Scrumonline Versions Save

PHP web app for planning poker


8 years ago

A few bugfixes to version v1.0 and working REST access for Redmine and Github.

It is also the version that was used for the university paper Evaluation of Open Source Web Implementation of Scrum Poker.


8 years ago

This release offers the basic functionality of voting and offers an API for including different ticketing systems. Shipping with this release are Redmine and Github integration.


8 years ago

Application was refactored as complete SinglePageApplication. New card style and highlighting was applied Validation added to all input forms.


8 years ago

In this release the scrum master view was heavily improved. Members can now be deleted from the session and once a poll was completed the highest and lowest estimate are highlighted. The session overview has headers for better explaination and now hides links to private sessions.


8 years ago

Working preview that can create sessions and offers a card view for the team members. It is still lacking important features like removing a team member or highlighting the lowest and highest vote. The page structure is still spread across multiple pages instead of an SPA.