SelfhostedPro Yacht Versions Save

A web interface for managing docker containers with an emphasis on templating to provide 1 click deployments. Think of it like a decentralized app store for servers that anyone can make packages for.


3 years ago

Yacht has come a long way in the past few months and I think it's ready for an alpha especially to get some more feedback from people with different skill levels and possibly attract some dev help. I think the current features represent the minimum state that someone could use to manage containers but I also think there's a long way to go until this is feature complete. Thanks to all of you who've tried it out so far and I look forward to making it better as time goes on.


3 years ago

Tempaltes This is the initial Pre-Alpha release for Yacht. Everything has been re-written as a Flask API backend with a Vuejs frontend to provide a reactive experience. Not everything that was in the Flask version is available yet (User Roles is the main thing that's lacking) but there are some new features that weren't in the flask version such as:

  • Viewing Logs
  • Easy access to container actions
  • JWT Authentication
  • Full API (Available at /api (not yet documented))
  • Loading indicators (so you know things are actually happening)

The main goals to finish Pre-Alpha and get to an actual Alpha are as follows:

  • Live log updates (so you don't have to refresh your page to get the latest logs).
  • Deploy logs (so you can see where exactly deployment is at).
  • Live updates of processes.
  • Building more stability into the JWT auth and interceptors to make sure you aren't logged out at weird times.
  • Show the user errors so they know what broke.
  • Variables in templates for common locations so they can be set in the "Server Settings" page and everything can truly be 1 click deployed.

All relevant documentation (including installation info)) is available here:

Once we hit Alpha I will be archiving the current flask version and replacing it with the new vue version.


3 years ago

This is our first release! We're currently in alpha as we're still sorting out the kinks. We appreciate any support we can get from the community on this one. This is Yacht at it's most basic form and currently it's pretty limited but we'll be working hard to get a production release going soon.