Sequency Versions Save

⚡️ Type-safe functional sequences for processing iterable data


6 years ago

This version further simplifies comparator composition for sorted: Simple property comparisons can now be passed as type-safe string keys, e.g. compareBy("age") or thenByDescending("lastName").

Thanks @couzic for your contributions!

Please refer to the API docs for further explanation.


6 years ago

This version adds comparator composition capabilities to the sorted() function to support defining of complex sorting behavior in a type-safe and type-inference friendly way.

Please refer to the API docs for further explanation.

bildschirmfoto 2017-09-13 um 10 14 00


6 years ago

This version adds function generateSequence() to generate possibly infinite sequences.

Please refer to the API docs for further explanation.

bildschirmfoto 2017-09-07 um 09 22 54


6 years ago

This version adds new operations to each Sequence:

  • dropWhile()
  • takeWhile()

Please refer to the API documentation for further infos.


6 years ago

This version adds new operations to each Sequence:

  • average()
  • min()
  • minBy()
  • minWith()
  • max()
  • maxBy()
  • maxWith()

Please refer to the API documentation for further infos.


6 years ago

This version adds inline JSDoc for all sequence operations. JSDoc is available inline in some editors like Intellij IDEA or Webstorm. The docs are also available online as HTML:

bildschirmfoto 2017-08-23 um 21 33 06


6 years ago

Add new Sequence operations: sum(), sumBy(), toList() and chunk()


6 years ago

First public pre-release of sequency. 🎉

npm install sequency

Please keep in mind, that API is still subject to change. However it's already in a pretty good shape, so chances are good there won't be any significant changes anymore.