Paperlib Versions Save

An open-source academic paper management tool.


2 months ago
  1. The significant changes introduced in version 3.0 introduced some bugs. Two months of beta testing still cannot avoid them. We apologize for the recent frequent updates. Please bear with us.
  2. Fix: Duplicate folder bug in the QuickPaste plugin. by @geoffreychen777
  3. Fix: Some RSS-related bugs. by @geoffreychen777
  4. Fix: A file moving bug. by @geoffreychen777
  5. Fix: A macOS bug when the window was closed by Cmd+W. by @geoffreychen777
  6. Fix: A sync bug for partition-based database. by @geoffreychen777
  7. Enhance: Some Chinese translation issues. by @Rccubc


2 months ago
  1. New Community Extension: paperlib-cn-scrape-extension - A new extension to scrape metadata from the Chinese CNKI database.
  2. New Feature in Official Extensions: paperlib-ai-summary-extension - add a new command \tagit to let LLM help you tag your papers. by @geoffreychen777
  3. Fix: a filename bug when importing a file. by @geoffreychen777
  4. Fix: a categorizer editing bug. by @geoffreychen777
  5. Fix: a filename bug in table preview mode. by @geoffreychen777
  6. Enhance: add a logo at the top-left corner of the app in Windows. by @igoogolx
  7. For Ext Developer: add two methods in the contextMenuService to register and unregister context menu items. by @igoogolx
  8. For Ext Developer: add three methods in the windowManagementService to find, focus, and blur a window. by @igoogolx


3 months ago
  1. Feat: supports unmaximizing on Windows. Thanks @igoogolx.
  2. Fix: the style of the window control buttons. Thanks @igoogolx.
  3. Fix: scrolling when pressing Space.
  4. Fix: cannot open supplementary.


3 months ago
  1. New Feature: The entire code has been refactored to support the extensible architecture. For details on extension development, please refer to our official website. Let's make Paperlib better together!
  2. New Feature: Hierarchy Folders and SmartFilters!
  3. New Feature: All metadata scrapers and downloaders have been moved into corresponding extensions.
  4. New Feature: A new command panel interface has been introduced to replace the basic search bar.
  5. New Feature: Support for creating new tags and folders in the sidebar.
  6. New Feature: Changable table view column order and more columns.
  7. New Feature: SmartFilter can be edited after creation. Add more human-friendly labels for SmartFilter creation.
  8. Others: Fixed some bugs.
  9. Others: Doesn't support Windows 7 anymore.


3 months ago
  1. New Feature: API for other APPs: paperlib://APIGroup.serviceName.methodName/?args=[...]
  2. Enhance: add Ctrl/CMD + s shortcut for the editing window.
  3. Fix: a bug in smartfilter editor. Thanks @Rccubc


3 months ago
  1. New Feature: API for other APPs: paperlib://APIGroup.serviceName.methodName/?args=[...]
  2. Enhance: add Ctrl/CMD + s shortcut for the editing window.
  3. Fix: a bug in smartfilter editor. Thanks @Rccubc


3 months ago
  1. Enhance: better network tools for proxy.
  2. Enhance: log more information for the extension process.
  3. Fix: a file bug when removing a paper from the library.
  4. Fix: quicklook on Windows/Linux.
  5. Fix: some UI bugs.


3 months ago
  1. Feat: add an option to show the short author string (et al.) in the table view.
  2. Fix: a bug when dragging a table item to tags/folders.
  3. Fix: quickpaste cannot export BibTex for the linked folder.
  4. Fix: a bug in the database related to root tags/folders.
  5. Fix: some UI bugs.


3 months ago
  1. Fix: a bug in the reference quickpast plugin.


3 months ago
  1. Fix: some UI bugs in darkmode.
  2. Fix: the extension loading and unloading bugs.
  3. Fix: fix a quicklook bug when editing a tag/folder.
  4. Fix: optimise for China mainland users.