ba Fixes #847 - task config should take precedence 46f8ec4 Add missing license header to pkg/cfgfile/cfgfile_test.go 00b051a fix typos d9f56a0 Fixes #840 Add Url to HREF field for available plugin (#841) 0d7554d Fixes #833 Move plugin-config outside of tribe cmds 33ff9a6 Added vet checking comment back to fb12921 Fix a typo in 5b724a1 Fix: #812 Add type/name filter support for rest getPlugins b7ec954 Fix #824: Add proper handling of subscription movement 17e4889 Removed travis 1.4.3 and go vet import feec4f7 Adding @IzabellaRaulin as a maintainer 4a20ccc First implementation of dynamic query support 8f8c549 Feature #818 - Cron scheduler 8009a61 Fixes #825: changes idx to watch id in watcher.go 65b06dd "_PATH/bin/snapctl" is missing d231cbd Moves applicable plugins from committed to mainted ab014ff Adds download links to plugin catalog e9f052e Fixes #820 - Task fails when metrics come from different versions of the same plugin 8551a7b update format issues 3bb2886 add more context around godeps install 11f01b6 refer to golang install url 631d4a1 updates to snap build docs c41f23b build doc formatting fix c5ed14d Fixes #758: Added BoolRule to session and cpolicy node 0afcbd8 The tribe nodes still need to set --tribe a1d9228 fixes #804: give fixed names to gob registered types 28858f5 Fixes #785 (adds ability to chain process plugins and the unit test to prove that the code added actually works)


8 years ago

d5f0eec Removed /bin following <snapBinPath>.Added instruction to open a second shell. Ensured the user is in the proper directory before referencing plugin and task files. d7b4897 Adds a valid plugin log path on Windows 28c31c3 Resolves plugin permission change (Windows) 7836afc remove superfluous error logging in cache.go 78e129e Fixes #659: snapd shouldn't start if API port is already in use 71c6994 Update Godeps.json to work with later versions of godep. 7f0203b Update .travis.yml to test Go 1.5.3 34a5245 Added error checking of NewRequestedPlugin return values to properly catch problems with accessing plugins. ccd8414 Fixed link to snap global settings. b0a85ec Fixed link to plugin signing. 2e4d245 Fix #701: Change flags from --u and --a to -u and -a ee67681 Fix #703: Use the client.http transport in WatchTask for HTTPs configuration 7ead1a3 Removing the old way of releasing snap from the project b2ab216 Added graphite publisher to plugin catalog committed plugins. fa14f5f Added checking of interval flags when using WF Manifest via snapctl to give a better error. fbcf52e Partially fixes #698 - Adds error checking for NewRequestedPlugin calls in plugin_test.go e63c844 Added ability to start snapd with global config 2d45244 moves flags out of control.config entirely f750763 Fixed unmarshal flags, updated tests, renamed dir b567f84 Removing accidental pointer in flags.go... 59f6a94 Updated plugin URL c67f4fd Adds test for managing a failed plugin 04133ab SDI-818 restart plugin to the allowed count at the DeadAvailablePluginEvent dc59424 Adds event on plugin restart 364d41d added warn log for restarting a plugin cd9252d SDI-818 restart plugin to the allowed count at the DeadAvailablePluginEvent 61984a5 try to fix the test failure in travis 774c42e Added checking of arg length to avoid panics when parsing in snapctl. d6a0ffa added Elasticsearch collector plugin into the committed plugin catalog f87bd4f Removed reading of config file multiple times 218d358 Added error for non-Json responses to client requests. b026e9f Remove dependency on glibc on linux platform. 55f8236 fixes vet errors 'composite literal uses unkeyed fields' 822d5ee Add Go 1.6 to the testing matrix 1a7de4f Added annotation to example task bb850bd Updating roadmap e28589e Clarification of caching testing and limits c027304 Fixes #211: Adds logging to control/metrics.go cf857f5 Fixes #733: Removed panic from control/metric.go 82beafc Add the rules from a plugins GetConfigPolicy() to the endpoint /v1/plugins/:type/:name/:version under the key "policy" 79c9390 Fixes typos in comments and literals. 6fa4afd Fixed typos/mispellings in comments and docs c57344b Added error checking to control_test.go plugin loading. Now gives errors instead of panicing when plugins are not present. 955a7f4 Fixed dead link in snap/control/config cff79e4 Added Promise::IsError(). feb4c53 Fixes #260: Adds URL checking 08d96ac Add err msg for invalid target 0c8c818 removed error in cache where metrics with different versions would be stored in the same cache entry/added test for this behavior a15bdee Adding more psutil for :cloud: :computer:-ing 512744c Added a PR template for GitHub. 90e3dc5 Ensures scheduler jobs submissions are sent concurrently for a workflow. Refactors scheduler.workJobs() to a package unexported function workJobs(). 8f1398c Adds RecordFailure() to task for recording run failures safely. Refactors submitProcessJob and submitPublishJob to use this new function. 8b6ea9b Add server REST API auth 5b48baa Added REST API auth documentation 8a31dfd Added snapctl config file option d6a1fbe Added auth to client, tribe and cli. fc65790 Added support for bool type to the cpolicy package 7ddfdf0 Adds Name(), Version(), TypeString() to scheduler.job to allow for better logging during execution. 77d6b1a Refactors the schedule package logger for scheduler.go and task.go. Allows for better resuse. 8a9fec0 Fixes work manage testing mocks to make new job interface. 500fd73 Adds debug logging to scheduler.workflow. 99c1b19 Adds unit testing for workJob submission calls. 6cedaaa Removed commented code 9198f97 Added mutex to workflow job submission mock struc to make it thread safe. Removed the delay. cb7ead2 Ensures scheduler jobs submissions are sent concurrently for a workflow. Refactors scheduler.workJobs() to a package unexported function workJobs(). 1da6589 Adds RecordFailure() to task for recording run failures safely. Refactors submitProcessJob and submitPublishJob to use this new function. abe8e0e Adds Name(), Version(), TypeString() to scheduler.job to allow for better logging during execution. f6e58df Refactors the schedule package logger for scheduler.go and task.go. Allows for better resuse. c539df3 Fixes work manage testing mocks to make new job interface. a61f835 Adds debug logging to scheduler.workflow. 460c657 Adds unit testing for workJob submission calls. 8209778 Adds IsError() to match new promise interface changes e8ded86 Removes time delay from workflow test mock struct. This was left over from when this was a test harness for new workflow testing behavior. 717b91f Fixes #751 548d463 Documentation for labeling strategy - SDI-808 606ace9 Fix #760: Use log file when specified in config file or via command line parameter 9fcef62 Improves issue link part of PR template. 77669db Fixes #767 fcab2fc Enhancement #386: Implement Global Config per Spec with support for YAML config files 4537157 Feature #247: adds new command-line flags for work manager queue and pool sizes cf4b969 Remove golint download as scripts/ does not run golint. This will allow testing to run in Go 1.4.3 for now d4807ee Fix #776: Fix zombie task by removing trying to lock an already locked task. 6ece85a Fix #768: Return and check error from *schedulerWorkflow.BindPluginContentType() method e1f7bf0 snapctl: use default in metric get 71dae70 Fix link from TASKS doc to SNAPCTL 6d1844f Correcting example task & adding another dc12496 Fix #787: Set gitcookie for due to rate limit for dependency 93bdc31 adds snappy to readme 7b14ecf Fixed typo in passthru processor f6acee8 rest: add tags to task watch events 8c55bbb Fix #795: Return both cached and collected metrics 9c62f8d Fixes some typos e41e628 added Cassandra publisher and colletor plugins into the committed plugin catalog eb1c78f Fixes #807 - Resets the lastFireTime on a task.Spin() 6a3560f Fix #650: forward tags and labels from the catalog to the plugin on collection


8 years ago

8cefac6 Fix typo in name of snap published mock file 038699c Add new collector plugins to PLUGIN_CATALOG af4a940 Adding introduction to Plugin Authoring 381a96a Corrected typo in environment 981426b minor typos 81a4198 Frontloaded steps outlined by @candysmurf 9c2cff8 Formatting Best Practices doc 6a8301e Fix #674: Merge global config into plugin config for ProcessMetrics and PublishMetrics e31128a Change log message from error to debug and log the correct namespace being added to cache f1dc462 Adds sticky (plugin) routing strategy e7605d4 Nominating Marcin for snap maintainer 9a5ab1c removes .vscode directory f3923d9 added heka publisher plugin into committed section of plugin catalog dc346ef Added Apache plugin to the list of committed plugins


8 years ago

efdfdf6 fix deps and test scripts a8ed3ae Adds cache TTL and routing/caching strategy (per plugin) eaa1931 Refactored readmes for building snap etc 83c7543 Added NFS client plugin to the catalog 3b03339 Use the global TTL if it is greater than what the plugin advertises (as a minimum) 8ba0f97 Factored out promise abstraction from queued job. 869c954 Refactored queuedJob to use promise abstraction. 94fa0e2 Refactored mockJob test to use Promise. d94bd63 Guarantee queueing error in work manager test. e45a7ff Updates in PLUGIN_CATALOG 3cd1656 Added timeout variants for blocking promise ops. 9e7c045 Fix #657: Pass deadline for a task from task maniest or from command line for a workflow manifest. fe99ef1 Add JMX collector to wish list. 7852d4b add etcd plugin to "in development" in plugin catalog 86e3927 Add errors to dropped overdue jobs. d6ccb15 Update Travis to test against Go 1.4.3 and Go 1.5.2 as these are the latest stable releases in the 1.4.x and 1.5.x. 7b1c532 Fix #662: Task hangs on a large number of metrics


8 years ago

5019a43 Added mock1 to plugin load example 7f60d06 some clean up on 6e17081 adds tribe doc 3944fa4 Added 'In Active Development' statement f947c26 Update build script to say building snapd and snapctl 53d3c68 adding Roadmap and Plugin writing details 9d582f0 Updating maintainers 8252014 Adding maintainers 5b87900 s/MD/md/ :smile: d26f83a Change readme to show both curl and snapctl as options 546d136 Updates with @lynxbat comments 74a6dad Correcting tagline in snapctl & snapd output f335f6d s/writs/writes 49851d5 added initial authors e8184c3 Adds checks to client_func_test for #566 f612820 fixed maintainers and other text d0b5981 adds task documentation ee19631 added mock-file.yaml and use it in README 9c74adb moved plugin signing readme and added to main readme 592b46b README formatting edits 88ceab7 file formatting 75db79b Updated renamed etc 25aac1e Delete SNAPD.MD e77bb76 missed one on the g/pulse/snap/ conversion fda44f4 Capitalized REST API in 4baeac9 Correcting maintainers 11f9593 removes netrc a6b23e6 Add Gitter badge 7dbf40f Adding blog posts 6d14dc6 fixing travis 04ad1bc Update plugin catalog 15ed513 swap build status badge c8d4f9f reordered maintainers to alphabetical order c42fc87 Added snappy the turtle to 620f91f Fix for #489 - disabled task shouldn't be allowed to start 2a30e9a removed logo from turtle img c1c75cb Adds goreport badge to the README 823d35c issue: cmd/snapctl/task.go: erase from cursor to bottom before printFields() 903d3cc fix #530: exit if given an empty keyring path 7207c44 fix #534: panic on metric tree lookup with trailing slash cea8bce added for examples package 51ac1bf fix #526: adds lookup for GetMetricVersions cbe7e21 fix #479 - Plugins can remain running after a task fails to start d1d308d Removed github token from docker run tests script ca1614e address golint warning for package plugin and schedule b8d6e7c Renamed vars (sub_errs -> sers, unsub_errs -> uerrs) e5e4207 Refactors examples b508b31 address golint warning for package pkg 30e3140 Fixed Example usage in 0bbfd5a Fixes #610 for control/plugin/client/client.go nil comparison 1e666b3 Removed coveralls references 89ce3a9 Adds check to scripts/ for plugin binaries 717dffb Made workManager.Work nonblocking. fa145bd Fixes #608. Added snapctl t:n:v option. 23d52d6 Simplify test case for work manager. be4bf6a Fixes #525 swap plugins of diff types 32838b8 #626: Address gofmt issues as reported by 6b2dac9 #628: Add -s flag to gofmt command in scripts/ 2ddc952 address golint warning for cmd package 3d6392f address golint warnings in package control


8 years ago

This is the first public release of snap. snap is currently in beta. Any features listed are part of the current beta version but may not be fully implemented per the feature spec for the 1.0 release in 2016.


  • Dynamic plugin loading
  • Intelligent workflows for tasks
  • Scheduled tasks
    • Simple
    • Windowed
  • REST API (HTTP and HTTPS supported)
  • Plugin payload encryption
  • Plugin signing
  • Tribe
    • Gossip based communication between snap daemons for plugin and task agreements

Known Issues:

Included with this release are tarballs of pre-compiled binaries of snapd and snapctl for both Mac OS X and Linux (snap-v0.9.0-beta-PLATFORM-amd64.tar.gz).

Current Intel maintained plugins are pre-compiled for the appropriate platform and bundled in the snap-plugins-v0.9.0-beta-PLATFORM-amd64.tar.gz tarball files. Each of these plugins have their own repo, and issues with any plugin should be reported there. The Plugin Catalog lists the current maintained plugins with repo links.

5178b62 Fix #472: Need to call the functions to return Name, Version, and Type of a core.CatalogedPlugin 4ae783b Resolves #205 Updated pulsectl task to truncate count values 6d59d08 Fix for #474 to print plugin-type as a string in logs 7743c3a Modified task error codes for #467 8a6cc67 Changed published timestamp into metric's collection timestamp + incrementing the version of plugin + updating file-publisher version required by some tests 1192004 Fixes the detection of tribe in pulsectl c8b23f7 Updated dummy to mock 0043f8f Nix 'written in go' from arch section in README. c1ccbd1 Expose bool as supported type in func SupportedTypes() 0f8e471 Added ability to load multiple keyrings for #481 337b4be Added pkg/psigning 2201edf Fixes tribe error handling when a failure to start occurs 2b24789 Fixes log level 4fbfd0e Rewords the tribe-seed flag usage 8b117f3 Adds to tribe stop task handling 7d13bae Adds to tribe start task handling 33bb454 Removes debug statement 84dcc29 Adds to tribe remove task handling a722e3e Improves logging in tribe 96dd28f Increases the timeout for waiting for a plugin response from 3 to 5 seconds 17d4276 Adds to tribe unload plugin handling 90c6f94 Adds locking around port selection during tribe client tests e62d02f Adds support for query model 47a138b Added examples to pkg/psigning/ 02c6304 Fixes #504 - adds plugin GET response for single plugin API calls db16cf5 Switched sdilabs-x to intelsdi-x in docker run script 9dab28c Added new Chrono structure to keep track of virtual time 3c5e95c Updated cache test to use chrono for time warp 44327ab Moved chrono from core to pkg 200e817 Reintroduce deleted license lines b9cccfd Change additional cache test to use chrono 6223040 Added with build/test process 986db7d Removed plugin deps in /scripts/ 662a7c8 Drop checks for specific connection error text. f2adafe mgmt/client godoc f9d5cbf Added additional checks to client_config_func_test.go 6e19db6 removes unreferenced Label struct from the plugin pkg e8becf5 Added license to License section of 9e56485 Fix #471. Explicitly fail tests if plugin doesn't actually load after three attempts. 58fb5a8 Fix #516: Add Travis optimizations for starting a plugin when it can fail under load dff6e98 Maintainers for main 387fba4 plugin catalog 39fbbe5 #417: Verify plugins before running plugins. Always extract plugin from package before running plugin. Add ACI package using appc/spec for extracting and validating packages. 14f5dd5 Enable CGO just for Linux builds a68e694 readme getting started 7f1e097 Making it clear that we build is for everyone 85b024f Reordered, removed duplicates 4d5b286 Swapped all emails with github username b2aa6d2 Rewrite overview of Pulse 65c19e0 Filled in contributing section. 21b1e6d Added table spacing 2b4c8a7 Updates to README d51b85b REST API - adds href attributes for plugin resources 79007dd Adds Href to metric resources in the REST API This does work with '*' in the path 998a891 Adds Href to task resources for REST API cc47546 Adds version query to metric href 89f1c2b Plugin Authoring Doc e6e0668 Fix #527: Do not log to stdout if log-path is set when starting daemon 4183b10 Code improvements and close files that were opened 55b2a7f Remove os.Exit(1) statements that follow log.Fatal commands fcde625 Update a3cd812 Update 66b093f adds ability for a node to join a previously configured agreement 2c79589 This commit break apart the ListenAndServe function into Server. This allows the passing of port ":0" letting .netListener choose a port. This is useful for tests where port conflicts can cause failures. This does not change the ListenAndServeTLS function. 7a471fa Changes rest and client tests to use ":0" for port and not specify a specific port. Should fix #517 d547321 Converts the client_tribe_func_test.go to use a net.Listen to find an open port c70290c REST API Documentation 0aef128 renames pulse to snap fa4147a Update with contribution guidelines for the repo 8ad1e2e Fixes build status with the new name 0bda7d3 Removed pkg/unpackage from gitignore 4609cc8 Deleting files not needed anymore 40c6ebb Removed old, unneeded files 4514910 Rename snap Tribe to snap tribe in README f13a55a it is vROPs not vCOPs now 652b1c7 Clear up wording in README c2dec61 Update docs to RESTful instead of restful or Restful 90399ef perror -> serror 501454a Plugins best practices


8 years ago

1dbad76 Added README to PCM collector plugin 5084b1e Adds global tribe membership and plugin agreements 1c420f9 Fix for issue #328 pulse mgmt rest client does not properly return or throw an error when a directory is passed to LoadPlugin c8371e1 caching support for collector plugins 805264f adds ability to set cache expiration from pulsed cli 55c64b9 Adds agreements for tasks 904f021 Made it so all missing metrics are shown 9df56fc Fixed: error in client test 4c26716 Align all plugin types to return a ConfigPolicy. 4c566f5 Order pluginTypes to match order in core.PluginTypes 6425e39 issue 235: remove non-deterministic queue test 012297b expose a metric's config policy via the catalog 9abf7ca Plugin signing for plugin binaries and optional asc. a4055f7 Update release process with use of github-release v2 tool that supports creation of annotated tags. 9ea0701 SMART Plugin added ee03a5a Change rest functional test port range from 8000 to 40000 a91dd2b Add openpgp dependency to Godeps 9ce8626 Remove InfluxDB plugin. Moved to 013fc72 Fix in rabbitMQ plugin. 6fa9688 Perf events plugin. Collect HW metrics per Cgroup. 6c7781f Remove RabbitMQ plugin. Plugin moved to c5c7c82 Remove kafka publisher plugin. New repo located at 847c010 fixes #361 3e035d0 Adds encryption by default. b29baa4 adds ability to turn encryption on and off per plugin c441baf Remove -- from no-start flag in order for it to work properly 6711d74 Fix typo in output at beginning of stream dd7472a Remove MySQL plugin. Plugin now located at cef280f Remove Riemann plugin. Plugin now located at 7c47024 Update rest tests with change from riemann to file plugin and update watch test to not depend on task going disabled 2977879 Update plugin from riemann to file in sample file 2174fa0 Clean up watch tasks go routines to actually close go routine when watch is done. 250439b Extend collection window from 10ms to 100ms to allow plugin to start up due to payload encryption key generation 002be38 Adds linux build tag to smart collector plugin ef06e67 Improves reliability of tests 3a44873 Fix #379 and add tests around checking errors for manifests defined without config for metric with policy defined 04502bb Adds tribe plugin agreements e3cb82b Adds graceful shutdown handling to tribe 1819b96 Fixes pcm-influx example 9b9d2db Fixes #376. Switches debug message to error message 69add01 Adds tribe task agreements 390c66f Changes from uint64 to a uuid 331ac33 Tweak problem tests 8e39e8f Simplifiy tribe worker 4fdfa51 Adds required download param to be set when downloading plugin 5563872 add https to rest api e2f1ae0 Change err to errp so publish or process plugin errors are checked and returned properly d24dce2 Fixes tribe tests 7f2ad9d Respond back with HTTP code 409 if a plugin is already loaded to specify a conflict. Add test to verify 409 is being sent for duplicate plugin f9ad18b adds https ability to go rest client and pulsectl 62bded4 Refacter calls to to task.ID() aff26f5 Refactor getting a task and error message that could be returned if task is not found ebbff15 Update function name to reflect that it returns both metrics and plugins dcf9716 Consolidate multiple conversions of SubscribedPlugin to CorePlugin in one function call c65ac12 Fix #377: A disabled task event should unsubscribe task dependencies 08ad9bb Check if err is nil instead of is task is nil in worker.go on task agreements de0c592 Remove movingaverage plugin. Plugin now located at 6f5bba4 Change test to use passthru plugin from movingaverage plugin. 8b7e30c Fix 393: Change namespace from Control to Scheduler c40661d Added apache2 license and headers 41da158 Added README to pulse-collector-smart eb778d2 Remove Smart Collector plugin. Plugin now located at 9b8c3ff Add exemplary ceph-file task manifest 2d36075 Fix #403: Change to checking to see if a metric's policy has any rules before processing config 68b2cb7 Update mock type with updated interface ba9157a Remove psutil plugin. Plugin located at b1f737c Remove psutil plugin from tests where it wasn't being used. c66e452 added the cache TTL for the plugin 5fbff3f Remove perfevents plugin. New plugin repo located at e0a7b60 added the ability to enable a disabled task 59f95e3 Remove PCM plugin. Plugin now located at 9dafc22 Remove Facter plugin. Plugin now located at 6843c1d Remove installing facter during Travis testing. Remove if statement around cover dependency to speed up builds d204199 Fixed apache license typo of Corporation bb66172 Added unpackaging of plugin to load. b6ad0d0 Adds global config 32f3301 Adds ability to pass a config to pulsed on startup 6d82687 Exposes global plugin config through REST cdac3ca Merges global plugin config when validating a task 680a577 Fixing issue 392 Issuing start on a running task and stop a stopped task f282f24 Arranged metrics for pulsectl metric list in alphabetical order b7d36d8 Update exit codes from 0 to 1 on Fatal messages. Add exit codes where they were missing 34bc848 clean up task watching when disabled 379ae17 update gitignore 7dbe5cd Resolves #419 by checking for nil config before merging 1e23820 Update InfluxDB version to 5. Update grafana dashboards to look for intel in namespace of metric to be displayed dd1bed7 Removes version pinning in psutil sample task c0eaa1e Binds config manager to rest service 3575ebe Adds ability for REST config calls to take strings or ints for the plugin type. a86a47e use StartTask for startOnCreate a91eddf Fixing govet error: composite literal uses unkeyed fields 19f88f7 Updated pkgs: switched psigning from perrors to errors and fixed some file closing for unpackage 706a38d start plugins synchronously 8e4e02e Add setting timestamp to metric when client uses JSON RPC b94d2bd Cleanup code to match JSONRPC code for iterating through returned metrics in GetMetricTypes e29101d Add support for actually storing minimum and maximum values set in integer and float rules 3eb7832 Update pulsectl output to show minimum and maximum values for rules 42f2d25 Catch errors thrown by http.ListenAndServe and quit Pulse if detected c1cbdbc Fixing error PANIC: close of closed channelfor task.Stop() b0183bf Use constants for pluginTrust levels 718c433 Fix pluginTrust level check in pulse.go 87c940f Move checking logLevel and pluginTrust values to separate function and occur earlier in the startup process of pulsed a799ad9 Fix: Close keyring file passed in as we just set the path to file and not pass in the open file 30803ab Fix: Store the absolute path to the keyring file bdb4db2 Fix: Only log that we are logging to stdout if we are only logging to stdout adbcc81 Resolves issue setting PluginConfig on the plugin manager from control. 091f3c6 Adds error handling and exit(1) if an invalid config is provided to pulsed efd20da Ensures that metric type config is not nil before we call collect d2c9b1f Refactor loading of plugins to require passing in both plugin file and signature file if plugin is signed 1205ef6 Fix 438 and refactor reading through multipart input from REST Client 40fd2c1 Create temporary directory to store files in. Convert Load call use pass in array of files instead of just one file path 5a039aa Update pulse.go to pass both file and signing file of plugin for autodiscover 8ac927f Fix 440: Remove writing plugins to autodiscover directory from REST API 8b57c7f Clean up code around setting pluginPath and signatureFile 921b4fc Fix 439: Remove plugin signing file when plugin is unloaded and removed 553790d Add check to only continue with loading a plugin if only two files were passed to control.Load 5fc3a87 Add checking if signature file exists if plugin trust level is set to warn e962476 Save plugin to temporary directory instead of temporary file so changes in UnloadPlugin to remove directory path does not remove entire temporary directory 8c2533c Added a stopping state for StopTask due to PANIC: close of closed channel f056070 Refactored client_func_test.go 271394f Exposes through REST leaving a tribe agreement d8314fd Makes joining an agreement a PUT (instead of a POST) 0581e55 Exposes deleting a tribe agreement through REST f8a5b75 Adds tribe specific commands to pulsectl 73a4c8e Made it so the header isn't written more than once 816d981 Fixes merging plugin config for specific type, name, version of a plugin d40985c Adds plugin config rest client 2b09ab8 Adds plugin config to pulsectl a4b26f7 Pulsectl when task is watched prints sorted metrics da78c23 Refactor Load, Unload, and Swap Plugins tests in control_test.go. Added a function for retrying loading of a plugin to resolve timeout failures in travis. 06e96e8 Add load method to retry loading of a plugin for travis issues d68aacb Add metrics source info to the published file If m.Source() gives empty string, writes "unknown" 18e91fd Fixed so pulsectl task watch gives an error if the task ID doesn't exist a4985e8 Update file plugin version to 2 534c9dd Removes PCM examples