Reakit Versions Save

Toolkit for building accessible web apps with React

@ariakit/[email protected]

1 month ago

Combobox autoFocusOnHide behavior

Previously, the autoFocusOnHide feature on ComboboxPopover was turned off by default. Most of the time, this didn't have any practical impact because the combobox input element was already focused when the popover was hidden.

Now, this feature is enabled by default and should work consistently even when virtualFocus is set to false.

Better SVG strokes

The strokeWidth property on SVG elements rendered by CheckboxCheck, ComboboxCancel, ComboboxDisclosure, DialogDismiss, HovercardDisclosure, PopoverDisclosureArrow, and all components that use any of these now defaults to 1.5px instead of 1.5pt. This should make the strokes slightly thinner.

Remember, you can always override the SVG element rendered by these components by rendering custom children.

Minimum value length to show combobox options

A new showMinLength prop has been added to the Combobox component. This prop lets you set the minimum length of the value before the combobox options appear. The default value is 0.

<Combobox showMinLength={2} />

Previously, achieving this behavior required combining three separate props: showOnChange, showOnClick, and showOnKeyPress. We've added this prop to simplify this common task.

These props continue to work as expected as they can be used to customize the behavior for each distinct event.

Rendering composite items as input elements

We've added the ability to render CompositeItem as an input element using the render prop:

<CompositeItem render={<input />} />

Before, you could only do this with the experimental CompositeInput component. Now, this functionality is integrated directly into the CompositeItem component.

Other updates

@ariakit/[email protected]

1 month ago

Combobox autoFocusOnHide behavior

Previously, the autoFocusOnHide feature on ComboboxPopover was turned off by default. Most of the time, this didn't have any practical impact because the combobox input element was already focused when the popover was hidden.

Now, this feature is enabled by default and should work consistently even when virtualFocus is set to false.

Other updates

  • Improved JSDocs.

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago
  • Fixed regression in v0.4.2 that caused nested tabs to stop working.
  • Added new combobox property to tab store.
  • Improved JSDocs.
  • Fixed TypeScript error on defaultValue.

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago
  • Added @ariakit/test/playwright path with Playwright-specific query utilities.
  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/[email protected]

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago

Tooltip behavior improvements

When using Tooltip components alongside elements that move focus upon clicking (like MenuButton, which moves focus to its Menu when clicked), the tooltip will now stop from appearing after the user clicks the anchor element. It will only show when the mouse leaves and re-enters the anchor element.

This was already the case when tooltips had no timeout. Now, the behavior is consistent regardless of the timeout value.

Combobox with tabs

Tab components can now be rendered as part of other composite widgets, like Combobox. The following structure should work seamlessly:

  <Combobox />
        <Tab />
      <TabPanel unmountOnHide>
          <ComboboxItem />

Other updates

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago

Tooltip behavior improvements

When using Tooltip components alongside elements that move focus upon clicking (like MenuButton, which moves focus to its Menu when clicked), the tooltip will now stop from appearing after the user clicks the anchor element. It will only show when the mouse leaves and re-enters the anchor element.

This was already the case when tooltips had no timeout. Now, the behavior is consistent regardless of the timeout value.

Combobox with tabs

Tab components can now be rendered as part of other composite widgets, like Combobox. The following structure should work seamlessly:

  <Combobox />
        <Tab />
      <TabPanel unmountOnHide>
          <ComboboxItem />

Other updates

@ariakit/[email protected]

2 months ago
  • Fixed Focusable to identify summary as a native tabbable element.
  • Added new composite property to tab store.
  • Improved JSDocs.