Postcss Cssnext Versions Save

`postcss-cssnext` has been deprecated in favor of `postcss-preset-env`.


8 years ago
  • Fixed: pleeease-filters has been udpated to v3, in order to provide a real PostCSS plugin (#274)


8 years ago


  • Fixed: "chalk" is undefined. (#266)
  • Fixed: typo in related warning.


8 years ago
  • Added: cssnext will now warn you when you have duplicates plugins. This is a really common mistake, people include plugins that are already included in cssnext and maybe sometimes in an inaccurate position.
    Most tutorial on the internet are wrong (probably 99%) and show provide duplicates in their examples. (eg: autoprefixer + cssnext - but cssnext already includes autoprefixer).
    In order to fix this, here is a warning. You are welcome. Read more about this issue
  • Added: rem will now adjust its behavior according to browser option (IE 9 and IE 10 will only have px in some places, where rem support is buggy, per caniuse notes) (#264)


8 years ago
  • Added: documentation is now included in the npm package in postcss-cssnext/docs/content


8 years ago
  • Added: we use latest version of pixrem(@^3) (6d44410) So now rem have 2 new parameters:
    • rootValue to define the root element font-size manually
    • unitPrecision for rounded values


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago
  • Fixed: plugin can be consumed correctly from es5 environment (7d6d3c0).


8 years ago
  • Added: support for PostCSS v5.x
  • Removed: support for PostCSS v4.x (b5ece99...8907c13).


8 years ago
  • Fixed: compress option now works again correctly. A recent update in cssnano has introduced some minor breaking changes the way cssnext changed plugins metadata (pluginName). A direct minor change is that messages (in console or in css output) now show real origin (postcss plugin name) instead of a vague "cssnext" origin. (#195)