Rspec Core Versions Save

RSpec runner and formatters


10 years ago

2.14.2 / 2013-07-09

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Fix regression caused by 2.14.1 release: formatters that report that they respond_to? a notification, but had no corresponding method would raise an error when registered. The new fix is to just implement start on the deprecation formatter to fix the original JRuby/ruby-debug issue. (Jon Rowe)


10 years ago

2.14.1 / 2013-07-08

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Implement #start on the Deprecation Formatter to prevent collision with ruby-debug on JRuby (Alex Portnov, Jon Rowe)


10 years ago

2.14.0 / 2013-07-06

full changelog


  • Apply focus to examples defined with fit (equivalent of it "description", focus: true) (Michael de Silva)

Bug fix

  • Ensure methods defined by let take precedence over others when there is a name collision (e.g. from an included module). (Jon Rowe, Andy Lindeman and Myron Marston)

2.14.0.rc1 / 2013-05-27

full changelog


  • Improved Windows detection inside Git Bash, for better --color handling.
  • Add profiling of the slowest example groups to --profile option. The output is sorted by the slowest average example groups.
  • Don't show slow examples if there's a failure and both --fail-fast and --profile options are used (Paweł Gościcki).
  • Rather than always adding spec to the load path, add the configured --default-path to the load path (which defaults to spec). This better supports folks who choose to put their specs in a different directory (John Feminella).
  • Add some logic to test time duration precision. Make it a function of time, dropping precision as the time increases. (Aaron Kromer)
  • Add new backtrace_inclusion_patterns config option. Backtrace lines that match one of these patterns will always be included in the backtrace, even if they match an exclusion pattern, too (Sam Phippen).
  • Support ERB trim mode using the - when parsing .rspec as ERB (Gabor Garami).
  • Give a better error message when let and subject are called without a block. (Sam Phippen).
  • List the precedence of .rspec-local in the configuration documentation (Sam Phippen)
  • Support {a,b} shell expansion syntax in --pattern option (Konstantin Haase).
  • Add cucumber documentation for --require command line option (Bradley Schaefer)
  • Expose configruation options via config:
    • config.libs returns the libs configured to be added onto the load path
    • full_backtrace? returns the state of the backtrace cleaner
    • debug? returns true when the debugger is loaded
    • line_numbers returns the line numbers we are filtering by (if any)
    • full_description returns the RegExp used to filter descriptions (Jon Rowe)
  • Add setters for and RSpec.configuration (Alex Soulim)
  • Configure ruby's warning behaviour with --warnings (Jon Rowe)
  • Fix an obscure issue on old versions of 1.8.7 where Time.dup wouldn't allow access to (Jon Rowe)
  • Make shared_examples_for context aware, so that keys may be safely reused in multiple contexts without colliding. (Jon Rowe)
  • Add a configurable deprecation_stream (Jon Rowe)
  • Publish deprecations through a formatter (David Chelimsky)

Bug fixes

  • Make JSON formatter behave the same when it comes to --profile as the text formatter (Paweł Gościcki).
  • Fix named subjects so that if an inner group defines a method that overrides the named method, subject still retains the originally declared value (Myron Marston).
  • Fix random ordering so that it does not cause rand in examples in nested sibling contexts to return the same value (Max Shytikov).
  • Use the new backtrace_inclusion_patterns config option to ensure that folks who develop code in a directory matching one of the default exclusion patterns (e.g. gems) still get the normal backtrace filtering (Sam Phippen).
  • Fix ordering of before hooks so that before hooks declared in RSpec.configure run before before hooks declared in a shared context (Michi Huber and Tejas Dinkar).
  • Fix Example#full_description so that it gets filled in by the last matcher description (as Example#description already did) when no doc string has been provided (David Chelimsky).
  • Fix the memoized methods (let and subject) leaking define_method as a public method. (Thomas Holmes and Jon Rowe) (#873)
  • Fix warnings coming from the test suite. (Pete Higgins)


  • Deprecate Configuration#backtrace_clean_patterns in favor of Configuration#backtrace_exclusion_patterns for greater consistency and symmetry with new backtrace_inclusion_patterns config option (Sam Phippen).
  • Deprecate Configuration#requires= in favor of using ruby's require. Requires specified by the command line can still be accessed by the Configuration#require reader. (Bradley Schaefer)
  • Deprecate calling SharedExampleGroups defined across sibling contexts (Jon Rowe)