Reconhub Incidence Versions Save

☣:chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:☣ Compute and visualise incidence


5 years ago

This version introduces a re-written incidence constructor, support for text-based intervals, and a formalization of lists of incidence_fit classes.

incidence 1.4.1


  • The $lm field of the incidence_fit class is now named $model to clearly indicate that this can contain any model.


  • incidence() will now accept text-based intervals that are valid date intervals: day, week, month, quarter, and year.

  • incidence() now verifies that all user-supplied arguments are accurate and spelled correctly.

  • fit_optim_split() now gains a separate_split argument that will determine the optimal split separately for groups.

  • A new class, incidence_fit_list, has been implemented to store and summarise incidence_fit objects within a nested list. This is the class returned by in the $fit element of fit_optim_split().


  • bootstrap() will bootstrap epicurves stored as incidence objects.

  • find_peak() identifies the peak date of an incidence objects.

  • estimate_peak() uses bootstrap to estimate the peak time of a partially observed outbreak.

  • get_interval() will return the numeric interval or several intervals in the case of intervals that can't be represented in a fixed number of days (e.g. months).

  • get_dates() returns the dates or counts of days on the right, center, or left of the interval.

  • get_counts() returns the matrix of case counts for each date.

  • get_fit() returns a list of incidence_fit objects from an incidence_fit_list object.

  • get_info() returns information stored in the $info element of an incidence_fit/incidence_fit_list object.


  • The new vignette incidence_fit_class instructs the user on how incidence_fit and incidence_fit_list objects are created and accessed.


  • In the incidence() function, the iso_week parameter is deprecated in favor of standard for a more general way of indicating that the interval should start at the beginning of a valid date timeframe.


  • The $timespan item in the incidence object from Dates was not type-stable and would change if subsetted. A re-working of the incidence constructor fixed this issue.

  • Misspelled or unrecgonized parameters passed to incidence() will now cause an error instead of being silently ignored.

  • Plotting for POSIXct data has been fixed.


6 years ago

incidence 1.3.1 (2018-06-11)


  • tweak of the plotting of incidence object to avoid conflicts with additional geoms such as geom_ribbon, now used in projections::add_projections.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago

CRAN release candidate. Incorporates isoweek support.


7 years ago

Version submitted to CRAN on 31st October 2016. Fully documented, 3 vignettes, 100% code coverage.