Proxysql Admin Tool Versions Save

ProxySQL Admin


3 years ago

Release date: June 26, 2020

ProxySQL package update

Update of the ProxySQL binaries. No changes were made to proxysql-admin-tools.

Please see


4 years ago

Release date: Mar 31, 2020

ProxySQL package update

Update of the ProxySQL binaries. No changes were made to proxysql-admin-tools.

Please see


4 years ago

Release date: February 7, 2020


  • PSQLADM-219 Scheduler not handling pxc_maint_mode correctly The proxysql_galera_checker script will now keep the node in OFFLINE_SOFT as long as the node is part of the cluster and pxc_maint_mode is not 'DISABLED'. Previously, the proxysql_galera_checker would move the node to OFFLINE_SOFT then to OFFLINE_HARD, causing ProxySQL to shutdown existing connections prematurely.

  • PR#153 Actually progress in parameter-check loop Thanks to robdewit for this.


4 years ago

Release date: October 23, 2019


  • PSQLADM-181 : 'proxysql-admin --update-cluster --write-node=' command will terminate if the writer node is read-only If the write-node is specified and the node is read-only, then the command will terminate with an error.

  • PSQLADM-195 : proxysql-status to not query _reset tables By default, proxysql-status will not display the _reset tables from the stats database. Use --with-stats-reset to display the _reset tables.

  • PSQLADM-204 : Support for MariaDB 10.4

Bug Fixes

  • PSQLADM-157 : Check for file existing & readable before trying to cat it When displaying certain files in proxysql-status, only display the file if the file exists and is readable (rather than having the cat command display an error).


4 years ago

Release date: Aug 22, 2019

ProxySQL package update

Update of the ProxySQL binaries. No changes were made to proxysql-admin-tools.

Please see


4 years ago

Release date: August 12, 2019


  • PSQLADM-49 : Create rules for --syncusers When running with --syncusers or --sync-multi-cluster-users, the --add-query-rule option can now be specified to add the singlewriter query rules for the new users.

  • PSQLADM-51 : Update mysql-server_version variable A command --update-mysql-version was added to set the mysql-server_version global variable in ProxySQL. This will take the version from a node in the cluster and set it in ProxySQL.

Bug Fixes

  • PSQLADM-190 : remove-all-servers option doesn't work on enable When running with proxysql-cluster, the galera hostgroups information is not being replicated, which leads us to fail when running --enable on a different ProxySQL node. The --force option was added for --enable, which will cause the enable to ignore any errors and always configure the cluster.

  • PSQLADM-199 query-rules removed during proxysql-cluster creation with PXC operator When using the PXC operator for Kubernetes and creating a proxysql-cluster, the query rules were being removed. Modified the code to merge the query rules (rather than deleting and recreating). If --force is specified, than a warning is issued if there are preexisting rules are found, otherwise an error is issued. Also added the --disable-updates option, to ensure that proxysql cluster updates do not interfere with the current command.

  • PSQLADM-200 users are not being created with --syncusers with PXC operator When using the PXC operator for Kubernetes, the ---syncusers command would run, but would leave an empty mysql users table. The fix for PSQLADM-199, to use --disable-updates also applies here.


5 years ago

Release date: May 28, 2019

ProxySQL package update

Update of the ProxySQL binaries. No changes were made to proxysql-admin-tools.

Please see


5 years ago

Release date: February 8, 2019


  • PSQLADM-130 proxysql_galera_checker script should consider user's custom max_connections setting Added an additional option to specify the value for the max_connections field in the mysql_servers table.

This feature follows the rules below:

  1. if specified on the proxysql-admin command line (with --max-connections=2000, this option will be set in the scheduler, and thus proxysql_galera_checker will always use this value (over the config file).
  2. if not specified on the command line the scheduler will not use this option, thus the value will be taken from the config file (use export MAX_CONNECTIONS="2000").
  3. Otherwise if the value is not specified in the config file, the default value of 1000 is used.
  • The syncusers command now supports MariaDB 10.3 Thanks to @jonaskint for this.

  • Fixed some typos Thanks to @yang-xiaodong for this.


5 years ago

Release date: January 10, 2019


  • PSQLADM-53 proxysql-admin verification on --write-node Added a check to ensure that the IP address and port is specified in the --write-node option. Previously, an entry without a port would still be accepted but wouldn't work correctly.

  • PSQLADM-122 Add slave nodes in reader node count in galera/node monitor log. Added extra output for async slave nodes.

  • BLD-1211 Add cosmic support for proxysql

Bug fixes

  • PSQLADM-124 Default ERR_FILE should not be /dev/null If an error occurs early in the proxysql_galera_checker script, the error would be lost. Set the default log file to /dev/stderr so that the error shows up in proxysql.log.

  • PSQLADM-126 Script is showing an error when --syncusers is invoked When working with a proxysql instance with no users in the mysql_users table, an error would occur. Modified the code to work correctly with empty data.

  • PSQLADM-127 proxysql_galera_checker corrupts scheduler configuration after restart Fixed an issue where the scheduler configuration would be overwritten with bad data when proxysql is stopped and restarted.

  • PSQLADM-128 Stopping/Restarting ProxySQL can lead to multiple instances running at the same time Fixed an issue where multiple copies of proxysql_galera_checker could run at the same time.


5 years ago

Release date: November 12, 2018


  • PSQLADM-68 Make scripts IPv6 compatible The proxysql-admin, proxysql_galera_checker, and proxysql_node_monitor scripts are now compatible with PXC hosts using IPv6 addresses. The testsuites have also been updated to use IPv6 addresses (the testsuite can now be started with the '--ipv6' option).

  • PSQLADM-107 include-slaves - do not move slaves into write hostgroup even if the whole cluster went down. A new option has been added '--use-slave-as-writer'. If 'yes' then a slave will be moved to the write-hostgroup if all cluster nodes are down. If 'no' then the slaves will be kept in the read-hostgroup. This option is now required if --include-slaves is used.

Bug fixes

  • PSQLADM-103 /bin/proxysql_galera_checker: line 514: $7: unbound variable Updated the help text to include new options (--log-text and --debug)

  • PSQLADM-104 proxysql-admin testsuite bug fixes. The user is now set in the .cnf files for the testsuite (this allows the testsuite to be run as root).

  • PSQLADM-110 Pattern cluster hostname does not work with proxysql-admin script. Fixed an issue where bad input (using '%' as a hostname) would cause script errors.

  • PSQLADM-112 proxysql_galera_checker: line 1978 P_MODE unbound variable Fixed an issue where a variable was being used before it had a value.

  • PSQLADM-113 proxysql_galera_checker assumes parameters given in long format The scripts assumed the long format for the write hostgroup parameter (--write-hg). We now check for the short form also (-w)

  • PSQLADM-115 proxysql_node_monitor fails with more than one command in scheduler Fixed an issue in the node monitor script if two commands with different intervals were found in the scheduler.

  • PSQLADM-116 Scheduler is reloading servers on every run Fixed a performance issue where the scheduler was causing the mysql_servers table to be reloaded every run

  • PSQLADM-117 --syncusers doesn't work when enabling cluster Fixed a regression where --syncusers didn't work with --enable. Now --syncusers can be used with --enable.

  • PSQLADM-120 /bin/proxysql_galera_checker: line 514: $7: unbound variable Fixed an issue where the script would fail with unhelpful errors in some network failure scenarios.

  • PSQLADM-125 The function "check_is_galera_checker_running" isn't preventing multiple instances of the script running Fixed an issue where multiple instances of the proxysql_galera_checker would continue to run (when they shouldn't be allowed to run).