Secureoperator Versions Save

A DNS-protocol proxy for DNS-over-HTTPS providers, such as Google and Cloudflare


7 years ago


  • Improves padding functionality, so requests are padded to an identical length no matter the domain requested. Previous versions padded to a very long length (1024 characters), while the current version pads to 318 characters (with the default settings).

Known Issues

  • help output has an inaccurate message for the pad feature; it pads all requests to the same length, and does not vary them to random lengths

Version Info

output of secure-operator --help:

  -endpoint string
        Google DNS-over-HTTPS endpoint url (default "")
  -level string
        Log level, one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
  -listen [host]:port
        listen address, as [host]:port (default ":53")
        Randomly pad requests to vary request length (default true)
        Listen on TCP (default true)
        Listen on UDP (default true)

Download the correct binary below for your platform, or install via docker pull fardog/secureoperator:v1.1.0


7 years ago

No code changes since v1.0.2; a patch bump to get Docker Hub auto-builds working.

output of secure-operator --help:

  -endpoint string
        Google DNS-over-HTTPS endpoint url (default "")
  -level string
        Log level, one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
  -listen [host]:port
        listen address, as [host]:port (default ":53")
        Randomly pad requests to vary request length (default true)
        Listen on TCP (default true)
        Listen on UDP (default true)

Download the correct binary below for your platform, or install via docker pull fardog/secureoperator:v1.0.3


7 years ago

First release version with pre-built binaries.

output of secure-operator --help:

  -endpoint string
        Google DNS-over-HTTPS endpoint url (default "")
  -level string
        Log level, one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
  -listen [host]:port
        listen address, as [host]:port (default ":53")
        Randomly pad requests to vary request length (default true)
        Listen on TCP (default true)
        Listen on UDP (default true)

Download the correct binary below for your platform.