Retext Versions Save

natural language processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective


7 years ago

Refactor project to monorepo

  • Add new retext-latin, retext-stringify packages;

  • Internalise retext-english, retext-dutch packages;

  • Update dependencies, dev-dependencies, most importantly unified, which provides a new better interface (wooorm/unified@a070ad0).

    Most importantly, do retext().process instead of retext.process, and process() now returns a VFile (can be stringified with toString()).


8 years ago


  • Remove Duo, Component, Bower support (92dcfdc)
  • Add npm, GitHub releases deployment to Travis (a7f4e85)
  • Update unified (b0ace83)



What this means

Bower, Component, and Duo users

Bower, Component, and Duo, are no longer supported. Either switch to browserify or webpack, or use the bundles from the releases page (below).

Using plug-ins

Using multiple plug-ins is now easier:

And that’s it!