Pipes.sh Versions Save

Animated pipes terminal screensaver


8 years ago

Released 2014-03-18T08:52:13Z

  • fix leftover color escaped code (#5)

  • fix terminal with no smcup and rmcup capabilities, and incorrect tput reset (#4)

    smcup stores the screen and rmcup restores, if tput can't execute successfully like in Linux console, then the terminal doesn't have such capabilities, therefore a reset is used to clean up.

    tput reset results incorrect screen restoration, seemingly only cursor position restores, the screen before invocation isn't saved and restored. However, within tmux this issue doesn't not occur.

  • workaround of Control+C exiting (#4)

    Signal INT is now ignored, so user interrupt would not occur, only a key press can trigger the exit of pipes.sh.


8 years ago

Released 2014-02-26T11:27:01Z

  • add versioning functionality
  • allow multiple -t (#3)