RTCMultiConnection Versions Save

RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)


8 years ago

3.2.97 is latest version.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/46cf991d560a7104759d9fefb35f6ed783dd802a

  1. getScreenId.js has been removed. So cross-domain chrome-extension feature is disabled.
  2. Now Supporting audio+tab in Chrome and audio+screen in Firefox. Demo


8 years ago

3.2.96 is latest release.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/61340e375b52f9272ba98d580abaa6b3d0d7810d

Fixed this issue: https://rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com/#comment-2583080917

"Hi again, I'm experiencing issues with renegotiation. In v3 after a renegotiation we lost the data channel and the ability to send messages / files."

Fixed #102


8 years ago

3.2.95 is latest release.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/689d6113fb8a376a98bc8ba812baec7b03b340eb

  1. Fixed however separated Plugin.EveryWhere.js
  2. Removed Object.observe() --- read notes

To support Safari/IE, please modify Gruntfile.js#L30 to enable dev/Plugin.EveryWhere.js.

Set connection.trickleIce=false in your HTML files, because currently Plugin.EveryWhere.js is unable to call addIceCandidate.


8 years ago

3.2.93 is latest stable version.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/22f0577ab5b357068b6b98b98fc2a5e64ef3476b

This version added support for cordova based ios apps:

You can even use latest socket.io versions e.g. 1.4.5 or above.


8 years ago

3.2.92 is latest release.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/b3adb38a08ffb58cd4f7e0dffb073d5a5018ed33

  1. Now preferring VP9 in Chrome
  2. Added connection.codecs object
  3. Fixed isPluginRTC which was enabled on iOS as well.
  4. Added ios-hack.js
connection.codecs = {
     audio: 'opus', // or G722
     video: 'VP9' // or H264 or VP8

Note: Now v3.0 uses CodecsHandler.js instead of BandwidthHanlder.js


8 years ago

3.2.90 is latest release.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/cdaac7066122109638c84d15630c52b33dcc1bc3

  1. Fixed user-leave issues
  2. Fixed broadcast:true issues
  3. If camera fails; v3.0 joins with audio-only.


8 years ago

3.2.89 is latest release.

Relevant commit: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection/commit/64199d59a1c7e5231d26478880a22ba6569b24ef

  1. Now session is always kept ALIVE until autoCloseEntireSession is specified as TRUE.
  2. Manual stream.onended events are fired only for Firefox.
  3. Now participants doesn’t quickly tries to join all other participants; so no hang issues.
  4. Now it doesn’t renegotiates on datachannel close/error
  5. Now peers doesn’t auto rejoins on failures. You can manually call connection.rejoin in onPeerStateChanged or onReconnecting
  6. connection.deletePeer is added. Which removes everything (connections, streams, links etc) from specific peer.
  7. autoReDialOnFailure is removed. Because now it doesn’t auto rejoins.
  8. Now skipping bitrates/bandwidth customization for Android devices.


8 years ago