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Pterodactyl® is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.


3 years ago


  • Adds support for only running a schedule if the server is currently in an online state.
  • Adds support for ignoring errors during task execution and continuing on to the next item in the sequence. For example, continuing to a server restart even if sending a command beforehand failed.
  • Adds the ability to specify the group to use for file permissions when using the p:upgrade command.
  • Adds the ability to manually run a schedule even if it is currently disabled.

SHA256 Checksum

1a8fb006fdfe04f06f5acdb13aafcde03b885613ce9aed9f14b62c103647bce2  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Removes the use of tagging when storing server resource usage in the cache. This addresses errors encountered when using the file driver.
  • Fixes Wings response handling if Wings returns an error response with a 200-level status code that would improperly be passed back to the client as a successful request.
  • Fixes use of JSON specific functions in SQL queries to better support MariaDB users.
  • Fixes a migration that could fail on some MySQL/MariaDB setups when trying to encrypt node token values.


  • Increases the maximum length allowed for a server name using the Rust egg.
  • Updated server resource utilization API call to Wings to use new API response format used by [email protected].

SHA256 Checksum

4303c672fe21ec92dadecbc14ce47704ed6b2a26afc11bede650f00138ca99c6  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Fixes self-upgrade incorrectly executing the command to un-tar downloaded archives.
  • Fixes the checkbox to delete all files when restoring a backup not actually passing that along in the API call. Files will now properly be deleted when restoring if selected.
  • Fixes some keybindings not working correctly in the server console on Windows machines.
  • Fixes mobile UI incorrectly squishing the Docker image selector on the server settings page.
  • Fixes recovery tokens not having a created_at value set on them properly when they are created.
  • Fixes flawed migration that would not correctly set the month value into schedule crons.
  • Fixes incorrect mounting for Docker compose file that would cause error logs to be missing.


  • Server resource lookups are now cached on the Panel for 20 seconds at a time to reduce the load from multiple clients requesting the same server's stats.
  • Bungeecord egg no longer force-enables the query listener.
  • Adds page to the dashboard URL to allow easy loading of a specific pagination page rather than resetting back to the first page when refreshing.
  • All application API endpoints now correctly support the ?per_page=N query parameter to specify how many resources to return at once.

SHA256 Checksum

2524cbde2eb27bf3dc29d53ee9618a9e4d1d7bb0cbcaced1fd9b705fc9fb6ca1  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Fixes the Rust egg not properly seeding during the upgrade & installation process.
  • Fixes backups not being downloadable via the frontend.
  • Fixes backup listing showing the wrong number of existing backups based on the current page you're on.

SHA256 Checksum

683fc4ad86423b22c903c0dfa877232f7b296910718b72ef02a4d649e4bcb746  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Fixes administrator "Other Servers" toggle being persisted wrongly when signing out and signing into a non-administrator account on the server dashboard.
  • Fixes composer failing to run properly in local environments where there is no database connection available once configured.
  • Fixes SQL exception caused by the Panel attempting to store null values in the database.
  • Fixes validation errors caused by improper defaults when trying to edit system settings in the admin area.
  • Fixes console overflow when using smaller-than-default font sizes in Firefox.
  • Fixes console text input field having a white background when manually building new assets from the release build due to a missing babel-macros definition file.
  • Fixes database improperly using a signed smallint field rather than an unsigned field which restricted SFTP ports to 32767 or less.
  • Fixes server console resize handler to no longer encounter an exception at random that breaks the entire UI.
  • Fixes unhandled error caused by entering an invalid IP address or FQDN when creating a new node allocation.
  • Fixes unhandled error when Wings would fetch a server configuration from the Panel that uses an Egg with invalid JSON data for the configuration fields.
  • Fixes email not being sent to a user when their server is done installing.


  • Adds support for automatically copying SFTP connection details when clicking into the text field.
  • Messaging about a node not having any allocations available for deployment has been adjusted to be more understandable by users.
  • Adds automated self-upgrade process for Pterodactyl Panel once this version is installed on servers. This allows users to update by using a single command.
  • Adds support for specifying a month when creating or modifying a server schedule.
  • Adds support for restoring backups (including those in S3 buckets) to a server and optionally deleting all existing files when doing so.
  • Adds underlying support for audit logging on servers. Currently this is only used by some internal functionality but will be slowly expanded as time permits to allow more robust logging.
  • Adds logic to automatically reset failed server states when Wings is rebooted. This will kick servers out of "installing" and "restoring from backup" states automatically.


  • Updated to Laravel 8 and bumped minimum PHP version from 7.3 to 7.4 with PHP 8.0 being the recommended.
  • Server state is now stored in a single status column within the database rather than multiple different tinyint columns.

SHA256 Checksum

8b31c8a4e0c8f0ff4cdeb0c33d627eaf790b103f4cdb7de516a616d85727e37b  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • [security] Fixes authentication bypass allowing a user to take control of specific server actions such as executing schedules, rotating database passwords, and viewing or deleting a backup.

SHA256 Checksum

e03a532623a62adf36c4b2769a90ed0a38954af1645d453bee0e470651e9aaf2  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Fixes URL-encoding of filenames when working in the filemanager to fix issues when moving, renaming, or deleting files.
  • Fixes URL-encoding of email addresses when requesting a password reset.


  • Adds the ability for users to select a base Java Docker image for most Minecraft specific eggs shipped as defaults.

SHA256 Checksum

602825991169240b466d967fc53850797dbaa4099465e730d63dd1991481aabd  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Fixes newest backup being deleted when creating a new one using the schedule tasks, rather than the oldest backup.
  • Fixes multiple encoding issues when handling file names in the manager.
  • Fixes database password not properly being copied to the clipboard when clicked.
  • Fixes failed transfers unintentionally locking a server into a failed state and not properly releasing allocations that were reserved.
  • Fixes error box on server pages having an oval refresh button rather than a perfect circle.
  • Fixes a bunch of errors and usage issues relating to backups especially when uploading to S3-based systems.
  • Fixes HMR breaking navigation in development modes on the frontend.


  • Updated Paper egg to default to Java 11 as the base docker image.
  • Removes the file mode display from the File Manager row listing.
  • Updated input UI elements to have thicker borders and more consistent highlighting when active.
  • Changed searchbar toggle from "k" to Cmd/Ctrl + "/" to avoid accidental toggles and be more consistent with other sites.
  • Upgrades TailwindCSS to v2.


  • Adds support for eggs to define multiple Docker images that can be selected by users (e.g. Java 8 & 11 images for a single egg).
  • Adds support for configuring the default interval for failed backups to be pruned from the system to avoid long running backups being incorrectly cleared.
  • Adds server transfer output logging to the server console allowing admins to see how a transfer is progressing directly in the UI.
  • Adds client API endpoint to download a file from a remote souce. This functionality is not currently expressed in the UI.

SHA256 Checksum

d42b1280191cd5f38d7c80002cc870e501ef811c435eb30bc56789eae373c983  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Server bulk power actions command will no longer attempt to run commands against installing or suspended servers.
  • Fixes the application API throwing an error when attempting to return variables for a server.
  • Fixes an error when attempting to install Panel dependencies without specifying an .env file due to an unset default timezone.
  • Fixes a null value flip in the database migrations.
  • Fixes password change endpoint for users allowing a blank value to be provided (even if nothing actually happened).
  • Fixes database IP addresses not allowing a 0 in the first octet field.
  • Fixes node information being impossible to update if there was a network error during the process. Any errors encountered communicating with Wings are now reported but will not block the actual saving of the changes.
  • [Security] When 2FA is required on an account the client API endpoints will now properly return an error and the UI will redirect the user to setup 2FA.
  • [Security] When changing the owner of a server the old owner's JWT is now properly invalidated on Wings.
  • Fixes a server error when requesting database information for a server as a subuser and the account is not granted view_password permissions.


  • Adds support for basic backup rotation on a server when creating scheduled backup tasks.
  • Makes URLs present in the console clickable.
  • Adds chmod support to the file manager so that users can manually make modifications to file permissions as they need.


  • UI will no longer show a delete button to users when they're editing themselves.
  • Updated logic for bulk power actions to no longer run actions against suspended or installing servers.

SHA256 Checksum

a045752bade2da2487665951a8cb5fce229821f7f3afc2b630b681355df62215  panel.tar.gz


3 years ago


  • Fixes allocation permissions checking on the frontend checking the wrong permission therefore leading to the item never showing up.
  • Fixes allocations not updating correctly when added or deleted and switching between pages.

SHA256 Checksum

65d775fd815722460c87031967754b03dcde40295fab3b774e09f1051e8df077  panel.tar.gz