Poko Versions Save

A Kotlin compiler plugin that generates equals, hashCode, and toString for plain old Kotlin objects in public APIs.


1 year ago

Support Kotlin 1.7.0. Support Java 18.

Drop support for non-IR compilation (which does not exist in Kotlin 1.7.0).


2 years ago

Support Kotlin 1.6.20.


2 years ago

Support Kotlin 1.6.0.


2 years ago

Publish a Gradle plugin marker (#54). Compile with Kotlin 1.5.10.


2 years ago

Support Kotlin 1.5.0. Support Java 16.


3 years ago

Change the default poko-annotations dependency to a runtime dependency when used, rather than a compile-only dependency. This ensures it is available in alternate configurations, like JVM test and Android test configurations.


3 years ago

Fix another bug that broke compatibility with Jetpack Compose. Poko is now compatible with Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-beta03 and Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0-alpha12.


3 years ago

Enforce a minimum of one property in the primary constructor of a Poko class. Previously, compilation would succeed but could cause failures down the line with unclear error messages.


3 years ago

Fix a bug that broke compatibility with Jetpack Compose. Poko 0.7.1 is compatible with Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-alpha12.


3 years ago

Rename the library from "Extra Care" to "Poko". The new artifact names are poko-compiler-plugin, poko-gradle-plugin, and poko-annotations. The legacy dev.drewhamilton.extracare.DataApi is still supported if specified.