Shournal Versions Save

Log shell-commands and used files. Snapshot executed scripts. Fully automatic.


4 years ago
  • Additionally allow for logging arbitrary read-events without file-content storage.
  • Hidden paths are now excluded by default for read-, script- and write events. Hidden paths explicitly set in include_paths are not affected.
  • When loading paths from config file, the following symbols are now resolved: $HOME, ~, $CWD
  • New query-option '--output-format' with two allowed values: 'human' and 'json' (the latter was added).
  • Fix relative path resolution in shell integration which caused some file-events to not get logged (test case added).
  • Better handling of fanotify-read-failures.
  • Improve compatibility with higher cmake-versions
  • replace with because of by valgrind reported memory errors and greater community support.
  • Better handling of config-file scheme-updates: preserve order of sections and keys also under awkward circumstances.


4 years ago

The project has been in use for quite some time with a smaller user base at the institute I work at, that's why the first version published here is already labeled 2.0.