Rnm Versions Save

Unix tool: Bulk Rename Utility


7 years ago
  1. Unlimited precision for indexes.
  2. Access to file information (closes issue #9)
  3. New modifiers f, d, l, ! (closes issue #10)
  4. Remove -ed and bring meaningful options -xd, -xf and -xl.
  5. New sorting methods based on file information, mtime, atime, ctime, size and file type.
  6. New name string rule /info-prop-op/ to access file information.
  7. Remove multi-mode regex and all regex modes in favor of PCRE2 regex.


8 years ago

#This is a source release.

  1. -ifp/d and -ifp/s options removed. Numerous options are added to achieve the same effect.
  2. -if option added. It can be used to manipulate how the indexes are rendered in it's field.
  3. Support for base conversion of indexes (from base 2 to 36) added.
  4. Support for Latin conversion of indexes added.
  5. Support for extended name string rules.
  6. Support for extended name string rules of /pd/.
  7. size optimization


8 years ago
  1. Added undo feature.
  2. Added end index feature and end line number feature.
  3. Added inverse index feature
  4. Added new name string rules for inverse index.
  5. Added /hist/ as a valid argument for -nsf option to take Name String File from history.
  6. Logging functionality. Log files are put in $HOME/.neurobin/rnm
  7. Lots of bug fixes.