Pwafire Versions Save

Progressive Web Apps API of APIs


3 years ago



3 years ago

None-Breaking Change

Performance fixes


3 years ago

None-Breaking Change - Performance Improvements

Code cleanup, updated the response err object for Share, Contacts APIS


3 years ago

Breaking Changes v1.8.9

The Screen Wake Lock API provides a way to prevent devices from dimming or locking the screen when an application needs to keep running.

Screen Wake Lock API

Call the install method, returns a promise value

pwa.WakeLock().then(res => {
// Do something with res...


3 years ago

Breaking Changes v1.8.9

Allow Developers to have an ability to do much with the API itself as shown below;

Copy Text

Have a look at the following changes...


// Define styles of the success message as a string
const styles = ``;
// Copy from a single element
const element = document.getElementById("copy");
// Copy text
pwa.copyText(element, styles);

New syntax

So, you can have this wherever you need, all you need to do is pass in the text to copy.


Say, I had a 'copy' button element, then;

const text = `Some text`;
element.addEventListener('click', event => {


4 years ago

Introducing pwafire cdn and npm

All New Web Capabilities as one Package! All APIs bundled together.

Install pwafire via NPM

   npm i pwafire

Get pwafire over CDN

   <!-- Insert this script at the bottom of the HTML, but before you use any PWA Capability -->
   <script crossorigi src=""></script>

Example : using pwafire

Import pwafire in your react app

   import pwafire from "pwafire";
   const pwa = pwafire.pwa;

Call the share method on pwa

   pwa.Share(element, data);

Preview Documentation : Get Started


4 years ago

What's new in v 4.0.6

Contacts Picker API

Launched : Chrome 80

Note : Chrome 77 or higher running on Android M or later required!

It allows a web application to access contacts from the device's native contacts manager. Like this, your web app has access to your contacts' names, emails, and telephone numbers. You can specify if you want just one, or multiple contacts, and if you want all the fields, or just a subset of names, emails, and telephone numbers.

How to setup?

  1. In your App, create an empty contactPicker.js file and copy and paste this code snippet to it to it. Then save your chnages!

  2. Remember to add the contact picker button element to your web page.

<!-- Add this button to your App -->
 <button id="contact-picker"> Pick Contacts </button>


4 years ago

What's new in v 4.0.5

  • ES6 Arrow Functions implementaion.
  • Using Intersection Observer, you can now load target images only when the user scrolls down, causing them to display in the viewport.


5 years ago

What's new in v4.0.4?

  • Upgrade to Workbox 4.3.1

  • Updated devdocs for easy guide


5 years ago

What's new in v4.0.3?

We have updated all our bundle and devdocs to Workbox 4.0.0 which is the latest Workbox stable release with some amazing features.

The workbox-window package is a set of modules that are intended to run in the window context, which is to say, inside of your web pages. They're a complement to the other workbox packages that run in the service worker.

Learn more here