Pytermgui Versions Save

Python TUI framework with mouse support, modular widget system, customizable and rapid terminal markup language and more!


2 years ago

This version implements a new, more accurate and less gray-biased color distance algorithm. It also introduces @lru_cache usage, thereby increasing the performance quite a bit.


  • Improve color degradation & caching (7bd802892c7896d3f5345af2d05aab35ff4fb246)



2 years ago

This version adds graceful color degradation, which (to my knowledge), makes us one of the first terminal libraries to do so, but definitely the first in our specific niche!

This is all done automatically, using the newly-rehomed Terminal class and its instance. Essentially, every time a color is created through TIM, the new str_to_color method is called, which will by default localize all output colors. During this localization the xterm-standard HEX value for the given color is found, and that is then used to create a new color in the terminal's color space.

For example, lets say you have an RGB color of 000;111;222, but your terminal only supports the xterm-256 palette. PyTermGUI will, under the hood, determine the RGB value of this color, and get the weighted difference between it and and all known palette colors. Once that is done it will find the closest match, create an IndexedColor with the newly found index and return that back to TIM.

Now this all sounds very computationally complicated, which it is. Thus, there are a couple of simple "caches" inside the new colors module. The first one caches all input given to str_to_color with its corresponding output, and the second one saves all input and output of the aforementioned color matching. Because of this, my machine shows only a sub-1 ms difference of frametime parsing a true-color and 16-color representation of the same, complicated markup frame (namely, ptg -m).

Additionally, there is now a really robust implementation of the standard! Unlike pretty much all modules, we don't just completely omit colors, rather we calculate each color's brightness and then assign a value to them in the xterm-256 greyscale range, thereby retaining most of the contrast, the ability to set background colors and more. You can see some demos of this further down the page.


  • Add a graceful degradation Color layer (5053603026289d784dd9136c7114606e258c3e4e)
  • Expose color support in terminal (f26580732923fc71cded2347acafc1830d2e84c0)
  • Add support for prettifying UserDict and UserList (35e789c978b51b37d70f89c3f455314bc8f36314)
  • Add support for NO_COLOR using greyscale ramps (0cdf71209ac6f46fba28dc52729fbfae1e4e2da4)
  • Add colors module with color types for all terminal colors (f26580732923fc71cded2347acafc1830d2e84c0)


  • Move terminal to its own module (5aeb397c0f9037a3338d76e554795e7c2d23be30)


  • Fix [ sometimes being ommitted during prettify_markup (a2defd8f486371ee993bce689e697787a03563b2)


The same HSL to RGB color palette printed by TIM, with only terminal.forced_colorspace being changed between runs.

Screenshot 2022-03-21 at 18 17 36

ptg ran with NO_COLOR=1 as an environment variable.

Screenshot 2022-03-21 at 19 32 54


2 years ago

This update is focused on the brand-spanking new StyleManager API. Previously, styles were "managed" as a single dictionary, which while simple and robust, was very limited, ugly and in general not the best. This was a leftover design decision from even before TIM was an idea, just to put its age into perspective.

The new API allows users to use JS-like dotted syntax, such as Container.styles.border = "60 bold" to achieve what was previously Container.set_style("border", MarkupFormatter("[60 bold]{item}"). As you could notice, the given values are also much simpler now: Anything that is not already a StyleCall will be converted into one, and if the passed value was a string with no valid markup it will be parsed into [{{passed_value}}]{item}. You can also set multiple styles at one time, using "__" (double underscore) character to separate them.

Getters are also the same way. Instead of a private Container._get_style("border") call, one can now use Container.styles.border. It also returns an already instantiated StyleCall, unlike the previous API which created them on every new call.

Best of all, the old API remains to work! I wouldn't bet on this continuing forever, so all new code should be written using the new version. If it does ever get removed I'll be sure to make it very obvious and loud.


  • Implement new StyleManager class & API (e4c0036c4546c10289c62a65fa1d6d7fe085cebb)
  • Improve Container.debug to shorten itself & use type(self) (e8ccd35d67f1bad22caf39f0c870436f87b7fa89)


  • Add value readout to ptg -g (a86e5915bf34a9d237136df77af92b05016b8d48)


  • Fix ESC not being outputted in ptg -g (661e5ce818d3a170012c6c039fb1690598280693)


2 years ago

There happened to be some minor issues in the previous version, but they should be fixed now.


  • Fix broken macro call in Markapp (524d9199a5bd026b44bb37f35f2f7cc621221c08)
  • Fix string literals not being displayed correctly in inspect (418812492e298f0e5fbce2122f72561afd215d10)


  • Expose inspect-identifier markup alias (319be785350a76ff1742002dc83820f5eb9d30ac)


2 years ago

This release focuses on the brand new inspector capabilities of the module. More information about them can be found in the inspector documentation.

Items marked in bold are API breaking changes.


  • Introduce new Inspector widget and inspect helper function
  • Add Container.lazy_add method to expose _add_widget(..., run_get_lines=False)


  • Move prettify to new submodule prettifiers & improve its behaviour
  • Move is_interactive under terminal
  • Remove MarkupLanguage context manager in favor of a print method
  • Refactor MarkupLanguage.pprint


  • Fix support for aliasing to an existing tag
  • Fix blocking getch call on Windows


Screenshot 2022-03-12 at 15 41 48

Screenshot 2022-03-12 at 15 43 12


2 years ago

This release is mostly for fixing a couple of annoying issues that came up in the last release, as well as to update the README. The biggest new "change" is the introduction of TIM, PyTermGUI's markup language. It stands for Terminal Inline Markup, and is analogous to the previous markup name (so much so that the latter is still provided as a reference to the same instance).


  • Rename markuptim, but keeping the original name for backward-compatibility (aa79c43fee45634022dec8e47f1e9f5ed79556e9)
  • Rename animatorsanimations, expose Animation and CustomAnimation classes (12f53ddfbddea21158e21263c61a906735729b01)
  • Update & Improve README


  • Fix TIM macros not being colored correctly in MarkupLanguage.prettify_markup (aa79c43fee45634022dec8e47f1e9f5ed79556e9)
  • Fix ptg --version not functioning on PyPi installs (e27185779c8e28928acbd0d8352f5735414f22e1)




2 years ago


ptg -v does not work on PyPi installs in this version. This was already fixed in (e27185779c8e28928acbd0d8352f5735414f22e1), but I didn't deem that one fix to be worthy of a full bugfix patch.

This version mostly focused on adding some nice utilities while improving the old ones. Before that however, I want take a second to mention how the library grew almost 300 stars in 2 days. I am immensely grateful for the exposure my project is getting, and I can't wait to see it in the wild!

Things to point out:

  • Improvements to pretty printing in general
  • pretty module: This is a very simple module that allows setting up displayhook with only one line in the REPL
  • KeyboardButton widget: This allows keyboard mnemonics inside PTG.
  • !rainbow and !gradient macros: These are very pretty and fancy looking.


  • Colorize version info (b3075a3b6b4ef481e4c5353ce523f806ec9376ce)
  • Stop displaying version hash info if it could not be found (695511610df6dce9c18bb7e105422d0dbd304b72)
  • Improve parser documentation (933729e98142039ae601bc3eecebfb60e39882db)
  • Extend pretty printing to more data types (d0ae9ccbb4a7c5130f55751036e02d3a9e5b606a)
  • Improve IPython display hook support (caa7c748f51019166b01ea163cb6d2f77fb537b5)


  • Fix redundant sequence output in MarkupLanguage.parse (7f49087a747fb3d7189f09a598c29313c340e1cc)
  • Fix markup macros only running once due to caching (a2edf6da110bc229e423793fed2153f6b911cb3e)
  • Fix Window.is_modal not being applied properly since a mouse handling refactor (c1d36190d20cbcefcae8c91181d2d2d4de37c269)


  • Add KeyboardButton widget (a1a0dadfb6243981c2a7bdd4f57048a87c41bef0, c495dd0d4d6a173a2ad9e031d003a17eb080123d)
  • Add non_first_padding to Label (c630e6f9aff2dbc688197ab9866657ef04d70f8b)
  • Add ability to set box in Container constructor (88536be5035e83ed7ad4c4b2de4980bd2c85a559)
  • Add pretty module for quick displayhook setup (48fb0dfde9742328603e26950deca657ad483299)
  • Add !rainbow and !gradient macros (bc0e0911a14922111a429aa153e4ebc8ff4aa394)

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 14 46 10 Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 14 45 06


2 years ago

This is a relatively minor release, mostly focused on the new pretty-printing functionality. I wanted to release this before the next major update, as that may take some time and these features are really useful in their own right.

The new MarkupLanguage.prettify method is quite customizable: It allows you to customize all of the builtin styles it uses, as well as set indentation count, force ANSI sequences to be displayed as markup or force data-structures to be displayed flat (condensed). The default style looks really good in my opinion, and it should be a very useful tool.

Obviously, the idea was inspired by Rich's implementation of the same concept, but I tried to fix all my grievances with that version.


  • Add Terminal.pixel_size attribute (6e350b182849a7ba062c97aa1a55628f5c9e78cd, ce27e3cde131e66a99085cc58ba7cf39f7bb14c8)
  • Add prettify_ansi, pprintandsetup_displayhook()methods toMarkupLanguage`` (5bdf6177b28eb7fcd6475ee1b402b6b79eb671ba)


  • Fix starting state not being reverted after animation finish (#38, 135a5bf553e0281a39f8318c48cffe15198426f3)


Here is a quick demo of some of the prettifying functionality.

Screenshot 2022-02-27 at 12 14 28


2 years ago

This version mostly focused on improving already built features, but there is a lot of important additions as well.

The most notable new change would probably be the PixelMatrixclasses. These allow you to display an arbitrary matrix of pixels as a widget. DensePixelMatrix scales the entire widget down by a factor of 4 (in normal PixelMatrix, every pixel is made up of 2 block characters. In DensePixelMatrix all pixels make up only half a block.

This would normally not constitute for a major release, however the Slider refactor forced our hand. Some parts of its API have changed, though mostly for the better.

Items marked in bold are API breaking changes.


  • Refactor Slider widget (788a709e2a3326fb725bf8600aa3d208a12b5874, #9)
  • Update Button default chars (f370deaedd88f52c5008fcfe0a5ff1ae7efdf2c9)
  • Change WindowManager.framerate 120 -> 60 (320d65c1c6988a727e724674d7dd16da0d8dcc5c)


  • Add MarkupLanguage.prettify_markup (d6733f5dc02817e8be1cadde17f2bb9ee94a4b94)
  • Add WindowManager.nullify_cache & Window.nullify_cache (814d2055e89e40256fea1e9f9e7d7347b697c0f7)
  • Add !link markup macro (0c05080928a5e9a6e65ba3d4148e0b794b556852)
  • Add StyledText class (be2f5dec466d84458e376af5ea7e428920733247)
  • Add ColorPicker widget, CLI app (5a09f43b950414e231ac0ebf85f5db17499d3785, 45b6d02d46c3eea30b2c4cabb96cd08cff3f688a)
  • Add PixelMatrix & LargePixelMatrix widgets (84312c16a399c9e58c070c04d23d397610895aca)


  • Fix selection lingering after mouse event (2a0b79b720c8a1522a66a92d611fdfa95276301b)
  • Fix Right-click release events being misdetected (1b7b69a55a6c006991f333f266757b1a3d153f4a)
  • Fix Window._auto_min_width disregarding sidelength (8b51ff0822f8e471f55bfeb1186fb8659cfd543f)
  • Fix incorrect behaviour in Container._update_width (363093aa3812bad4bb92250c7900a0f9d7258f80)


2 years ago

Version 2.2.0

This version brings an implementation of animations to the library. The new Animator class is tasked with controlling & updating a list of Animation instances. Animations work using time-elapsed since instantiation, and animate an integer field going from one value to another.


  • Make Container._centered_axis public (0304aca4b94517648b46bcf68e3ae4a18f1e0b68)
    • Note: This is not deemed API breaking, as this attribute was never meant to be user facing.


  • Fix Overflow.HIDE only hiding entire widgets (4289a5c6bd5df535a43053173179bc9f3ec0526f)
  • Fix getch application growing in height indefinitely (ea5b721248f6c599a6c795a34bd1dae5608eb565)


  • Add Animator class (c87586f40bafcd88c557abd41691c898bb74caaa, ceb030d96269ebf8a8898c8969df13a85ac55704)


Here is a showcase of the already-implemented animations in WindowManager, using the ptg CLI environment.