SmartFormat Versions Save

A lightweight text templating library written in C# which can be a drop-in replacement for string.Format


2 years ago

Changes since v3.0.0-rc.1

1. Bugfix for Parser (#246)

A single escape character (\) at the end of the input string will now throw an ArgumentException with a comprehensive error message.

2. Added KeyValuePairSource (#244)

KeyValuePairSource isas a simple, cheap and performant way to create named placeholders.


Smart.Format("{placeholder}", new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("placeholder", "some value")
// Result: "some value"

3. Advanced features for IsMatchFormatter (#245)

The IsMatchFormatter is a formatter with evaluation of regular expressions.

New: The formatter can output matching group values of a RegEx.


We'll evalute this argument with IsMatchFormatter:

KeyValuePair<string, object> arg = new("theValue", "Some123Content");
a) Simple "match or no match" distinction:

This behavior is unchanged.

_ = Smart.Format("{theValue:ismatch(^.+123.+$):Okay - {}|No match content}", arg);
// Result: "Okay - Some123Content"

_ = Smart.Format("{theValue:ismatch(^.+999.+$):Okay - {}|No match content}", arg);
// Result: "No match content"
b) Show the matches in the output:
// List the matching RegEx group values
_ = Smart.Format("{theValue:ismatch(^.+\\(1\\)\\(2\\)\\(3\\).+$):Matches for '{}'\\: {m:list:| - }|No match}", arg);
// Result: "Matches for 'Some123Content': Some123Content - 1 - 2 - 3"

// Show specific matching RegEx group values with their index in the list
_ = Smart.Format("{theValue:ismatch(^.+\\(1\\)\\(2\\)\\(3\\).+$):First 2 matches in '{}'\\: {m[1]} and {m[2]}|No match}", arg);
// Result: "First 2 matches in 'Some123Content': 1 and 2"

The placeholder m is for the collection of matching RegEx group values generated by IsMatchFormatter. The collection has at least one entry for a successful match. See more details in the Microsoft docs for the GroupCollection class.

The name of the placeholder can be set with IsMatchFormatter.PlaceholderNameForMatches. "m" is the default.

4. Obsolete elements

Remainders from the v2.x API: All obsolete element usage creates a compile time error


2 years ago

Changes since v3.0.0-alpha.5

Packages (#238)

1. Package overview

SmartFormat has the following NuGet packages:

a) SmartFormat.NET

This is package which references all other packages below.

b) SmartFormat

SmartFormat is the core package. It comes with the most frequently used extensions built-in:

  1. Source extensions:
  • GlobalVariablesSource
  • PersistentVariablesSource
  • StringSource ✔️
  • ListFormatter (implementing ISource) ✔️
  • DictionarySource ✔️
  • ValueTupleSource ✔️
  • ReflectionSource ✔️
  • DefaultSource ✔️
  1. Formatter extensions:
  • ListFormatter (implementing IFormatter) ✔️
  • PluralLocalizationFormatter ✔️
  • ConditionalFormatter ✔️
  • IsMatchFormatter ✔️
  • NullFormatter ✔️
  • LocalizationFormatter
  • TemplateFormatter
  • ChooseFormatter ✔️
  • SubStringFormatter ✔️
  • DefaultFormatter ✔️

Breaking change:

Note that only extensions marked (✔️) are included when calling Smart.CreateDefaultFormatter(...). These default extensions differ from previous versions.

Some extensions (like PersistentVariablesSource and TemplateFormatter) require configuration to be useful.

c) SmartFormat.Extensions.System.Text.Json

This package is a SmartFormat extension for formatting System.Text.Json types as a source.

d) SmartFormat.Extensions.Newtonsoft.Json

This package is a SmartFormat extension for formatting Newtonsoft.Json types as a source.

e) SmartFormat.Extensions.Xml

This package is a SmartFormat extension for reading and formatting System.Xml.Linq.XElements.

f) SmartFormat.Extensions.Time

This package is a SmartFormat extension for formatting System.DateTime, System.DateTimeOffset and System.TimeSpan types.

2. Add extensions to the SmartFormatter

a) The easy way

Call Smart.CreateDefaultFormatter(...) and get a ready-to-use SmartFormatter. The same happens under the hood when calling one of the Smart.Format(...) methods.

b) The tailor-made alternative

When it comes to performance, it is advisable to add only those specific extensions that are needed. Just like this:

var formatter = new SmartFormatter()
    .AddExtensions(new ReflectionSource())
    .AddExtensions(new PluralLocalizationFormatter(), new DefaultFormatter());

Breaking change:

In v3.0 all WellKnownExtensionTypes.Sources and WellKnownExtensionTypes.Formatters are automatically inserted to the extension list at the place where they usually should be.

Any extension can, however, be inserted to the desired position in the extension list:

  • SmartFormatter.InsertExtension(int position, IFormatter sourceExtension)
  • SmartFormatter.InsertExtension(int position, IFormatter formatterExtension)

This can be useful especially when adding your custom extensions. You should call SmartFormatter.InsertExtension(...) after SmartFormatter.AddExtensions(...):

var formatter = new SmartFormatter()
    .AddExtensions(new ReflectionSource())
    .AddExtensions(new PluralLocalizationFormatter(), new DefaultFormatter())
    .InsertExtension(0, new MyCustomFormatter());


2 years ago
  • Fixed: ConditionalFormatter processes unsigned numbers in arguments correctly.
  • Fixed: JsonSource: Corrected handling of null values in Newtonsoft.Json objects.


2 years ago

Changes since v.3.0.0-alpha.4

1. Object Pools

After implementing Object Pools for all classes which are frequently instantiated, GC and memory allocation again went down significantly.

In order to return "smart" objects back to the object pool, its important to use one of the following patterns.


a) Single thread context (no need to care about object pooling)

var resultString = Smart.Format("format string", args);

b) Recommended: Auto-dispose Format (e.g.: caching, multi treading context)

var smart = Smart.CreateDefaultSmartFormat();
// Note "using" for auto-disposing the parsedFormat
using var parsedFormat = new Parser().ParseFormat("format string", args);
var resultString = smart.Format(parsedFormat);

c) Call Format.Dispose() (e.g.: caching, multi treading context)

var smart = Smart.CreateDefaultSmartFormat();
var parsedFormat = new Parser().ParseFormat("format string", args);
var resultString = smart.Format(parsedFormat);
// Don't use (or reference) "parsedFormat" after disposing

2. Thread Safety

SmartFormat makes heavy use of caching and object pooling for expensive operations, which both require static containers.

a) Instantiating SmartFormatters from different threads:

`SmartSettings.IsThreadSafeMode=true` **must** be set, so that thread safe containers are used. This brings an inherent performance penalty.

 **Note:** The simplified `Smart.Format(...)` API overloads use a static `SmartFormatter` instance which is **not** thread safe. Call `Smart.CreateDefaultSmartFormat()` to create a default `Formatter`.

a) Instantiating SmartFormatters from a single thread:

`SmartSettings.IsThreadSafeMode=false` **should** be set for avoiding the multithreading overhead and thus for best performance. 

The simplified `Smart.Format(...)` API overloads are allowed here.


2 years ago

Changes on top of v3.0.0-alpha.3:

1. Further improvement in performance

2. Added LocalizationFormatter (#176)


  • Added LocalizationFormatter to localize literals and placeholders
  • Added ILocalizationProvider and a standard implemention as LocalizationProvider, which handles resx resource files. A fallback culture can be set. It will be used, in case no item for a certain culture could be found in any of the resources. LocalizationProvider can search an unlimited number of defined resoures.
  • SmartSettings were exended with category Localization. That way, custom IFormatters can also make use of localization, if needed.
  • Added LocalizationFormattingException, which is derived from FormattingException to easily identify this kind of issues


Culture-specific results shown here are included in embedded resource files, which are omitted for brevity.

a) Localize pure literals into Spanish:

// culture supplied as a format option
_ = Smart.Format(culture, "{:L(en):WeTranslateText}");
// culture supplied as an argument to the formatter
var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("es");
_ = Smart.Format(culture, "{:L:WeTranslateText}");
// result for both: "Traducimos el texto"

b) Localized strings may contain placeholders

_ = Smart.Format("{0} {1:L(es):has {:#,#} inhabitants}", "X-City", 8900000);
// result: "X-City tiene 8.900.000 habitantes"
_ = Smart.Format("{0} {1:L(es):has {:#,#} inhabitants}", "X-City", 8900000);
// result: "X-City has 8,900,000 inhabitants"

c) Localization can be used together with other formatters

_ = Smart.Format("{0:plural:{:L(en):{} item}|{:L(en):{} items}}", 0;
// result for English: 0 items
_ = Smart.Format("{0:plural:{:L(fr):{} item}|{:L(fr):{} items}}", 0;
// result for French: 0 élément
_ = Smart.Format("{0:plural:{:L(fr):{} item}|{:L(fr):{} items}}", 200;
// result for French: 200 éléments

3. Refactored PluralLocalizationFormatter (#209)

  • Constructor with string argument for default language is obsolete.
  • Property DefaultTwoLetterISOLanguageName is obsolete.
  • Culture is now determined in this sequence (same as with LocalizationFormatter):
    a) Get the culture from the FormattingInfo.FormatterOptions.
    b) Get the culture from the IFormatProvider argument (which may be a CultureInfo) to SmartFormatter.Format(IFormatProvider, string, object?[])
    c) The CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture

4. Refactored TimeFormatter (#220, #221)

  • Constructor with string argument for default language is obsolete.
  • Property DefaultTwoLetterISOLanguageName is obsolete.
  • Culture is now determined in this sequence (same as with LocalizationFormatter and PluralLocalizationFormatter):
    a) Get the culture from the FormattingInfo.FormatterOptions.
    b) Get the culture from the IFormatProvider argument (which may be a CultureInfo) to SmartFormatter.Format(IFormatProvider, string, object?[])
    c) The CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture
  • New: With the extended CommonLanguagesTimeTextInfo, TimeFormatter includes French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German as new languages besides English out-of-the-box.
  • New: With e.g. TimeFormatter.FallbackLanguage = "en";, this fallback language will be used, if no supported language could be found.
  • New: Custom languages can now easily be added to CommonLanguagesTimeTextInfo. Custom languages override built-in definitions.
    var language = "nl"; // dummy - it's English, not Dutch ;-)
    TimeTextInfo custom = new(
        pluralRule: PluralRules.GetPluralRule(language),
        week: new[] { "{0} week", "{0} weeks" },
        day: new[] { "{0} day", "{0} days" },
        hour: new[] { "{0} hour", "{0} hours" },
        minute: new[] { "{0} minute", "{0} minutes" },
        second: new[] { "{0} second", "{0} seconds" },
        millisecond: new[] { "{0} millisecond", "{0} milliseconds" },
        w: new[] { "{0}w" },
        d: new[] { "{0}d" },
        h: new[] { "{0}h" },
        m: new[] { "{0}m" },
        s: new[] { "{0}s" },
        ms: new[] { "{0}ms" },
        lessThan: "less than {0}");
    CommonLanguagesTimeTextInfo.AddLanguage(language, custom)
  • Changed: a) This notation - using formats as formatter options - was allowed in Smart.Format v2.x, but is now depreciated. It is still detected and working, as long as the format part is left empty
    var formatDepreciated = "{0:time(abbr hours noless)}";
    b) This format string is recommended for Smart.Format v3 and later. It allows for including the language as an option to the TimeFormatter:
    // Without language option:
    var formatRecommended = "{0:time:abbr hours noless:}";
    // With language option:
    var formatRecommended = "{0:time(en):abbr hours noless:}";
  • PRs for extending built-in languages are welcome.
  • Example:
    var timeSpan = new TimeSpan(1,1,1,1,1)
    Smart.Format("{0:time(en):hours minutes}", timeSpan);
    // result: "25 hours 1 minute"
    Smart.Format("{0:time(fr):hours minutes}", timeSpan);
    // result: "25 heures 1 minute"


2 years ago


  • Fixed: #179 DualFromZeroToTwo plural rule. Thanks to @OhSoGood
  • Fixed: #211 Illegal placeholder characters that are not 8-bit, will no more throw unexpected ThrowByteOverflowException. Thanks to @bogatykh


2 years ago

Changes since v3.0.0-alpha.1:

1. All Format() methods accept nullable args

  • Opposed to string.Format null(able) arguments are allowed.
  • Changes effect classes Smart and SmartFormatter

2. ListFormatter will be initialized only once


2 years ago

Changes on top of v3.0.0-alpha.2:

1. NullFormatter processes complex formats:

  • Behavior is comparable to ChooseFormatter
  • Allows for nested formats
  • More plausibility checks

2. NewtonsoftJsonSource: fix evaluating null values

3. Add missing formatters to Smart.CreatDefaultFormatter

  • include IsMatchFormatter
  • include NullFormatter

4. Improved parsing of HTML input

Introduced experimental bool ParserSettings.ParseInputAsHtml. The default is false.

If true, theParser will parse all content inside <script> and <style> tags as LiteralText. All other places may still contain Placeholders.

This is because <script> and <style> tags may contain curly or square braces, that interfere with the SmartFormat {Placeholder}.

Best results can only be expected with clean HTML: balanced opening and closing tags, single and double quotes. Also, do not use angle brackets, single and double quotes in script or style comments.

SmartFormat is not a fully-fledged HTML parser. If this is required, use AngleSharp or HtmlAgilityPack.


2 years ago

Significant improvements of performance:

BenchmarkDotNet performance tests for formatters and ISources now show (depending on different input format strings) the following improvements compared to v2.7.0:

  • increase in speed by up to 40%
  • decrease of GC pressure (collects are only GC Generation 0, allocated memory reduced by up to 60%)

Formatting measured with a cached parsed Format, and including the result string returned to the caller. Parser was already optimized with PR #187.


3 years ago
  • Fixed broken backward compatibilty introduced in v2.6.2 (issues referenced in #148, #147, #143).
  • Fixed: Take an erroneous format string like "this is {uncomplete" (missing closing brace). Before v2.7.0 the parser handled {uncomplete as a TextLiteral, not as an erroneous Placeholder.
  • Fixed: Since v1.6.1 there was an undiscovered issue: If the Parser encountered a ParsingError.TooManyClosingBraces, this closing brace was simply "swallowed-up". This way, the result with Parser.ErrorAction.MaintainTokens differs from the original format string. From v2.7.0, the redundant closing brace is handled as a TextLiteral.
  • If you have issues formatting HTML with CSS and/or JavaScript included, please read the bullet-proof How-to in the Wiki